
Charles E. Leiserson

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73EEEdya Ladan-Mozes, Charles E. Leiserson: A consistency architecture for hierarchical shared caches. SPAA 2008: 11-22
72EEKunal Agrawal, Charles E. Leiserson, Yuxiong He, Wen-Jing Hsu: Adaptive work-stealing with parallelism feedback. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 26(3): (2008)
71EEYuxiong He, Wen-Jing Hsu, Charles E. Leiserson: Provably Efficient Online Nonclairvoyant Adaptive Scheduling. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(9): 1263-1279 (2008)
70EEYuxiong He, Wen-Jing Hsu, Charles E. Leiserson: Provably Efficient Online Non-clairvoyant Adaptive Scheduling. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
69EEKunal Agrawal, Yuxiong He, Wen-Jing Hsu, Charles E. Leiserson: Adaptive Scheduling with Parallelism Feedback. IPDPS 2007: 1-7
68EEChris Hill, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, John Marshall: Planet-in-a-Bottle: A Numerical Fluid-Laboratory System. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 1163-1170
67EEKunal Agrawal, Yuxiong He, Charles E. Leiserson: Adaptive work stealing with parallelism feedback. PPOPP 2007: 112-120
66EEKunal Agrawal, Yuxiong He, Charles E. Leiserson: An Empirical Evaluation ofWork Stealing with Parallelism Feedback. ICDCS 2006: 19
65EEYuxiong He, Wen-Jing Hsu, Charles E. Leiserson: Provably Efficient Two-Level Adaptive Scheduling. JSSPP 2006: 1-32
64EEKunal Agrawal, Charles E. Leiserson, Jim Sukha: Memory models for open-nested transactions. Memory System Performance and Correctness 2006: 70-81
63EEKunal Agrawal, Yuxiong He, Wen-Jing Hsu, Charles E. Leiserson: Adaptive scheduling with parallelism feedback. PPOPP 2006: 100-109
62EEC. Scott Ananian, Krste Asanovic, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, Sean Lie: Unbounded Transactional Memory. IEEE Micro 26(1): 59-69 (2006)
61EEJohn S. Danaher, I.-Ting Angelina Lee, Charles E. Leiserson: Programming with exceptions in JCilk. Sci. Comput. Program. 63(2): 147-171 (2006)
60 Lars Arge, Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Charles E. Leiserson, Kurt Mehlhorn: Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms, 18.07. - 23.07.2004 IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005
59EEC. Scott Ananian, Krste Asanovic, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, Sean Lie: Unbounded Transactional Memory. HPCA 2005: 316-327
58EEMichael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton, Simai He, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson: Adversarial contention resolution for simple channels. SPAA 2005: 325-332
57EELars Arge, Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Charles E. Leiserson, Kurt Mehlhorn: 04301 Abstracts Collection - Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms. Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms 2004
56EEMichael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton, Simai He, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson: Adversarial Analyses of Window Backoff Strategies. IPDPS Next Generation Software Program - NSFNGS - PI Workshop 2004
55EEMichael A. Bender, Jeremy T. Fineman, Seth Gilbert, Charles E. Leiserson: On-the-fly maintenance of series-parallel relationships in fork-join multithreaded programs. SPAA 2004: 133-144
54EECharles E. Leiserson: Design and Analysis of Dynamic Multithreaded Algorithms. SWAT 2004: 1-2
53EECharles E. Leiserson: Cache-Oblivious Algorithms. CIAC 2003: 5
52 Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition The MIT Press and McGraw-Hill Book Company 2001
51EEChing Law, Charles E. Leiserson: A New Competitive Analysis of Randomized Caching. ISAAC 2000: 35-46
50EEMatteo Frigo, Charles E. Leiserson, Harald Prokop, Sridhar Ramachandran: Cache-Oblivious Algorithms. FOCS 1999: 285-298
49EECharles E. Leiserson: Design and Analysis of Algorithms for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (Abstract). WADS 1999: 55
48EERobert D. Blumofe, Charles E. Leiserson: Scheduling Multithreaded Computations by Work Stealing. J. ACM 46(5): 720-748 (1999)
47EEMingdong Feng, Charles E. Leiserson: Efficient Detection of Determinacy Races in Cilk Programs. Theory Comput. Syst. 32(3): 301-326 (1999)
46 Matteo Frigo, Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall: The Implementation of the Cilk-5 Multithreaded Language. PLDI 1998: 212-223
45EEGuang-Ien Cheng, Mingdong Feng, Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall, Andrew F. Stark: Detecting Data Rase in Cilk Programs That use Locks. SPAA 1998: 298-309
44 Robert D. Blumofe, Charles E. Leiserson: Space-Efficient Scheduling of Multithreaded Computations. SIAM J. Comput. 27(1): 202-229 (1998)
43 Guy E. Blelloch, Charles E. Leiserson: An Experimental Analysis of Parallel. Theory Comput. Syst. 31(2): 135-167 (1998)
42 Charles E. Leiserson: Programming Irregular Parallel Applications in Cilk. IRREGULAR 1997: 61-71
41 Charles E. Leiserson: Algorithmic Analysis of Multithreaded Algorithms (Abstract). ISAAC 1997: 132
40EEMingdong Feng, Charles E. Leiserson: Efficient Detection of Determinacy Races in Cilk Programs. SPAA 1997: 1-11
39EEAlexander T. Ishii, Charles E. Leiserson, Marios C. Papaefthymiou: Optimizing two-phase, level-clocked circuitry. J. ACM 44(1): 148-199 (1997)
38 Charles E. Leiserson, Satish Rao, Sivan Toledo: Efficient Out-of-Core Algorithms for Linear Relaxation Using Blocking Covers. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 54(2): 332-344 (1997)
37 Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall: Parallel Algorithms for the Circuit Value Update Problem. Theory Comput. Syst. 30(6): 583-597 (1997)
36EERobert D. Blumofe, Matteo Frigo, Christopher F. Joerg, Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall: Dag-Consistent Distributed Shared Memory. IPPS 1996: 132-141
35EECharles E. Leiserson: Can Multithreaded Programming Save Massively Parallel Computing? IPPS 1996: 2-3
34 Robert D. Blumofe, Matteo Frigo, Christopher F. Joerg, Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall: An Analysis of Dag-Consistent Distributed Shared-Memory Algorithms. SPAA 1996: 297-308
33 Guy E. Blelloch, Charles E. Leiserson, Bruce M. Maggs, C. Greg Plaxton, Stephen J. Smith, Marco Zagha: A Comparison of Sorting Algorithms for the Connection Machine CM-2. Commun. ACM 39(12es): 273-297 (1996)
32 Charles E. Leiserson, Zahi S. Abuhamdeh, David C. Douglas, Carl R. Feynman, Mahesh N. Ganmukhi, Jeffrey V. Hill, W. Daniel Hillis, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Margaret A. St. Pierre, David S. Wells, Monica C. Wong-Chan, Shaw-Wen Yang, Robert Zak: The Network Architecture of the Connection Machine CM-5. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 33(2): 145-158 (1996)
31 Robert D. Blumofe, Christopher F. Joerg, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall, Yuli Zhou: Cilk: An Efficient Multithreaded Runtime System. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 37(1): 55-69 (1996)
30 Robert D. Blumofe, Christopher F. Joerg, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall, Yuli Zhou: Cilk: An Efficient Multithreaded Runtime System. PPOPP 1995: 207-216
29EECharles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall: Parallel Algorithms for the Circuit Value Update Problem. SPAA 1995: 13-20
28 Charles E. Leiserson, Satish Rao, Sivan Toledo: Efficient Out-of-Core Algorithms for Linear Relaxation Using Blocking Covers (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1993: 704-713
27EERobert D. Blumofe, Charles E. Leiserson: Space-efficient scheduling of multithreaded computations. STOC 1993: 362-371
26 Charles E. Leiserson: The Networks of the Connection Machine CM-5. Heinz Nixdorf Symposium 1992: 66-67
25EECharles E. Leiserson, Zahi S. Abuhamdeh, David C. Douglas, Carl R. Feynman, Mahesh N. Ganmukhi, Jeffrey V. Hill, W. Daniel Hillis, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Margaret A. St. Pierre, David S. Wells, Monica C. Wong, Shaw-Wen Yang, Robert Zak: The Network Architecture of the Connection Machine CM-5 (Extended Abstract). SPAA 1992: 272-285
24EEGuy E. Blelloch, Charles E. Leiserson, Bruce M. Maggs, C. Greg Plaxton, Stephen J. Smith, Marco Zagha: A Comparison of Sorting Algorithms for the Connection Machine CM-2. SPAA 1991: 3-16
23 Charles E. Leiserson, James B. Saxe: Retiming Synchronous Circuitry. Algorithmica 6(1): 5-35 (1991)
22 Joe Kilian, Shlomo Kipnis, Charles E. Leiserson: The Organization of Permutation Architectures with Bused Interconnections. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(11): 1346-1358 (1990)
21 Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson: A Hyperconcentrator Swith for Routing Bit-Serial Messages. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 10(3): 193-204 (1990)
20 Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms The MIT Press and McGraw-Hill Book Company 1989
19 Charles E. Leiserson, Bruce M. Maggs: Communication-Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Distributed Random-Access Machines. Algorithmica 3: 53-77 (1988)
18 Charles E. Leiserson, James B. Saxe: A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Problem which is Efficiently Solvable. J. Algorithms 9(1): 114-128 (1988)
17 Joe Kilian, Shlomo Kipnis, Charles E. Leiserson: The Organization of Permutation Architectures with Bussed Interconnections (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1987: 305-315
16 Charles E. Leiserson, John G. Lewis: Orderings for Parallel Sparse Symmetric Factorization. PPSC 1987: 27-31
15 Richard E. Zippel, Paul Penfield Jr., Lance A. Glasser, Charles E. Leiserson, John L. Wyatt Jr., Jonathan Allen: Recent Results in VLSI CAD at MIT. FJCC 1986: 871-877
14 Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson: A Hyperconcentrator Switch for Routing Bit-Serial Messages. ICPP 1986: 721-728
13 Charles E. Leiserson, Bruce M. Maggs: Communication-Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms. ICPP 1986: 861-868
12EEBenny Chor, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, James B. Shearer: An application of number theory to the organization of raster-graphics memory. J. ACM 33(1): 86-104 (1986)
11 Ronald I. Greenberg, Charles E. Leiserson: Randomized Routing on Fat-Trees (Preliminary Version) FOCS 1985: 241-249
10 Charles E. Leiserson: Fat-Trees: Universal Networks for Hardware-Efficient Supercomputing. ICPP 1985: 393-402
9 Charles E. Leiserson, F. Miller Maley: Algorithms for Routing and Testing Routability of Planar VLSI Layouts STOC 1985: 69-78
8 Charles E. Leiserson: Fat-Trees: Universal Networks for Hardware-Efficient Supercomputing. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(10): 892-901 (1985)
7 Frank Thomson Leighton, Charles E. Leiserson: Wafer-Scale Integration of Systolic Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(5): 448-461 (1985)
6 Charles E. Leiserson, Ron Y. Pinter: Optimal Placement for River Routing. SIAM J. Comput. 12(3): 447-462 (1983)
5 Frank Thomson Leighton, Charles E. Leiserson: Wafer-Scale Integration of Systolic Arrays (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1982: 297-311
4 Benny Chor, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest: An Application of Number Theory to the Organization of Raster-Graphics Memory (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1982: 92-99
3 Sandeep N. Bhatt, Charles E. Leiserson: How to Assemble Tree Machines (Extended Abstract) STOC 1982: 77-84
2 Charles E. Leiserson, James B. Saxe: Optimizing Synchronous Systems FOCS 1981: 23-36
1 Charles E. Leiserson: Area-Efficient Graph Layouts (for VLSI) FOCS 1980: 270-281

Coauthor Index

1Zahi S. Abuhamdeh [25] [32]
2Kunal Agrawal [63] [64] [66] [67] [69] [72]
3Jonathan Allen [15]
4C. Scott Ananian [59] [62]
5Lars Arge [57] [60]
6Krste Asanovic [59] [62]
7Michael A. Bender [55] [56] [57] [58] [60]
8Sandeep N. Bhatt [3]
9Guy E. Blelloch [24] [33] [43]
10Robert D. Blumofe [27] [30] [31] [34] [36] [44] [48]
11Guang-Ien Cheng [45]
12Benny Chor [4] [12]
13Thomas H. Cormen [14] [20] [21] [52]
14John S. Danaher [61]
15Erik D. Demaine [57] [60]
16David C. Douglas [25] [32]
17Martin Farach-Colton (Martin Farach) [56] [58]
18Mingdong Feng [40] [45] [47]
19Carl R. Feynman [25] [32]
20Jeremy T. Fineman [55]
21Matteo Frigo [34] [36] [46] [50]
22Mahesh N. Ganmukhi [25] [32]
23Seth Gilbert [55]
24Lance A. Glasser [15]
25Ronald I. Greenberg [11]
26Simai He [56] [58]
27Yuxiong He [63] [65] [66] [67] [69] [70] [71] [72]
28Chris Hill [68]
29Jeffrey V. Hill [25] [32]
30W. Daniel Hillis [25] [32]
31Wen-Jing Hsu [63] [65] [69] [70] [71] [72]
32Alexander T. Ishii [39]
33Christopher F. Joerg [30] [31] [34] [36]
34Joe Kilian [17] [22]
35Shlomo Kipnis [17] [22]
36Bradley C. Kuszmaul [25] [30] [31] [32] [56] [58] [59] [62] [68]
37Edya Ladan-Mozes [73]
38Ching Law [51]
39I.-Ting Angelina Lee [61]
40Frank Thomson Leighton (Tom Leighton) [5] [7]
41John G. Lewis [16]
42Sean Lie [59] [62]
43Bruce M. Maggs [13] [19] [24] [33]
44F. Miller Maley [9]
45John Marshall [68]
46Kurt Mehlhorn [57] [60]
47Marios C. Papaefthymiou [39]
48Paul Penfield Jr. [15]
49Margaret A. St. Pierre [25] [32]
50Ron Y. Pinter [6]
51C. Greg Plaxton [24] [33]
52Harald Prokop [50]
53Sridhar Ramachandran [50]
54Keith H. Randall [29] [30] [31] [34] [36] [37] [45] [46]
55Satish Rao [28] [38]
56Ronald L. Rivest [4] [12] [20] [52]
57James B. Saxe [2] [18] [23]
58James B. Shearer [12]
59Stephen J. Smith [24] [33]
60Andrew F. Stark [45]
61Clifford Stein [52]
62Jim Sukha [64]
63Sivan Toledo [28] [38]
64David S. Wells [25] [32]
65Monica C. Wong [25]
66Monica C. Wong-Chan [32]
67John L. Wyatt Jr. [15]
68Shaw-Wen Yang [25] [32]
69Marco Zagha [24] [33]
70Robert Zak [25] [32]
71Yuli Zhou [30] [31]
72Richard E. Zippel [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)