
Ephraim R. McLean

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51EEMichael J. Cuellar, Ephraim R. McLean, Roy D. Johnson: The measurement of information system use: preliminary considerations. CPR 2006: 164-168
50EEAmrit Tiwana, Ephraim R. McLean: The tightrope to e-business project success. Commun. ACM 46(12): 345-350 (2003)
49EEScott L. Schneberger, Ephraim R. McLean: The complexity cross: implications for practice. Commun. ACM 46(9): 216-225 (2003)
48EEWilliam H. DeLone, Ephraim R. McLean: Information Systems Success Revisited. HICSS 2002: 238
47EEAmrit Tiwana, Ephraim R. McLean: Knowledge integration and individual expertise development in e-business project teams: prom the pod to the peas. SIGCPR 2002: 120-123
46EERajiv Kishore, Ephraim R. McLean: The Next Generation Enterprise: A CIO Perspective on the Vision, its Impacts, and Implementation Challenges. Information Systems Frontiers 4(1): 121-138 (2002)
45EEAmrit Tiwana, Ephraim R. McLean: Recombinant Knowledge Structures and Models of E-Business Innovation: An Empirical Investigation. ECIS 2001
44EEAmrit Tiwana, Ephraim R. McLean: Towards a theory of architectural knowledge integration capability: A test of an empirical model in e-business project teams. ECIS 2001
43 Rajiv Kishore, Ephraim R. McLean: The Role of Personal Innovativeness and Self-Efficacy in Information Technology Acceptance: An Extension of TAM with Notions of Risk. ICIS 2001: 469-474
42EEMichael J. Gallivan, Ephraim R. McLean, Jo Ellen Moore, Malu Roldan: Panel: Dimensions of mobility in the I.T. profession examining "Turnover Culture" and "Staying Behavior" (panel session). SIGCPR 2001: 114-115
41EERichard Baskerville, Suzanne D. Pawlowski, Ephraim R. McLean: Enterprise resource planning and organizational knowledge: patterns of convergence and divergence. ICIS 2000: 396-406
40EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 30(1): 4 (1999)
39EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 30(2): 4 (1999)
38EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 30(3&4): 4 (1999)
37EEEphraim R. McLean, Mark Keil: From the Editors. DATA BASE 29(1): 4 (1998)
36EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 29(2): 4 (1998)
35EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 29(3): 4 (1998)
34EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 29(4): 4 (1998)
33EEStanley J. Smits, Ephraim R. McLean, John R. Tanner: A longitudinal study of I/S careers: synthesis, conclusion, and recommendations. SIGCPR 1997: 36-48
32EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 28(1): A4 (1997)
31EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 28(2): 4 (1997)
30EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 28(3): 4 (1997)
29EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 28(4): 4 (1997)
28EEScott L. Schneberger, Ephraim R. McLean: Distributed Computing Environment Software Maintenance: Problems of Measurement and Research. HICSS (4) 1996: 129-138
27EEMark Hwang, Ephraim R. McLean: The Use of Meta-Analysis in Validating the Delone and McLean Information Systems Success Model. HICSS (4) 1996: 176-180
26EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 27(1): 4 (1996)
25EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 27(2): 4 (1996)
24EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 27(3): 4 (1996)
23EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 27(4): 4 (1996)
22EESeokjoong Yoon, Ephraim R. McLean, Merwyn L. Elliot: Measuring environmental uncertainties in a study of the impact of information technology on organizational communication patterns. HICSS (4) 1995: 787-797
21EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 26(1): 4 (1995)
20EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 26(2&3): 3 (1995)
19EEEphraim R. McLean: AIS. DATA BASE 26(2&3): 8 (1995)
18EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 26(4): 3 (1995)
17 Leon A. Kappelman, Ephraim R. McLean: User Engagement in the Development, Implementation, and Use of Information Technologies. HICSS (4) 1994: 512-521
16EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: DATA BASE - 25 Years and Counting. DATA BASE 25(2): 4 (1994)
15EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 25(3): 5 (1994)
14EEEphraim R. McLean, Detmar W. Straub: From the Editors. DATA BASE 25(4): 4 (1994)
13 Leon A. Kappelman, Ephraim R. McLean: User Engagement in Information System Development, Implementation, and Use: Toward Conceptual Clarity. Diffusion, Transfer and Implementation of Information Technology 1993: 199-214
12 Ephraim R. McLean, Leon A. Kappelman, John P. Thompson: Converging End-User and Corporative Computing. Commun. ACM 36(12): 78-92 (1993)
11 Danial Clapper, Ephraim R. McLean, Richard T. Watson: An Experimental Investigation Of The Effect Of A Group Decision Support System On Normative Influence In Small Groups. ICIS 1991: 273-282
10 Leon A. Kappelman, Ephraim R. McLean: The Respective Roles Of User Participation And User Involvement In Information System Implementation Success. ICIS 1991: 339-349
9 Jason L. Frand, Ephraim R. McLean, Julia A. Britt: Fourth Annual UCLA Survey of Business School Computer Usage. Commun. ACM 31(7): 896-910 (1988)
8 Jason L. Frand, Ephraim R. McLean: Summary of the Second Annual UCLA Survey of Business School Computer Usage. Commun. ACM 29(1): 12-18 (1986)
7EEEphraim R. McLean: Information Systems and Its Underlying Disciplines: A Summary of the Papers. DATA BASE 14(1): 3-6 (1982)
6EEGary W. Dickson, Martin L. Bariff, Ephraim R. McLean: Epilogue: A Report on the Conference. DATA BASE 14(1): 58-60 (1982)
5EEEphraim R. McLean: The Challenge of Systems Analysis and Design. ER 1979: 1-2
4EEEphraim R. McLean, Thomas F. Riesing: MAPP: A DSS for Financial Planning. DATA BASE 8(3): 9-14 (1977)
3EEEphraim R. McLean, John V. Soden: Strategic planning for MIS: a conceptual framework. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1976: 425-432
2EEEphraim R. McLean, Stefanie V. Foote: A comparative evaluation of automated medical history systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1975: 733-738
1EEEphraim R. McLean, Richard O. Mason, Stefanie V. Foote: Behavioral, Organizational Aspects of Computers, Allied Technology. DATA BASE 6(4): 15-26 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Martin L. Bariff [6]
2Richard Baskerville [41]
3Julia A. Britt [9]
4Danial Clapper [11]
5Michael J. Cuellar [51]
6William H. DeLone [48]
7Gary W. Dickson [6]
8Merwyn L. Elliot [22]
9Stefanie V. Foote [1] [2]
10Jason L. Frand [8] [9]
11Michael J. Gallivan [42]
12Mark Hwang [27]
13Roy D. Johnson [51]
14Leon A. Kappelman [10] [12] [13] [17]
15Mark Keil [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40]
16Rajiv Kishore [43] [46]
17Richard O. Mason [1]
18Jo Ellen Moore [42]
19Suzanne D. Pawlowski [41]
20Thomas F. Riesing [4]
21Malu Roldan [42]
22Scott L. Schneberger [28] [49]
23Stanley J. Smits [33]
24John V. Soden [3]
25Detmar W. Straub [14] [15] [16] [18] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [29] [30] [31] [32]
26John R. Tanner [33]
27John P. Thompson [12]
28Amrit Tiwana [44] [45] [47] [50]
29Richard T. Watson [11]
30Seokjoong Yoon [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)