2009 |
78 | EE | Pierre Lescanne:
Deconstruction of Infinite Extensive Games using coinduction
CoRR abs/0904.3528: (2009) |
2008 |
77 | EE | Pierre Lescanne:
(Mechanical) Reasoning on Infinite Extensive Games
CoRR abs/0805.1798: (2008) |
76 | EE | Stéphane Le Roux,
Pierre Lescanne,
René Vestergaard:
Conversion/Preference Games
CoRR abs/0811.0071: (2008) |
75 | EE | Steffen van Bakel,
Pierre Lescanne:
Computation with classical sequents.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 18(3): 555-609 (2008) |
74 | EE | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Silvia Ghilezan,
Pierre Lescanne:
Characterizing strong normalization in the Curien-Herbelin symmetric lambda calculus: Extending the Coppo-Dezani heritage.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 398(1-3): 114-128 (2008) |
2007 |
73 | EE | Pierre Lescanne,
Jérôme Puisségur:
Dynamic Logic of Common Knowledge in a Proof Assistant
CoRR abs/0712.3146: (2007) |
72 | EE | Pierre Lescanne:
Common knowledge logic in a higher order proof assistant?
CoRR abs/0712.3147: (2007) |
2006 |
71 | EE | Chafika Chettaoui,
Franck Delaplace,
Pierre Lescanne,
Mun'delanji Vestergaard,
René Vestergaard:
Rewriting Game Theory as a Foundation for State-Based Models of Gene Regulation.
CMSB 2006: 257-270 |
70 | EE | Pierre Lescanne:
Mechanizing common knowledge logic using COQ.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 48(1-2): 15-43 (2006) |
69 | EE | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Pierre Lescanne,
Luigi Liquori:
Addressed term rewriting systems: application to a typed object calculus.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 16(4): 667-709 (2006) |
68 | EE | Pierre Lescanne:
Review of "Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic by Anita Burdman Feferman and Solomon Feferman", Cambridge University Press 2004.
SIGACT News 37(1): 27-28 (2006) |
2005 |
67 | EE | Steffen van Bakel,
Stéphane Lengrand,
Pierre Lescanne:
The Language chi: Circuits, Computations and Classical Logic.
ICTCS 2005: 81-96 |
66 | EE | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Silvia Ghilezan,
Pierre Lescanne,
Silvia Likavec:
Strong Normalization of the Dual Classical Sequent Calculus.
LPAR 2005: 169-183 |
65 | EE | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Pierre Lescanne,
Luigi Liquori,
Frédéric Lang:
Addressed Term Rewriting Systems: Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics: Extended Abstract.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 127(5): 57-82 (2005) |
64 | EE | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Silvia Ghilezan,
Pierre Lescanne:
Intersection and Union Types in the lambda-my-my/tilde-calculus.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 136: 153-172 (2005) |
63 | EE | Pierre Lescanne,
René David,
Marek Zaionc:
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 140: 1 (2005) |
2004 |
62 | EE | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Silvia Ghilezan,
Pierre Lescanne:
Characterizing strong normalization in a language with control operators.
PPDP 2004: 155-166 |
61 | EE | Stéphane Lengrand,
Pierre Lescanne,
Daniel J. Dougherty,
Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini,
Steffen van Bakel:
Intersection types for explicit substitutions.
Inf. Comput. 189(1): 17-42 (2004) |
2003 |
60 | EE | Silvia Ghilezan,
Pierre Lescanne:
Classical Proofs, Typed Processes, and Intersection Types: Extended Abstract.
TYPES 2003: 226-241 |
59 | | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Pierre Lescanne:
Reductions, Intersection Types, and Explicit Substitutions.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 13(1): 55-85 (2003) |
2002 |
58 | | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Stéphane Lengrand,
Pierre Lescanne:
An Improved System of Intersection Types for Explicit Substitutions.
IFIP TCS 2002: 511-523 |
2001 |
57 | EE | Daniel J. Dougherty,
Pierre Lescanne:
Reductions, Intersection Types, and Explicit Substitutions.
TLCA 2001: 121-135 |
56 | EE | Jürgen Giesl,
Pierre Lescanne:
Special Issue "Termination".
Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 12(1/2): 1-2 (2001) |
2000 |
55 | | Frédéric Lang,
Pierre Lescanne:
On Strong Normalization of Explicit Substitution Calculi (Short Note).
Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 2000(7): (2000) |
1999 |
54 | EE | Frédéric Lang,
Pierre Lescanne,
Luigi Liquori:
A Framework for Defining Object-Calculi.
World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 963-982 |
1996 |
53 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Calculi of Explicit Substitutions: New Results.
APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1996: 309-328 |
52 | | Zine-El-Abidine Benaissa,
Pierre Lescanne,
Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose:
Modeling Sharing and Recursion for Weak Reduction Strategies Using Explicit Substitution.
PLILP 1996: 393-407 |
51 | | Zine-El-Abidine Benaissa,
Daniel Briaud,
Pierre Lescanne,
Jocelyne Rouyer-Degli:
lambda-nu, A Calculus of Explicit Substitutions which Preserves Strong Normalisation.
J. Funct. Program. 6(5): 699-722 (1996) |
50 | | Gregory Kucherov,
Pierre Lescanne,
Peter D. Mosses:
Valentin M. Antimirov (1961-1995).
Theor. Comput. Sci. 155(2): 289-290 (1996) |
1995 |
49 | | Pierre Lescanne:
The Lambda Calculus as an Abstract Data Type.
COMPASS/ADT 1995: 74-80 |
48 | | Boutheina Chetali,
Pierre Lescanne:
Formal Verfication of a Protocol for Communications over Faulty Channels.
FORTE 1995: 91-108 |
47 | | Pierre Lescanne,
Jocelyne Rouyer-Degli:
Explicit Substitutions with de Bruijn's Levels.
RTA 1995: 294-308 |
46 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Termination of Rewrite Systems by Elementary Interpretations.
Formal Asp. Comput. 7(1): 77-90 (1995) |
1994 |
45 | | Pierre Lescanne:
From Lambda-sigma to Lambda-upsilon a Journey Through Calculi of Explicit Substitutions.
POPL 1994: 60-69 |
44 | | Pierre Lescanne:
On Termination of One Rule Rewrite Systems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 132(2): 395-401 (1994) |
1992 |
43 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Termination of Rewrite Systems by Elementary Interpretations.
ALP 1992: 21-36 |
42 | | Adam Cichon,
Pierre Lescanne:
Polynomial Interpretations and the Complexity of Algorithms.
CADE 1992: 139-147 |
41 | | Boutheina Chetali,
Pierre Lescanne:
An Exercise in LP: The Proof of a Non Restoring Division Circuit.
Larch 1992: 55-68 |
40 | | Pierre Lescanne,
Wolfgang Wechler:
Introduction - ALP 1988.
J. Log. Program. 12(3&4): 189 (1992) |
39 | | Jieh Hsiang,
Hélène Kirchner,
Pierre Lescanne,
Michaël Rusinowitch:
The Term Rewriting Approach to Automated Theorem Proving.
J. Log. Program. 14(1&2): 71-99 (1992) |
38 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Well Rewrite Orderings and Well Quasi-Orderings.
J. Symb. Comput. 14(5): 419-436 (1992) |
1991 |
37 | | Michel Bidoit,
Hans-Jörg Kreowski,
Pierre Lescanne,
Fernando Orejas,
Donald Sannella:
Algebraic System Specification and Development - A Survey and Annotated Bibliography
Springer 1991 |
36 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Rewrite Orderings and Termination of Rewrite Systems.
MFCS 1991: 17-27 |
1990 |
35 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Implementations of Completion by Transition Rules + Control: ORME.
ALP 1990: 262-269 |
34 | | Pierre Lescanne:
ORME: An Implementation of Completion Procedures as Sets of Transition Rules.
CADE 1990: 661-662 |
33 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Well Rewrite Orderings
LICS 1990: 249-256 |
32 | | Françoise Bellegarde,
Pierre Lescanne:
Termination by Completion.
Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 1: 79-96 (1990) |
31 | | Azeddine Lazrek,
Pierre Lescanne,
Jean-Jacques Thiel:
Tools for Proving Inductive Equalities, Relative Completeness, and omega-Completeness
Inf. Comput. 84(1): 47-70 (1990) |
30 | | Max Dauchet,
Thierry Heuillard,
Pierre Lescanne,
Sophie Tison:
Decidability of the Confluence of Finite Ground Term Rewrite Systems and of Other Related Term Rewrite Systems
Inf. Comput. 88(2): 187-201 (1990) |
29 | | Pierre Lescanne:
On the Recursive Decomposition Ordering with Lexicographical Status and Other Related Orderings.
J. Autom. Reasoning 6(1): 39-49 (1990) |
1989 |
28 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Completion Procedures as Transition Rules + Control.
TAPSOFT, Vol.1 1989: 28-41 |
27 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Well quasi-ordering in a paper by Maurice Janet.
Bulletin of the EATCS 39: 185-188 (1989) |
26 | | Hubert Comon,
Pierre Lescanne:
Equational Problems and Disunification.
J. Symb. Comput. 7(3/4): 371-425 (1989) |
1988 |
25 | | Jan Grabowski,
Pierre Lescanne,
Wolfgang Wechler:
Algebraic and Logic Programming, International Workshop, Gaussig, GDR, November 14-18, 1988, Proceedings
Springer 1988 |
1987 |
24 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 2nd International Conference, RTA-87, Bordeaux, France, May 25-27, 1987, Proceedings
Springer 1987 |
23 | | Claude Kirchner,
Pierre Lescanne:
Solving Disequations
LICS 1987: 347-352 |
22 | | Max Dauchet,
Sophie Tison,
Thierry Heuillard,
Pierre Lescanne:
Decidability of the Confluence of Ground Term Rewriting Systems
LICS 1987: 353-359 |
21 | | Pierre Lescanne:
REVE: A Rewrite Rule Laboratory.
STACS 1987: 482-483 |
20 | | Françoise Bellegarde,
Pierre Lescanne:
Transformation Ordering.
TAPSOFT, Vol.1 1987: 69-80 |
19 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Current Trends in Rewriting Techniques and Related Problems.
Trends in Computer Algebra 1987: 38-51 |
18 | | Ahlem Ben Cherifa,
Pierre Lescanne:
Termination of Rewriting Systems by Polynomial Interpretations and Its Implementation.
Sci. Comput. Program. 9(2): 137-159 (1987) |
1986 |
17 | | Ahlem Ben Cherifa,
Pierre Lescanne:
An Actual Implementation of a Procedure That Mechanically Proves Termination of Rewriting Systems Based on Inequalities Between Polynomial Interpretations.
CADE 1986: 42-51 |
16 | | Isabelle Gnaedig,
Pierre Lescanne:
Proving Termination of Associative Commutative Rewriting Systems by Rewriting.
CADE 1986: 52-61 |
15 | | Pierre Lescanne:
REVE a Rewrite Rule Laboratory.
CADE 1986: 695-696 |
14 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Divergence of the Knuth-Bendix Completion Procedure and Termination Orderings.
Bulletin of the EATCS 30: 80-83 (1986) |
1985 |
13 | | Pierre Réty,
Claude Kirchner,
Hélène Kirchner,
Pierre Lescanne:
NARROWER: A New Algorithm for Unification and Its Application to Logic Programming.
RTA 1985: 141-157 |
1984 |
12 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Uniform Termination of Term Rewriting Systems: Recursive Decomposition Ordering with Status.
CAAP 1984: 181-194 |
11 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Term Rewriting Systems and Algebra.
CADE 1984: 166-174 |
1983 |
10 | | Pierre Lescanne,
Jean-Marc Steyaert:
On the Study Data Structures: Binary Tournaments with Repeated Keys.
ICALP 1983: 466-477 |
9 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Computer Experiments with the Reve Term Rewriting System Generator.
POPL 1983: 99-108 |
8 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Behavioural Categoricity of Abstract Data Type Specifications.
Comput. J. 26(4): 289-292 (1983) |
1982 |
7 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Modèles non Déterministes de Types Abstraits.
ITA 16(3): 225-244 (1982) |
6 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Some Properties of Decomposition Ordering, a Simplification Ordering to Prove Termination of Rewriting Systems.
ITA 16(4): 331-347 (1982) |
5 | | Jean-Pierre Jouannaud,
Pierre Lescanne:
On Multiset Orderings.
Inf. Process. Lett. 15(2): 57-63 (1982) |
1981 |
4 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Decomposition Ordering as a Tool to Prove the Termination of Rewriting Systems.
IJCAI 1981: 548-550 |
1980 |
3 | | Jacques Guyard,
Pierre Lescanne:
Manipulation d'arbres syntaxiques et contruction de programmes (Résumé).
CLAAP 1980: 180-181 |
2 | | Jacques Guyard,
Pierre Lescanne:
Manipulation d'arbres syntaxiques et contruction de programmes.
CLAAP 1980: 208-224 |
1976 |
1 | | Pierre Lescanne:
Équivalence Entre la Famille des Ensembles Réguliers et la Famille des Ensembles Algébriques.
ITA 10(2): 57-81 (1976) |