
Kiri Wagstaff

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17EERebecca Castaño, Kiri Wagstaff, Steve A. Chien, Timothy M. Stough, Benyang Tang: On-board analysis of uncalibrated data for a spacecraft at mars. KDD 2007: 922-930
16 Kiri Wagstaff, Sugato Basu, Ian Davidson: When Is Constrained Clustering Beneficial, and Why?. AAAI 2006
15EEDominic Mazzoni, Kiri Wagstaff, Michael C. Burl: Active Learning with Irrelevant Examples. ECML 2006: 695-702
14EEMarie desJardins, Eric Eaton, Kiri Wagstaff: Learning user preferences for sets of objects. ICML 2006: 273-280
13EEKiri Wagstaff: Value, Cost, and Sharing: Open Issues in Constrained Clustering. KDID 2006: 1-10
12EEIan Davidson, Kiri Wagstaff, Sugato Basu: Measuring Constraint-Set Utility for Partitional Clustering Algorithms. PKDD 2006: 115-126
11 Kiri Wagstaff: The 2005 SIGART/AAAI Doctoral Consortium. AI Magazine 27(1): 96 (2006)
10 Marie desJardins, Kiri Wagstaff: DD-PREF: A Language for Expressing Preferences over Sets. AAAI 2005: 620-626
9EEQianjun Xu, Marie desJardins, Kiri Wagstaff: Active Constrained Clustering by Examining Spectral Eigenvectors. Discovery Science 2005: 294-307
8 Qianjun Xu, Marie desJardins, Kiri Wagstaff: Constrained Spectral Clustering under a Local Proximity Structure Assumption. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 866-867
7EEStefan Schrödl, Kiri Wagstaff, Seth Rogers, Pat Langley, Christopher Wilson: Mining GPS Traces for Map Refinement. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 9(1): 59-87 (2004)
6 Kiri Wagstaff, Claire Cardie, Seth Rogers, Stefan Schrödl: Constrained K-means Clustering with Background Knowledge. ICML 2001: 577-584
5EEAnnaka Kalton, Pat Langley, Kiri Wagstaff, Jungsoon P. Yoo: Generalized clustering, supervised learning, and data assignment. KDD 2001: 299-304
4 Kiri Wagstaff, Claire Cardie: Clustering with Instance-Level Constraints. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 1097
3 Kiri Wagstaff: Refining Inductive Bias in Unsupervised Learning via Constraints. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 1112
2 Kiri Wagstaff, Claire Cardie: Clustering with Instance-level Constraints. ICML 2000: 1103-1110
1EEDennis DeCoste, Kiri Wagstaff: Alpha seeding for support vector machines. KDD 2000: 345-349

Coauthor Index

1Sugato Basu [12] [16]
2Michael C. Burl [15]
3Claire Cardie [2] [4] [6]
4Rebecca Castaño [17]
5Steve A. Chien [17]
6Ian Davidson [12] [16]
7Dennis DeCoste [1]
8Eric Eaton [14]
9Annaka Kalton [5]
10Pat Langley [5] [7]
11Dominic Mazzoni [15]
12Seth Rogers [6] [7]
13Stefan Schrödl [6] [7]
14Timothy M. Stough [17]
15Benyang Tang [17]
16Christopher Wilson [7]
17Qianjun Xu [8] [9]
18Jungsoon P. Yoo [5]
19Marie desJardins [8] [9] [10] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)