
Hagit Attiya

Chagit Attiya

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112EEHagit Attiya, Eshcar Hillel: Highly-Concurrent Multi-word Synchronization. ICDCN 2008: 112-123
111EEHagit Attiya, Alex Kogan, Jennifer L. Welch: Efficient and Robust Local Mutual Exclusion in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCS 2008: 321-328
110EEHagit Attiya, Keren Censor: Lower bounds for randomized consensus under a weak adversary. PODC 2008: 315-324
109EEJames Aspnes, Hagit Attiya, Keren Censor: Randomized consensus in expected O(n log n) individual work. PODC 2008: 325-334
108EEHagit Attiya, Danny Hendler, Philipp Woelfel: Tight RMR lower bounds for mutual exclusion and other problems. PODC 2008: 447
107EEHagit Attiya, Jennifer L. Welch: A world of (Im) possibilities. PODC 2008: 461
106EEHagit Attiya, Rachid Guerraoui, Eric Ruppert: Partial snapshot objects. SPAA 2008: 336-343
105EEHagit Attiya, Danny Hendler, Philipp Woelfel: Tight rmr lower bounds for mutual exclusion and other problems. STOC 2008: 217-226
104EEHagit Attiya, Keren Censor: Tight bounds for asynchronous randomized consensus. J. ACM 55(5): (2008)
103EEHagit Attiya, David Hay: Randomization Does Not Reduce the Average Delay in Parallel Packet Switches. SIAM J. Comput. 37(5): 1613-1636 (2008)
102EEHagit Attiya: Needed: foundations for transactional memory. SIGACT News 39(1): 59-61 (2008)
101EEHagit Attiya, Faith Ellen, Panagiota Fatourou: The complexity of updating multi-writer snapshot objects. PODC 2007: 318-319
100EEHagit Attiya, Eshcar Hillel: The power of DCAS: highly-concurrent software transactional memory. PODC 2007: 342-343
99EEHagit Attiya, Keren Censor: Tight bounds for asynchronous randomized consensus. STOC 2007: 155-164
98EEHagit Attiya, Eshcar Hillel: Built-In Coloring for Highly-Concurrent Doubly-Linked Lists. DISC 2006: 31-45
97EEHagit Attiya, Faith Ellen, Panagiota Fatourou: The Complexity of Updating Multi-writer Snapshot Objects. ICDCN 2006: 319-330
96EEHagit Attiya, Rachid Guerraoui, Danny Hendler, Petr Kouznetsov: Synchronizing without locks is inherently expensive. PODC 2006: 300-307
95EEHagit Attiya, Leah Epstein, Hadas Shachnai, Tami Tamir: Transactional contention management as a non-clairvoyant scheduling problem. PODC 2006: 308-315
94EEHagit Attiya: Adapting to Point Contention with Long-Lived Safe Agreement . SIROCCO 2006: 10-23
93EEHagit Attiya, David Hay, Isaac Keslassy: Packet-mode emulation of output-queued switches. SPAA 2006: 138-147
92EEHagit Attiya, Fabian Kuhn, C. Greg Plaxton, Mirjam Wattenhofer, Roger Wattenhofer: Efficient adaptive collect using randomization. Distributed Computing 18(3): 179-188 (2006)
91EEHagit Attiya, David Hay: The Inherent Queuing Delay of Parallel Packet Switches. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(9): 1048-1056 (2006)
90EEHagit Attiya, Amir Bar-Or: Sharing Memory with Semi-byzantine Clients and Faulty Storage Servers. Parallel Processing Letters 16(4): 419-428 (2006)
89EEHagit Attiya, Rachid Guerraoui, Petr Kouznetsov: Computing with Reads and Writes in the Absence of Step Contention. DISC 2005: 122-136
88EEHagit Attiya, Danny Hendler: Time and Space Lower Bounds for Implementations Using k-CAS. DISC 2005: 169-183
87EEHagit Attiya, David Hay, Jennifer L. Welch: Optimal Clock Synchronization Under Energy Constraints in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. OPODIS 2005: 221-234
86EEHagit Attiya, David Hay: Randomization does not reduce the average delay in parallel packet switches. SPAA 2005: 11-20
85EEHagit Attiya, Fabian Kuhn, Mirjam Wattenhofer, Roger Wattenhofer: Efficient Adaptive Collect Using Randomization. DISC 2004: 159-173
84 Hagit Attiya, David Hay: The Inherent Queuing Delay of Parallel Packet Switches. IFIP TCS 2004: 139-152
83EERonit Nossenson, Hagit Attiya: The N-Burst/G/1 Model with Heavy-Tailed Service-Times Distribution. MASCOTS 2004: 131-138
82EEHagit Attiya, Faith Ellen Fich, Yaniv Kaplan: Lower bounds for adaptive collect and related objects. PODC 2004: 60-69
81EEHagit Attiya, David Hay: The inherent queuing delay of parallel packet switches. SPAA 2004: 269-270
80EEHagit Attiya, Hadas Shachnai: Tight bounds for FEC-based reliable multicast. Inf. Comput. 190(2): 117-135 (2004)
79EEAdnan Agbaria, Hagit Attiya, Roy Friedman, Roman Vitenberg: Quantifying rollback propagation in distributed checkpointing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(3): 370-384 (2004)
78EEHagit Attiya, Amir Bar-Or: Sharing Memory with Semi-Byzantine Clients and Faulty Storage Servers. SRDS 2003: 371-378
77EERonit Nossenson, Hagit Attiya: Understanding the Distribution of File Transmission Duration in the Web. WWW (Posters) 2003
76EEHagit Attiya, Sergio Rajsbaum: Introduction. Distributed Computing 16(2-3): 69-70 (2003)
75EEAllon Adir, Hagit Attiya, Gil Shurek: Information-Flow Models for Shared Memory with an Application to the PowerPC Architecture. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(5): 502-515 (2003)
74EEHagit Attiya, Arie Fouren: Algorithms adapting to point contention. J. ACM 50(4): 444-468 (2003)
73EEHagit Attiya, Zvi Avidor: Wait-Free n-Set Consensus When Inputs Are Restricted. DISC 2002: 326-338
72EEHagit Attiya, Arie Fouren, Eli Gafni: An adaptive collect algorithm with applications. Distributed Computing 15(2): 87-96 (2002)
71EEHagit Attiya, Vita Bortnikov: Adaptive and efficient mutual exclusion. Distributed Computing 15(3): 177-189 (2002)
70EEHagit Attiya, Alla Gorbach, Shlomo Moran: Computing in Totally Anonymous Asynchronous Shared Memory Systems. Inf. Comput. 173(2): 162-183 (2002)
69EEHagit Attiya, Sergio Rajsbaum: The Combinatorial Structure of Wait-Free Solvable Tasks. SIAM J. Comput. 31(4): 1286-1313 (2002)
68EEAdnan Agbaria, Hagit Attiya, Roy Friedman, Roman Vitenberg: Quantifying Rollback Propagation in Distributed Checkpointing. SRDS 2001: 36-45
67EEHagit Attiya, Eyal Dagan: Improved implementations of binary universal operations. J. ACM 48(5): 1013-1037 (2001)
66EEHagit Attiya, Taly Djerassi-Shintel: Time Bounds for Decision Problems in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty and Failures. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 61(8): 1096-1109 (2001)
65EEHagit Attiya, Arie Fouren: Adaptive and Efficient Algorithms for Lattice Agreement and Renaming. SIAM J. Comput. 31(2): 642-664 (2001)
64EEHagit Attiya, Arie Fouren: Polynominal and Adaptive Long-Lived (2k-1)-Renaming. DISC 2000: 149-163
63EEHagit Attiya, Vita Bortnikov: Adaptive and efficient mutual exclusion (extended abstract). PODC 2000: 91-100
62 Hagit Attiya: Efficient and Robust Sharing of Memory in Message-Passing Systems. J. Algorithms 34(1): 109-127 (2000)
61EEYehuda Afek, Hagit Attiya, Arie Fouren, Gideon Stupp, Dan Touitou: Long-Lived Renaming Made Adaptive. PODC 1999: 91-103
60 Hagit Attiya, Hadas Shachnai, Tami Tamir: Local Labeling and Resource Allocation Using Preprocessing. SIAM J. Comput. 28(4): 1397-1414 (1999)
59EEHagit Attiya, Alla Gorbach, Shlomo Moran: Computing in Totally Anonymous Asynchronous Shared Memory Systems. DISC 1998: 49-61
58EEHagit Attiya, Arie Fouren: Adaptive Wait-Free Algorithms for Lattice Agreement and Renaming (Extended Abstract). PODC 1998: 277-286
57EEHagit Attiya: A Direct Lower Bound for k-Set Consensus. PODC 1998: 314
56 Hagit Attiya, Soma Chaudhuri, Roy Friedman, Jennifer L. Welch: Shared Memory Consistency Conditions for Nonsequential Execution: Definitions and Programming Strategies. SIAM J. Comput. 27(1): 65-89 (1998)
55 Hagit Attiya, Ophir Rachman: Atomic Snapshots in O(n log n) Operations. SIAM J. Comput. 27(2): 319-340 (1998)
54EEHagit Attiya, Roy Friedman: A Correctness Condition for High-Performance Multiprocessors. SIAM J. Comput. 27(6): 1637-1670 (1998)
53 Hagit Attiya, Hadas Shachnai: IDABased Protocols for Reliable Multicast. OPODIS 1997: 137-152
52EEHagit Attiya, Rinat Rappoport: The Level of Handshake Required for Managing a Connection. Distributed Computing 11(1): 41-57 (1997)
51 Rajeev Alur, Hagit Attiya, Gadi Taubenfeld: Time-Adaptive Algorithms for Synchronization. SIAM J. Comput. 26(2): 539-556 (1997)
50 Hagit Attiya, Eyal Dagan: Universal Operations: Unary versus Binary (Extended Abstract). PODC 1996: 223-232
49 Hagit Attiya, Sergio Rajsbaum: The Combinatorial Structure of Wait-free Solvable Tasks (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1996: 322-343
48 Hagit Attiya: Efficient and Robust Sharing of Memory in Message-Passing Systems (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1996: 56-70
47EEHagit Attiya, Roy Friedman: Limitations of Fast Consistency Conditions for Distributed Shared Memories. Inf. Process. Lett. 57(5): 243-248 (1996)
46 Hagit Attiya, Amir Herzberg, Sergio Rajsbaum: Optimal Clock Synchronization under Different Delay Assumptions. SIAM J. Comput. 25(2): 369-389 (1996)
45EEHagit Attiya, Shlomi Dolev, Jennifer L. Welch: Connection management without retaining information. HICSS (2) 1995: 622-
44 Jon M. Kleinberg, Hagit Attiya, Nancy A. Lynch: Trade-offs between Message Delivery and Quiesce Times in Conection Management Protocols (Preliminary Report). ISTCS 1995: 258-267
43 Hagit Attiya, Maurice Herlihy, Ophir Rachman: Atomic Snapshots Using Lattice Agreement. Distributed Computing 8(3): 121-132 (1995)
42 Eran Aharonson, Hagit Attiya: Counting Networks with Arbitrary Fan-Out. Distributed Computing 8(4): 163-169 (1995)
41 Hagit Attiya, Shlomi Dolev, Jennifer L. Welch: Connection Management Without Retaining Information. Inf. Comput. 123(2): 155-171 (1995)
40EEHagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev: Sharing Memory Robustly in Message-Passing Systems. J. ACM 42(1): 124-142 (1995)
39EEHagit Attiya, Roy Friedman: Programming DEC-Alpha Based Multiprocessors the Easy Way (Extended Abstract). SPAA 1994: 157-166
38EERajeev Alur, Hagit Attiya, Gadi Taubenfeld: Time-adaptive algorithms for synchronization. STOC 1994: 800-809
37 Hagit Attiya, Rinat Rappoport: The Level of Handshake Required for Establishing a Connection. WDAG 1994: 179-193
36 Hagit Attiya, Hadas Shachnai, Tami Tamir: Local Labeling and Resource Allocation Using Preprocessing. WDAG 1994: 194-208
35EEHagit Attiya, Jennifer L. Welch: Sequential Consistency versus Linearizability. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 12(2): 91-122 (1994)
34 Hagit Attiya, Nancy A. Lynch: Time Bounds for Real-Time Process Control in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty Inf. Comput. 110(1): 183-232 (1994)
33EEHagit Attiya, Cynthia Dwork, Nancy A. Lynch, Larry J. Stockmeyer: Bounds on the Time to Reach Agreement in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty. J. ACM 41(1): 122-152 (1994)
32EEHagit Attiya, Nancy A. Lynch, Nir Shavit: Are Wait-Free Algorithms Fast? J. ACM 41(4): 725-763 (1994)
31EEYehuda Afek, Hagit Attiya, Alan Fekete, Michael J. Fischer, Nancy A. Lynch, Yishay Mansour, Da-Wei Wang, Lenore D. Zuck: Reliable Communication Over Unreliable Channels. J. ACM 41(6): 1267-1297 (1994)
30 Hagit Attiya, Marios Mavronicolas: Efficiency of Semisynchronous Versus. Mathematical Systems Theory 27(6): 547-571 (1994)
29 Hagit Attiya, Amir Herzberg, Sergio Rajsbaum: Optimal Clock Synchronization under Different Delay Assumptions (Preliminary Version). PODC 1993: 109-120
28 Hagit Attiya, Ophir Rachman: Atomic Snapshots in O(n log n) Operations (Preliminary Version). PODC 1993: 29-40
27EEHagit Attiya, Soma Chaudhuri, Roy Friedman, Jennifer L. Welch: Shared Memory Consistency Conditions for Non-Sequential Execution: Definitions and Programming Strategies. SPAA 1993: 241-250
26 Hagit Attiya, Taly Djerassi-Shintel: Time Bounds for Decision Problems in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty and Failures. WDAG 1993: 204-218
25EEYehuda Afek, Hagit Attiya, Danny Dolev, Eli Gafni, Michael Merritt, Nir Shavit: Atomic Snapshots of Shared Memory. J. ACM 40(4): 873-890 (1993)
24EEEran Aharonson, Hagit Attiya: Counting Networks with Arbitrary Fan-Out. SODA 1992: 104-113
23 Hagit Attiya, Roy Friedman: A Correctness Condition for High-Performance Multiprocessors (Extended Abstract) STOC 1992: 679-690
22 Hagit Attiya, Maurice Herlihy, Ophir Rachman: Efficient Atomic Snapshots Using Lattice Agreement (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1992: 35-53
21 Nancy A. Lynch, Hagit Attiya: Using Mappings to Prove Timing Properties. Distributed Computing 6(2): 121-139 (1992)
20EEHagit Attiya, Jennifer L. Welch: Sequential Consistency Versus Linearizability (Extended Abstract). SPAA 1991: 304-315
19 Hagit Attiya, Cynthia Dwork, Nancy A. Lynch, Larry J. Stockmeyer: Bounds on the Time to Reach Agreement in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty STOC 1991: 359-369
18 Hagit Attiya: Implementing FIFO Queus and Stacks (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1991: 80-94
17 Hagit Attiya, Marc Snir: Better Computing on the Anonymous Ring. J. Algorithms 12(2): 204-238 (1991)
16 Hagit Attiya, Nancy A. Lynch, Nir Shavit: Are Wait-Free Algorithms Fast? (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1990: 55-64
15EEYehuda Afek, Danny Dolev, Hagit Attiya, Eli Gafni, Michael Merritt, Nir Shavit: Atomic Snapshots of Shared Memory. PODC 1990: 1-13
14EENancy A. Lynch, Hagit Attiya: Using Mappings to Prove Timing Properties. PODC 1990: 265-280
13EEHagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev: Sharing Memory Robustly in Message-Passing Systems. PODC 1990: 363-375
12EEHagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, David Peleg, Rüdiger Reischuk: Renaming in an Asynchronous Environment J. ACM 37(3): 524-548 (1990)
11 Hagit Attiya, Nancy A. Lynch: Time Bounds for Real-Time Process Control in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1989: 268-284
10 Hagit Attiya, Danny Dolev, Nir Shavit: Bounded Polynomial Randomized Consensus. PODC 1989: 281-293
9 Hagit Attiya, Jan van Leeuwen, Nicola Santoro, Shmuel Zaks: Efficient Elections in Chordal Ring Networks. Algorithmica 4(3): 437-446 (1989)
8 Hagit Attiya, Marc Snir: Better Computing on the Anonymous Ring. AWOC 1988: 329-338
7EEHagit Attiya, Marc Snir, Manfred K. Warmuth: Computing on an anonymous ring. J. ACM 35(4): 845-875 (1988)
6 Hagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Daphne Koller, David Peleg, Rüdiger Reischuk: Achievable Cases in an Asynchronous Environment (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1987: 337-346
5 Hagit Attiya: Constructing Efficient Election Algorithms from Efficient Traversal Algorithms. WDAG 1987: 337-344
4 Hagit Attiya, Yishay Mansour: Language Complexity on the Synchronous Anonymous Ring. Theor. Comput. Sci. 53: 169-185 (1987)
3 Chagit Attiya, Marc Snir, Manfred K. Warmuth: Computing on an Anonymous Ring. PODC 1985: 196-203
2EESergei Nirenburg, Chagit Attiya: Towards a Data Model for Artificial Intelligence Applications. ICDE 1984: 446-453
1 Chagit Attiya, Danny Dolev, Joseph Gil: Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus. PODC 1984: 119-133

Coauthor Index

1Allon Adir [75]
2Yehuda Afek [15] [25] [31] [61]
3Adnan Agbaria [68] [79]
4Eran Aharonson [24] [42]
5Rajeev Alur [38] [51]
6James Aspnes [109]
7Zvi Avidor [73]
8Amotz Bar-Noy [6] [12] [13] [40]
9Amir Bar-Or [78] [90]
10Vita Bortnikov [63] [71]
11Keren Censor [99] [104] [109] [110]
12Soma Chaudhuri [27] [56]
13Eyal Dagan [50] [67]
14Taly Djerassi-Shintel [26] [66]
15Danny Dolev [1] [6] [10] [12] [13] [15] [25] [40]
16Shlomi Dolev [41] [45]
17Cynthia Dwork [19] [33]
18Faith Ellen (Faith Ellen Fich, Faith E. Fich) [82] [97] [101]
19Leah Epstein [95]
20Panagiota Fatourou [97] [101]
21Alan Fekete (Alan David Fekete, A. D. Fekete) [31]
22Michael J. Fischer [31]
23Arie Fouren [58] [61] [64] [65] [72] [74]
24Roy Friedman [23] [27] [39] [47] [54] [56] [68] [79]
25Eli Gafni [15] [25] [72]
26Joseph Gil (Yossi Gil) [1]
27Alla Gorbach [59] [70]
28Rachid Guerraoui [89] [96] [106]
29David Hay [81] [84] [86] [87] [91] [93] [103]
30Danny Hendler [88] [96] [105] [108]
31Maurice Herlihy [22] [43]
32Amir Herzberg [29] [46]
33Eshcar Hillel [98] [100] [112]
34Yaniv Kaplan [82]
35Isaac Keslassy [93]
36Jon M. Kleinberg [44]
37Alex Kogan [111]
38Daphne Koller [6]
39Fabian Kuhn [85] [92]
40Petr Kuznetsov (Petr Kouznetsov) [89] [96]
41Jan van Leeuwen [9]
42Nancy A. Lynch [11] [14] [16] [19] [21] [31] [32] [33] [34] [44]
43Yishay Mansour [4] [31]
44Marios Mavronicolas [30]
45Michael Merritt [15] [25]
46Shlomo Moran [59] [70]
47Sergei Nirenburg [2]
48Ronit Nossenson [77] [83]
49David Peleg [6] [12]
50C. Greg Plaxton [92]
51Ophir Rachman [22] [28] [43] [55]
52Sergio Rajsbaum [29] [46] [49] [69] [76]
53Rinat Rappoport [37] [52]
54Rüdiger Reischuk [6] [12]
55Eric Ruppert [106]
56Nicola Santoro [9]
57Hadas Shachnai [36] [53] [60] [80] [95]
58Nir Shavit [10] [15] [16] [25] [32]
59Gil Shurek [75]
60Marc Snir [3] [7] [8] [17]
61Larry J. Stockmeyer [19] [33]
62Gideon Stupp [61]
63Tami Tamir [36] [60] [95]
64Gadi Taubenfeld [38] [51]
65Dan Touitou [61]
66Roman Vitenberg [68] [79]
67Da-Wei Wang [31]
68Manfred K. Warmuth [3] [7]
69Mirjam Wattenhofer [85] [92]
70Roger Wattenhofer [85] [92]
71Jennifer L. Welch [20] [27] [35] [41] [45] [56] [87] [107] [111]
72Philipp Woelfel [105] [108]
73Shmuel Zaks [9]
74Lenore D. Zuck [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)