
Andrew Bardsley

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8EEAndrew M. Scott, Mark E. Schuelein, Marly Roncken, Jin-Jer Hwan, John Bainbridge, John R. Mawer, David L. Jackson, Andrew Bardsley: Asynchronous on-Chip Communication: Explorations on the Intel PXA27x Processor Peripheral Bus. ASYNC 2007: 60-72
7EELuis A. Plana, Doug Edwards, Sam Taylor, Luis A. Tarazona, Andrew Bardsley: Performance-driven syntax-directed synthesis of asynchronous processors. CASES 2007: 43-47
6EEW. B. Toms, David A. Edwards, Andrew Bardsley: Synthesising Heterogeneously Encoded Systems. ASYNC 2006: 138-149
5EELuis A. Plana, P. A. Riocreux, W. J. Bainbridge, Andrew Bardsley, Steve Temple, Jim D. Garside, Z. C. Yu: SPA - a secure Amulet core for smartcard applications. Microprocessors and Microsystems 27(9): 431-446 (2003)
4EEW. J. Bainbridge, Andrew Bardsley, Steve Temple, Jim D. Garside, P. A. Riocreux, Luis A. Plana: SPA - A Synthesisable Amulet Core for Smartcard pplications. ASYNC 2002: 201-210
3EETiberiu Chelcea, Steven M. Nowick, Andrew Bardsley, Doug Edwards: A Burst-Mode Oriented Back-End for the Balsa Synthesis System. DATE 2002: 330-337
2EEDoug Edwards, Andrew Bardsley: Balsa: An Asynchronous Hardware Synthesis Language. Comput. J. 45(1): 12-18 (2002)
1EEJim D. Garside, W. J. Bainbridge, Andrew Bardsley, David M. Clark, David A. Edwards, Stephen B. Furber, David W. Lloyd, S. Mohammadi, J. S. Pepper, Steve Temple, J. V. Woods, Jianwei Liu, O. Petli: AMULET3i - An Asynchronous System-on-Chip. ASYNC 2000: 162-175

Coauthor Index

1John Bainbridge [8]
2W. J. Bainbridge [1] [4] [5]
3Tiberiu Chelcea [3]
4David M. Clark [1]
5David A. Edwards [1] [6]
6Doug Edwards [2] [3] [7]
7Stephen B. Furber (Steve Furber) [1]
8Jim D. Garside [1] [4] [5]
9Jin-Jer Hwan [8]
10David L. Jackson [8]
11Jianwei Liu [1]
12David W. Lloyd [1]
13John R. Mawer [8]
14S. Mohammadi [1]
15Steven M. Nowick [3]
16J. S. Pepper [1]
17O. Petli [1]
18Luis A. Plana [4] [5] [7]
19P. A. Riocreux [4] [5]
20Marly Roncken [8]
21Mark E. Schuelein [8]
22Andrew M. Scott [8]
23Luis A. Tarazona [7]
24Sam Taylor [7]
25Steve Temple [1] [4] [5]
26W. B. Toms [6]
27J. V. Woods [1]
28Z. C. Yu [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)