
Grzegorz Malewicz

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30EEGennaro Cordasco, Grzegorz Malewicz, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Extending IC-Scheduling via the Sweep Algorithm. PDP 2008: 366-373
29EEGennaro Cordasco, Grzegorz Malewicz, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Applying IC-Scheduling Theory to Familiar Classes of Computations. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
28EEGrzegorz Malewicz: Scheduling Dags under Uncertainty CoRR abs/0705.1876: (2007)
27EEGennaro Cordasco, Grzegorz Malewicz, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Advances in IC-Scheduling Theory: Scheduling Expansive and Reductive Dags and Scheduling Dags via Duality. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(11): 1607-1617 (2007)
26EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Ian T. Foster, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Michael Wilde: A Tool for Prioritizing DAGMan Jobs and its Evaluation. J. Grid Comput. 5(2): 197-212 (2007)
25EELi Gao, Grzegorz Malewicz: Toward Maximizing the Quality of Results of Dependent Tasks Computed Unreliably. Theory Comput. Syst. 41(4): 731-752 (2007)
24EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Arnold L. Rosenberg: A Pebble Game for Internet-Based Computing. Essays in Memory of Shimon Even 2006: 291-312
23EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Ian T. Foster, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Michael Wilde: A Tool for Prioritizing DAGMan Jobs and Its Evaluation. HPDC 2006: 156-168
22EEGennaro Cordasco, Grzegorz Malewicz, Arnold L. Rosenberg: On Scheduling Expansive and Reductive Dags for Internet-Based Computing. ICDCS 2006: 29
21EEGrzegorz Malewicz: Latin squares with bounded size of row prefix intersections. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(6): 1028-1031 (2006)
20EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Alexander Russell, Alexander A. Shvartsman: Distributed scheduling for disconnected cooperation. Distributed Computing 18(6): 409-420 (2006)
19EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Matthew Yurkewych: Toward a Theory for Scheduling Dags in Internet-Based Computing. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(6): 757-768 (2006)
18EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Batch-Scheduling Dags for Internet-Based Computing. Euro-Par 2005: 262-271
17EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Matthew Yurkewych: On Scheduling Complex Dags for Internet-Based Computing. IPDPS 2005
16EEGrzegorz Malewicz: Parallel scheduling of complex dags under uncertainty. SPAA 2005: 66-75
15EEGrzegorz Malewicz: A Work-Optimal Deterministic Algorithm for the Certified Write-All Problem with a Nontrivial Number of Asynchronous Processors. SIAM J. Comput. 34(4): 993-1024 (2005)
14EESeth Gilbert, Grzegorz Malewicz: The Quorum Deployment Problem. OPODIS 2004: 316-330
13EELi Gao, Grzegorz Malewicz: Internet Computing of Tasks with Dependencies Using Unreliable Workers. OPODIS 2004: 443-458
12EEAmotz Bar-Noy, Grzegorz Malewicz: Establishing wireless conference calls under delay constraints. J. Algorithms 51(2): 145-169 (2004)
11EEGrzegorz Malewicz: A tight analysis and near-optimal instances of the algorithm of Anderson and Woll. Theor. Comput. Sci. 329(1-3): 285-301 (2004)
10EEGrzegorz Malewicz: A Method for Creating Near-Optimal Instances of a Certified Write-All Algorithm (Extended Abstract). ESA 2003: 422-433
9EEGrzegorz Malewicz: A work-optimal deterministic algorithm for the asynchronous certified write-all problem. PODC 2003: 255-264
8EEAmotz Bar-Noy, Grzegorz Malewicz: Establishing wireless conference calls under delay constraints. PODC 2002: 41-50
7EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Alexander Russell, Alexander A. Shvartsman: Local Scheduling for Distributed Cooperation. NCA 2001: 244-255
6EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Alexander Russell, Alexander A. Shvartsman: Optimal scheduling for disconnected cooperation. PODC 2001: 305-307
5 Grzegorz Malewicz, Alexander Russell, Alexander A. Shvartsman: Optimal Scheduling for Distributed Cooperation Without Communication. SIROCCO 2001: 259-274
4EEBogdan S. Chlebus, Stefan Dobrev, Dariusz R. Kowalski, Grzegorz Malewicz, Alexander A. Shvartsman, Imrich Vrto: Towards practical deteministic write-all algorithms. SPAA 2001: 271-280
3EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Alexander Russell, Alexander A. Shvartsman: Distributed Cooperation During the Absence of Communication. DISC 2000: 119-133
2EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Alexander Russell, Alexander A. Shvartsman: Distributed cooperation in the absence of communication (brief announcement). PODC 2000: 339
1EEGrzegorz Malewicz, Alexander A. Shvartsman: An Auction-Based Flexible Pricing Scheme for Renegotiated QoS Connections and Its Evaluation. MASCOTS 1999: 244-251

Coauthor Index

1Amotz Bar-Noy [8] [12]
2Bogdan S. Chlebus [4]
3Gennaro Cordasco [22] [27] [29] [30]
4Stefan Dobrev [4]
5Ian T. Foster [23] [26]
6Li Gao [13] [25]
7Seth Gilbert [14]
8Dariusz R. Kowalski [4]
9Arnold L. Rosenberg [17] [18] [19] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [29] [30]
10Alexander Russell [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [20]
11Alexander A. Shvartsman [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [20]
12Imrich Vrto [4]
13Michael Wilde [23] [26]
14Matthew Yurkewych [17] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)