
Thomas Moscibroda

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38EEOlga Goussevskaia, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Local broadcasting in the physical interference model. DIALM-POMC 2008: 35-44
37EEOnur Mutlu, Thomas Moscibroda: Parallelism-Aware Batch Scheduling: Enhancing both Performance and Fairness of Shared DRAM Systems. ISCA 2008: 63-74
36EEThomas Moscibroda, Onur Mutlu: Distributed order scheduling and its application to multi-core dram controllers. PODC 2008: 365-374
35EERanveer Chandra, Ratul Mahajan, Thomas Moscibroda, Ramya Raghavendra, Paramvir Bahl: A case for adapting channel width in wireless networks. SIGCOMM 2008: 135-146
34EEAshwin R. Bharambe, John R. Douceur, Jacob R. Lorch, Thomas Moscibroda, Jeffrey Pang, Srinivasan Seshan, Xinyu Zhuang: Donnybrook: enabling large-scale, high-speed, peer-to-peer games. SIGCOMM 2008: 389-400
33EEThomas Moscibroda: Local Computation in Unstructured Radio Networks. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
32EEThomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Coloring unstructured radio networks. Distributed Computing 21(4): 271-284 (2008)
31EEThomas Moscibroda: Clustering. Algorithms for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks 2007: 37-61
30EEThomas Moscibroda, Yvonne Anne Oswald, Roger Wattenhofer: How Optimal are Wireless Scheduling Protocols? INFOCOM 2007: 1433-1441
29EEThomas Moscibroda: The worst-case capacity of wireless sensor networks. IPSN 2007: 1-10
28EEOnur Mutlu, Thomas Moscibroda: Stall-Time Fair Memory Access Scheduling for Chip Multiprocessors. MICRO 2007: 146-160
27EEYuan Yuan, Paramvir Bahl, Ranveer Chandra, Thomas Moscibroda, Yunnan Wu: Allocating dynamic time-spectrum blocks in cognitive radio networks. MobiHoc 2007: 130-139
26EEJohn R. Douceur, Thomas Moscibroda: Lottery trees: motivational deployment of networked systems. SIGCOMM 2007: 121-132
25EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda: Distributed approximation of capacitated dominating sets. SPAA 2007: 161-170
24EEJohn R. Douceur, Jay R. Lorch, Thomas Moscibroda: Maximizing total upload in latency-sensitive P2P applications. SPAA 2007: 270-279
23EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Fault-Tolerant Clustering in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. ICDCS 2006: 68
22EEThomas Moscibroda, Pascal von Rickenbach, Roger Wattenhofer: Analyzing the Energy-Latency Trade-Off During the Deployment of Sensor Networks. INFOCOM 2006
21EEThomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: The Complexity of Connectivity in Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2006
20EEThomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer, Aaron Zollinger: Topology control meets SINR: : the scheduling complexity of arbitrary topologies. MobiHoc 2006: 310-321
19EEThomas Moscibroda, Stefan Schmid, Roger Wattenhofer: On the topologies formed by selfish peers. PODC 2006: 133-142
18EEThomas Moscibroda, Stefan Schmid, Roger Wattenhofer: When selfish meets evil: byzantine players in a virus inoculation game. PODC 2006: 35-44
17EEStefan Schmid, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: On the Topologies Formed by Selfish Peers. Peer-to-Peer-Systems and -Applications 2006
16EEStefan Schmid, Fabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Taming Dynamic and Selfish Peers. Peer-to-Peer-Systems and -Applications 2006
15EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: The price of being near-sighted. SODA 2006: 980-989
14EEThomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Minimizing interference in ad hoc and sensor networks. DIALM-POMC 2005: 24-33
13EEFabian Kuhn, Tim Nieberg, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Local approximation schemes for ad hoc and sensor networks. DIALM-POMC 2005: 97-103
12EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Tim Nieberg, Roger Wattenhofer: Fast Deterministic Distributed Maximal Independent Set Computation on Growth-Bounded Graphs. DISC 2005: 273-287
11EEThomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Maximizing the Lifetime of Dominating Sets. IPDPS 2005
10EEThomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Facility location: distributed approximation. PODC 2005: 108-117
9EEThomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Maximal independent sets in radio networks. PODC 2005: 148-157
8EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: On the locality of bounded growth. PODC 2005: 60-68
7EEThomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Coloring unstructured radio networks. SPAA 2005: 39-48
6EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Unit disk graph approximation. DIALM-POMC 2004: 17-23
5EEThomas Moscibroda, Regina O'Dell, Mirjam Wattenhofer, Roger Wattenhofer: Virtual coordinates for ad hoc and sensor networks. DIALM-POMC 2004: 8-16
4EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Radio Network Clustering from Scratch. ESA 2004: 460-471
3EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Initializing newly deployed ad hoc and sensor networks. MOBICOM 2004: 260-274
2EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: What cannot be computed locally! PODC 2004: 300-309
1EEFabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer: Brief announcement: efficient clustering in unstructured radio networks. PODC 2004: 396

Coauthor Index

1Paramvir Bahl (Victor Bahl) [27] [35]
2Ashwin R. Bharambe [34]
3Ranveer Chandra [27] [35]
4John R. Douceur [24] [26] [34]
5Olga Goussevskaia [38]
6Fabian Kuhn [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [12] [13] [15] [16] [23] [25]
7Jacob R. Lorch [34]
8Jay R. Lorch [24]
9Ratul Mahajan [35]
10Onur Mutlu [28] [36] [37]
11Tim Nieberg [12] [13]
12Regina O'Dell [5]
13Yvonne Anne Oswald [30]
14Jeffrey Pang [34]
15Ramya Raghavendra [35]
16Pascal von Rickenbach [22]
17Stefan Schmid [16] [17] [18] [19]
18Srinivasan Seshan [34]
19Mirjam Wattenhofer [5]
20Roger Wattenhofer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [30] [32] [38]
21Yunnan Wu [27]
22Yuan Yuan [27]
23Xinyu Zhuang [34]
24Aaron Zollinger [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)