IC-AI 2007:
Las Vegas,
Hamid R. Arabnia, Mary Qu Yang, Jack Y. Yang (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI 2007, Volume II, June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
CSREA Press 2007, ISBN 1-60132-024-8 BibTeX
Intelligent and Knowledge Based Systems
Genetic Algorithms and Applications
Knowledge Discovery and Methodologies
Robotics and Related Issues
Intelligent Agents
- Phillip Coleman, Michael Pellon, Yu Zhang:
Towards Human Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems.
535-540 BibTeX
- Raheel Ahmad, Shahram Rahimi, Bidyut Gupta:
A Formal Framework for Agent-Oriented Software Engineering.
541-546 BibTeX
- Bert De Coensel, Tom De Muer, Dick Botteldooren:
An Agent Based Modeling Approach to Explain the Perception of Environmental Stressors.
547-553 BibTeX
- Shahram Rahimi, Pravab Rana, Oliver Koester, Bidyut Gupta:
Ontological Mediation Among Information Agents.
554-560 BibTeX
- Anne Håkansson, Ronald L. Hartung:
Using Meta-agents for Multi-agents in Networks.
561-567 BibTeX
- Ramesh Rayudu:
Towards Basic Motivations for Autonomous Agents.
568-573 BibTeX
- Didier Fragne, Nabila Sayouri, Hicham Mazladi:
The Architecture Of A Learner Model Manager Agent.
574-580 BibTeX
Natural Language Processing
Novel Artificial Intelligence Applications and Cognition
- Christina Boucher, Maja Omanovic:
A Graphical Game Model of Drug Binding.
621-627 BibTeX
- Bingru Yang, Zhangyan Xu, Wei Song, Yanling Han:
An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Core Based on Positive Region.
628-634 BibTeX
- Artur Mikitiuk, Eric Moseley, Miroslaw Truszczynski:
Towards Debugging of Answer-Set Programs in the Language PSpb.
635-640 BibTeX
- J. R. Tager, Ricardo Ramírez-Mendoza, Rubén Morales-Menéndez:
Controller Area Network Frames Decoder.
641-646 BibTeX
- Bin Xu:
Near Real-time Inverse Analysis for Discrete Dynamic Systems using Incomplete Acceleration Time Series.
647-652 BibTeX
- Lu-Jin You, Guo-Zheng Li, Jack Y. Yang:
Support Vector Machines Applied to Research of Ancient Chinese Porcelain: Modeling of Jun Glaze.
653-658 BibTeX
Applications of Advanced AI Techniques to Information Management for Solving Company-Related Problems
- Carlos Gracia-Calandín, Carlos Andrés-Romano:
Solving Realistic Cutting Stock Problems Using Metaheuristics.
659-665 BibTeX
- Victor Hugo Medina García, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle:
Implementation of Intelligent Systems to Manage the Knowledge in the University.
666-670 BibTeX
- Álvaro García-Sánchez, Luis Miguel Arreche Bedia, Miguel Ortega-Mier:
Multi-Commodity Pipeline Scheduling. A Tabu Search Approach.
671-677 BibTeX
- Rocío Rocha, Margarita Alonso, Ángel Cobo:
Cross-lingual Similarity Calculation in Economic Document Collections.
678-682 BibTeX
- David de la Fuente, María José Pardo:
Analysis, design and simulation of a finite capacity queuing model with uncertain parameters.
683-689 BibTeX
- Alfonso Duran, Isabel García, Esmeralda Giraldo:
Multi Agent Systems Based Simulation of Hotel Customers in Revenue Management DSS Benchmarking Platform.
690-694 BibTeX
- Jesús Lozano Mosterín, David de la Fuente, Manuel Monterrey:
Perl Simulation of a Job Shop Type Problem.
695-701 BibTeX
- Javier de la Mata, José A. Olivas, Jesús Serrano-Guerrero:
Two-Stages Evaluation Algorithm for Automatic Ranking in Information Retrieval.
702-708 BibTeX
- Jesús Serrano-Guerrero, José A. Olivas, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Javier de la Mata:
Fuzzy Term-Evaluation in a Information System to Manage Airport User Rights.
709-716 BibTeX
Second Order Meta-Programming - Cognitive Fusion and Autonomous Robots II
Mobile Robotics
Late Papers
- Muhammed Bashir Mu'azu, Michael Tanimu Garba, Yusuf Jibril, Jimoh Boyi:
Development of a JADE Based Distributed Instant Messaging System.
759-764 BibTeX
- Iraj Derakhshan:
A Look at Inter-Hemispheric Diaschisis from Down-Under: Bilateral Extensor Response in Lesions Affecting the Major Hemisphere.
765-769 BibTeX
- Santiago Zapata Caceres, Ramirez Luis Escobar, Carlos Reyes Pastore, Jhons Cortes Torres:
Fuzzy Approach to the Management of the Environmental Contamination in Santiago City of Chile.
770-776 BibTeX
- Taeho Jo, Malrey Lee:
SM based Operation for Specializing a Fast Clustering Algorithm for Text Clustering.
777-780 BibTeX
- Shuchita Upadhyaya, Richa Setiya:
Optimization of Antnet Routing Through Agent Based Intelligence.
781-785 BibTeX
- Shyam Kumar Madhusudhana, Rhonda Hoenigman, Joseph Lewis:
Investigations of the 0/1 Multiple Knapsack Problem Using a Genetic Algorithm.
786-790 BibTeX
- Malrey Lee, Yupeng Zhang, ThaeEun Kim, Thomas M. Gatton:
A Reactive Multi-Agent Based Ant Colony Algorithm.
791-795 BibTeX
- Jeremy LaBrosse, Bahram Shafai:
Controlling Emergent Behavior in Large Scale Mobile Robotic Swarms.
796-800 BibTeX
- Emad A. El-Sebakhy, Salahadin Mohammed, Moustafa Elshafei:
Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Training Functional Networks.
801-805 BibTeX
- Xiaohua Hu, Fang-Xiang Wu, Michael K. Ng, Bahrad A. Sokhansanj:
Mining and Dynamic Simulation of Sub-Networks from Large Biomolecular Networks.
806-813 BibTeX
- Navita Srivastava, Arti Saxena, Rajeev Prithiani:
Predicting More Accurate Structure Of Human Oxidoreductase Protein Family Using Neural Network Technique.
814-817 BibTeX
- Burcu Yurekli, Yusuf Oysal, Mustafa Tombul:
Application of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling With Neuro-Fuzzy.
818-822 BibTeX
- Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo, Zornitsa Kozareva:
Word Sense Disambiguation Using Extended Relevant Domains Resource.
823-828 BibTeX
- Jiyoung Yeo, Sang-Woo Ban, Inwon Lee, Minho Lee:
Incremental Feature Extraction and Object Representation Based on Dynamic Visual Selective Attention.
829-834 BibTeX
- Hengqing Tong, Hui Peng, Tianzhen Liu, Zhikang Tian, Qiaoling Tong:
TFP Measurement and Semi-Supervised Isomerous Neural Network (SSINN) with Output Consistency by Interaction.
835-841 BibTeX
- Chia-Ying Cheng, Chung-Yuan Huang, Chuen-Tsai Sun:
Combining Motifs and Small-World Properties to Explore Complex Networks in Local and Global Views.
842-845 BibTeX
- Chunyu Kit, Hai Zhao:
Improving Chinese Word Segmentation with Description Length Gain.
846-851 BibTeX
- Alvin Cho, Robert Chun:
Emotion & Domain Concept Enhancements to Alicebot.
852-858 BibTeX
- Masaya Eki, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani:
On an XML Database System Based on Constraint Logic Programming.
859- BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:15:59 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)