
John Bainbridge

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9EELuis A. Plana, John Bainbridge, Steve Furber, Sean Salisbury, Yebin Shi, Jian Wu: An On-Chip and Inter-Chip Communications Network for the SpiNNaker Massively-Parallel Neural Net Simulator. NOCS 2008: 215-216
8EEAndrew M. Scott, Mark E. Schuelein, Marly Roncken, Jin-Jer Hwan, John Bainbridge, John R. Mawer, David L. Jackson, Andrew Bardsley: Asynchronous on-Chip Communication: Explorations on the Intel PXA27x Processor Peripheral Bus. ASYNC 2007: 60-72
7EEAristides Efthymiou, John Bainbridge, Douglas A. Edwards: Test pattern generation and partial-scan methodology for an asynchronous SoC interconnect. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 13(12): 1384-1393 (2005)
6EEAristides Efthymiou, John Bainbridge, Douglas A. Edwards: Adding Testability to an Asynchronous Interconnect for GALS SoC. Asian Test Symposium 2004: 20-23
5EEStephen B. Furber, John Bainbridge, J. Mike Cumpstey, Steve Temple: Sparse distributed memory using N-of-M codes. Neural Networks 17(10): 1437-1451 (2004)
4EEJohn Bainbridge, Stephen B. Furber: Chain: A Delay-Insensitive Chip Area Interconnect. IEEE Micro 22(5): 16-23 (2002)
3 John Bainbridge: Defining Testability Metrics Axiomatically. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 4(2): 63-80 (1994)
2 John Bainbridge: A Heuristic Method for Generating Large Random Expressions. Inf. Process. Lett. 44(3): 165-170 (1992)
1 John Bainbridge, R. W. Whitty, John Wordsworth: Obtaining Structural Metrics of Z Specifications for Systems Development. Z User Workshop 1990: 269-281

Coauthor Index

1Andrew Bardsley [8]
2J. Mike Cumpstey [5]
3Douglas A. Edwards [6] [7]
4Aristides Efthymiou [6] [7]
5Stephen B. Furber (Steve Furber) [4] [5] [9]
6Jin-Jer Hwan [8]
7David L. Jackson [8]
8John R. Mawer [8]
9Luis A. Plana [9]
10Marly Roncken [8]
11Sean Salisbury [9]
12Mark E. Schuelein [8]
13Andrew M. Scott [8]
14Yebin Shi [9]
15Steve Temple [5]
16Robin W. Whitty (R. W. Whitty) [1]
17John Wordsworth [1]
18Jian Wu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)