
John Bailey

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15EEClayton Kunz, Chris Murphy, Hanumant Singh, Claire Pontbriand, Robert A. Sohn, Sandipa Singh, Taichi Sato, Christopher N. Roman, Ko-ichi Nakamura, Michael V. Jakuba, Ryan Eustice, Richard Camilli, John Bailey: Toward extraplanetary under-ice exploration: Robotic steps in the Arctic. J. Field Robotics 26(4): 411-429 (2009)
14EEJeffrey A. Calcaterra, John Bailey, Kenya Freeman Oduor: Multiple people and components: considerations for designing multi-user middleware. CHIMIT 2008: 10
13EEEser Kandogan, John Bailey, Paul P. Maglio, Eben M. Haber: Policy-based IT automation: the role of human judgment. CHIMIT 2008: 9
12EEClayton Kunz, Chris Murphy, Richard Camilli, Hanumant Singh, John Bailey, Ryan Eustice, Michael V. Jakuba, Ko-ichi Nakamura, Christopher N. Roman, Taichi Sato, Robert A. Sohn, Claire Willis: Deep sea underwater robotic exploration in the ice-covered Arctic ocean with AUVs. IROS 2008: 3654-3660
11EEEben M. Haber, John Bailey: Design guidelines for system administration tools developed through ethnographic field studies. CHIMIT 2007: 1
10EEJohn Bailey, Eser Kandogan, Eben M. Haber, Paul P. Maglio: Activity-based management of IT service delivery. CHIMIT 2007: 5
9EEJohn Bailey, David Budgen, Mark Turner, Barbara Kitchenham, Pearl Brereton, Stephen G. Linkman: Evidence relating to Object-Oriented software design: A survey. ESEM 2007: 482-484
8EEVikas Krishna, John Bailey, Ana Lelescu: Intelligent Document Gateway - A Ser vice System Analysis. IEEE SCC 2007: 636-643
7EEJames C. Spohrer, Paul P. Maglio, John Bailey, Daniel Gruhl: Steps Toward a Science of Service Systems. IEEE Computer 40(1): 71-77 (2007)
6EEJohn Bailey, Elizabeth Burd: What is the current state of Web Accessibility? WSE 2006: 69-74
5EEJohn Bailey, Elizabeth Burd: Tree-Map Visualization for Web Accessibility. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 275-280
4EEJohn Bailey, Elizabeth Burd: Web Accessibility Evolution in the United Kingdom. WSE 2005: 79-86
3EERob Barrett, Paul P. Maglio, Eser Kandogan, John Bailey: Usable autonomic computing systems: The system administrators' perspective. Advanced Engineering Informatics 19(3): 213-221 (2005)
2EERob Barrett, Paul P. Maglio, Eser Kandogan, John Bailey: Usable Autonomic Computing Systems: The Administrator's. ICAC 2004: 18-26
1EEElizabeth Burd, John Bailey: Evaluating Clone Detection Tools for Use during Preventative Maintenance. SCAM 2002: 36-43

Coauthor Index

1Rob Barrett [2] [3]
2Pearl Brereton [9]
3David Budgen [9]
4Elizabeth Burd (Liz Burd) [1] [4] [5] [6]
5Jeffrey A. Calcaterra [14]
6Richard Camilli [12] [15]
7Ryan Eustice [12] [15]
8Daniel Gruhl [7]
9Eben M. Haber [10] [11] [13]
10Michael V. Jakuba [12] [15]
11Eser Kandogan [2] [3] [10] [13]
12Barbara A. Kitchenham (Barbara Kitchenham) [9]
13Vikas Krishna [8]
14Clayton Kunz [12] [15]
15Ana Lelescu [8]
16Stephen G. Linkman [9]
17Paul P. Maglio [2] [3] [7] [10] [13]
18Chris Murphy [12] [15]
19Ko-ichi Nakamura [12] [15]
20Kenya Freeman Oduor [14]
21Claire Pontbriand [15]
22Christopher N. Roman [12] [15]
23Taichi Sato [12] [15]
24Hanumant Singh [12] [15]
25Sandipa Singh [15]
26Robert A. Sohn [12] [15]
27James C. Spohrer (Jim Spohrer) [7]
28Mark Turner [9]
29Claire Willis [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)