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SIGCPR 2002: Kristiansand, Norway

Maung K. Sein, Carl Erik Moe, Munir Mandviwalla (Eds.): Proceedings of the ACM SIGCPR Conference on Computer Personnel Research, Kristiansand, Norway, May 14-16, 2002. ACM 2002, ISBN 1-58113-466-5 BibTeX
  editor    = {Maung K. Sein and
               Carl Erik Moe and
               Munir Mandviwalla},
  title     = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGCPR Conference on Computer Personnel
               Research, Kristiansand, Norway, May 14-16, 2002},
  booktitle = {SIGCPR},
  publisher = {ACM},
  year      = {2002},
  isbn      = {1-58113-466-5},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}

IT Careers I


Sourcing of Personnel and Ideas

Global Workforce

IT Careers II

IT Education

Virtual Work and Teams

IT Retention

IT Workplace

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:38:04 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)