
Prabuddha De

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25EERitu Agarwal, Thomas W. Ferratt, Prabuddha De: An experimental investigation of turnover intentions among new entrants in it. DATA BASE 38(1): 8-28 (2007)
24 Yung-Ming Li, Yong Tan, Prabuddha De: On the Formation of Peer-to-Peer Networks: Self-Organized Sharing and Groups. ICIS 2004: 493-504
23 Zhengrui Jiang, Sumit Sarkar, Prabuddha De, Debabrata Dey: Reconciling Attribute Values from Multiple Data Sources. ICIS 2004: 725-740
22EERitu Agarwal, Prabuddha De, Thomas W. Ferratt: Explaining an IT professional's preferred employment duration: empirical tests of a causal model of antecedents. SIGCPR 2002: 14-24
21EEDebabrata Dey, Sumit Sarkar, Prabuddha De: A Distance-Based Approach to Entity Reconciliation in Heterogeneous Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 14(3): 567-582 (2002)
20EERitu Agarwal, Prabuddha De, Thomas W. Ferratt: How long will they stay? Predicting an IT professional's preferred employment duration. SIGCPR 2001: 132-138
19EERitu Agarwal, Prabuddha De, Atish P. Sinha, Mohan Tanniru: On the usability of OO representations. Commun. ACM 43(10): 83-89 (2000)
18EERitu Agarwal, Prabuddha De, Atish P. Sinha: Comprehending Object and Process Models: An Empirical Study. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 25(4): 541-556 (1999)
17EEPrabuddha De, Thomas W. Ferratt: An interorganizational information system in the health care arena: insights gained from a hierarchical analysis. SIGCPR 1998: 214-223
16 Prabuddha De, Thomas W. Ferratt: An Information System Involving Competing Organizations. Commun. ACM 41(12): 90-98 (1998)
15EERitu Agarwal, Prabuddha De, Charles E. Wells: Cooperative distributed problem solving: an investigation in the domain of jobshop scheduling. HICSS (3) 1995: 4-12
14EEPrabuddha De, Jay B. Ghosh, Charles E. Wells: On the general solution for a class of early/tardy problems. Computers & OR 20(2): 141-149 (1993)
13EEPrabuddha De, Jay B. Ghosh, Charles E. Wells: Delivery time quotation and order processing with forbidden early shipments. Computers & OR 20(4): 381-390 (1993)
12EEPrabuddha De, Jay B. Ghosh, Charles E. Wells: On the minimization of the weighted number of tardy jobs with random processing times and deadline. Computers & OR 18(5): 457-463 (1991)
11EEPrabuddha De, Jay B. Ghosh, Charles E. Wells: Scheduling to minimize weighted earliness and tardiness about a common due-date. Computers & OR 18(5): 465-475 (1991)
10EEPrabuddha De, Jay B. Ghosh, Charles E. Wells: Some clarifications on the bicriteria scheduling of unit execution time jobs on a single machine. Computers & OR 18(8): 717-720 (1991)
9EEPrabuddha De, Jay B. Ghosh, Charles E. Wells: Scheduling about a common due date with earliness and tardiness penalties. Computers & OR 17(2): 231-241 (1990)
8EEPrabuddha De, Jay B. Ghosh, Charles E. Wells: CON due-date determination and sequencing. Computers & OR 17(4): 333-342 (1990)
7 Sridhar Narasimhan, Hasan Pirkul, Prabuddha De: Route Selection in Backbone Data Communication Networks. Computer Networks 15: 121-133 (1988)
6 Prabuddha De, June S. Park, Hasan Pirkul: An integrated model of record segmentation and access path selection for databases. Inf. Syst. 13(1): 13-30 (1988)
5EEPrabuddha De, William D. Haseman: An integrated database design for accounting systems. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(4): 507-518 (1984)
4 Prabuddha De, Arun Sen, Ehud Gudes: A new model for data base abstraction. Inf. Syst. 7(1): 1-12 (1982)
3 Prabuddha De, William D. Haseman, Charles H. Kriebel: An extended model for database implementation. Inf. Syst. 7(2): 139-145 (1982)
2EEPrabuddha De, Arun Sen, Ehud Gudes: An Extended Entity-Relationship Model with Multi Level External Views. ER 1981: 455-472
1 Prabuddha De, William D. Haseman, Yuk Ho So: Four-schema approach: An extended model for database architecture. Inf. Syst. 6(2): 117-124 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Ritu Agarwal [15] [18] [19] [20] [22] [25]
2Debabrata Dey [21] [23]
3Thomas W. Ferratt [16] [17] [20] [22] [25]
4Jay B. Ghosh [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
5Ehud Gudes [2] [4]
6William D. Haseman [1] [3] [5]
7Zhengrui Jiang [23]
8Charles H. Kriebel [3]
9Yung-Ming Li [24]
10Sridhar Narasimhan [7]
11June S. Park [6]
12Hasan Pirkul [6] [7]
13Sumit Sarkar [21] [23]
14Arun Sen [2] [4]
15Atish P. Sinha [18] [19]
16Yuk Ho So [1]
17Yong Tan [24]
18Mohan Tanniru [19]
19Charles E. Wells [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)