
Alessandro Balboni

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8EEAlessandro Balboni, Claudio Costi, Massimo Pellencin, Andrea Quadrini, Donatella Sciuto: Clock skew reduction in ASIC logic design: a methodology for clock tree management. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 17(4): 344-356 (1998)
7EEAlessandro Balboni, William Fornaciari, Donatella Sciuto: Partitioning and Exploration Strategies in the TOSCA Co-Design Flow. CODES 1996: 62-69
6 Alessandro Balboni, Loris Valenti: ASIC Design and FPGA Design: A Unified Design Methodology Applied to Different Technologies. FPL 1996: 356-360
5EEAlessandro Balboni, William Fornaciari, M. Vincenzi, Donatella Sciuto: The Use of a Virtual Instruction Set for the Software Synthesis of HW/SW Embedded Systems. ISSS 1996: 77-82
4EEStefano Antoniazzi, Alessandro Balboni, William Fornaciari, Donatella Sciuto: A methodology for control-dominated systems codesign. CODES 1994: 2-9
3 Alessandro Balboni, Claudio Costi, Franco Fummi, Donatella Sciuto: From Behavioral Description to Systolic Array Based Architectures. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994: 657
2EEDonatella Sciuto, Stefano Antoniazzi, Alessandro Balboni, William Fornaciari: The role of VHDL within the TOSCA hardware/software codesign framework. EURO-DAC 1994: 612-617
1 Stefano Antoniazzi, Alessandro Balboni, William Fornaciari, Donatella Sciuto: HW/SW Codesign for Embedded Telecom Systems. ICCD 1994: 278-281

Coauthor Index

1Stefano Antoniazzi [1] [2] [4]
2Claudio Costi [3] [8]
3William Fornaciari [1] [2] [4] [5] [7]
4Franco Fummi [3]
5Massimo Pellencin [8]
6Andrea Quadrini [8]
7Donatella Sciuto [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
8Loris Valenti [6]
9M. Vincenzi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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