
Thomas S. Barnett

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8EEThomas S. Barnett, Matt Grady, Kathleen G. Purdy, Adit D. Singh: Combining Negative Binomial and Weibull Distributions for Yield and Reliability Prediction. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 23(2): 110-116 (2006)
7EEThomas S. Barnett, Adit D. Singh: Relating Yield Models to Burn-In Fall-Out in Time. ITC 2003: 77-84
6EEThomas S. Barnett, Adit D. Singh, Victor P. Nelson: Extending integrated-circuit yield-models to estimate early-life reliability. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(3): 296-300 (2003)
5EEThomas S. Barnett, Matt Grady, Kathleen G. Purdy, Adit D. Singh: Redundancy Implications for Early-Life Reliability: Experimental Verification of an Integrated Yield-Reliability Model. ITC 2002: 693-699
4EEThomas S. Barnett, Adit D. Singh, Matt Grady, Kathleen G. Purdy: Yield-Reliability Modeling: Experimental Verification and Application to Burn-In Reduction. VTS 2002: 75-80
3EEThomas S. Barnett, Adit D. Singh, Victor P. Nelson: Yield-Reliability Modeling for Fault Tolerant Integrated Circuits. DFT 2001: 29-38
2 Thomas S. Barnett, Adit D. Singh, Victor P. Nelson: Estimating burn-in fall-out for redundant memory. ITC 2001: 340-347
1EEThomas S. Barnett, Adit D. Singh, Victor P. Nelson: Burn-In Failures and Local Region Yield: An Integrated Yield-Reliability Model. VTS 2001: 326-332

Coauthor Index

1Matt Grady [4] [5] [8]
2Victor P. Nelson [1] [2] [3] [6]
3Kathleen G. Purdy [4] [5] [8]
4Adit D. Singh [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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