
Adrian Tang

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18EEAdrian Tang, Fei Yuan, Eddie Law: A new WiMAX sigma-delta modulator with constant-Q active inductors. ISCAS 2008: 1304-1307
17EERachel Gockley, Michael F. Marotta, Carin Rogoff, Adrian Tang: AVIVA: a health and fitness monitor for young women. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1819-1824
16EEOh-Young Kang, Adrian Tang: Telecommunications billing interfaces. NOMS 1998: 701-705
15 Young Bae Choi, Adrian Tang: A Generic Service Order Handling Interface for the Cooperative Service Providers in the Deregulating and Competitive Telecommunications Environment. IS&N 1997: 211-218
14EEElizabeth D. Zeisler, Adrian Tang, Deokjai Choi, Taesang Choi, Hai Feng Weng: A Customer-to-Carrier Gateway for Trouble Administration. J. Network Syst. Manage. 4(4): 457-475 (1996)
13 In Kuan Cheang, Young Bae Choi, Adrian Tang: Overview of the Structures of Heterogeneous Genome Databases. HICSS (5) 1994: 15-24
12 Young Bae Choi, In Kuan Cheang, Adrian Tang: Design of the Virtually Integrated Database Management System and the X.500 Directory Service for the Human Genome Project. INFOCOM 1994: 1293-1300
11EEWei Wei, Adrian Tang: An X.500 Prototype to Support Integrated Network Management. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1993: 251-256
10EEAdrian Tang, Wei Wei: Object-Oriented Modeling of the Extended Application Layer Structure. SAC 1993: 430-436
9 Tsutomu Kamimura, Adrian Tang: Continuous Auxiliary Relations. MFPS 1987: 364-371
8 Tsutomu Kamimura, Adrian Tang: Retracts of SEP Objects. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics 1985: 135-148
7 Tsutomu Kamimura, Adrian Tang: Effectively Given Spaces. Theor. Comput. Sci. 29: 155-166 (1984)
6 Tsutomu Kamimura, Adrian Tang: Total Objects of Domains. Theor. Comput. Sci. 34: 275-288 (1984)
5 Tsutomu Kamimura, Adrian Tang: Effectively Given Spaces. ICALP 1983: 385-396
4 Tsutomu Kamimura, Adrian Tang: Kleene Chain Completeness and Fixedpoint Properties. Theor. Comput. Sci. 23: 317-331 (1983)
3 Tsutomu Kamimura, Adrian Tang: Algebraic Relations and Presentations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 27: 39-60 (1983)
2EERavi Sethi, Adrian Tang: Constructing Call-by-Value Continuation Semantics. J. ACM 27(3): 580-597 (1980)
1 Ravi Sethi, Adrian Tang: Constructing Call-by-Value Continuation Semantics. ICALP 1979: 556-570

Coauthor Index

1In Kuan Cheang [12] [13]
2Deokjai Choi [14]
3Taesang Choi [14]
4Young Bae Choi [12] [13] [15]
5Rachel Gockley [17]
6Tsutomu Kamimura [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
7Oh-Young Kang [16]
8Eddie Law [18]
9Michael F. Marotta [17]
10Carin Rogoff [17]
11Ravi Sethi [1] [2]
12Wei Wei [10] [11]
13Hai Feng Weng [14]
14Fei Yuan [18]
15Elizabeth D. Zeisler [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)