
Eva Onaindia

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39EEEliseo Marzal, Laura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia: Detection of unsolvable temporal planning problems through the use of landmarks. ECAI 2008: 919-920
38EEEva Onaindia, Antonio Garrido, Oscar Sapena: LRNPlanner: Planning Personalized and Contextualized E-Learning Routes. ICTAI (1) 2008: 403-410
37EEMarlene Arangú, Antonio Garrido, Eva Onaindia: A General Technique for Plan Repair. ICTAI (1) 2008: 515-518
36EELaura Sebastia, Inma Garcia, Eva Onaindia, Cesar Guzman: e-Tourism: A Tourist Recommendation and Planning Application. ICTAI (2) 2008: 89-96
35EEOscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia: Planning in highly dynamic environments: an anytime approach for planning under time constraints. Appl. Intell. 29(1): 90-109 (2008)
34EELuis A. Castillo, Eva Armengol, Eva Onaindia, Laura Sebastia, Jesús González-Boticario, Antonio Rodríguez, Susana Fernández, Juan D. Arias, Daniel Borrajo: samap: An user-oriented adaptive system for planning tourist visits. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(2): 1318-1332 (2008)
33 Laura Sebastia, Eliseo Marzal, Eva Onaindia: Extracting Landmarks in Temporal Planning Domains. IC-AI 2007: 520-526
32 Roque Marín, Eva Onaindia, Alberto Bugarín, José Santos: Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, November 16-18, 2005, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2006
31 Jose A. Alvarez, Laura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia: Planning under temporal uncertainty indurative actions. CCIA 2006: 195-202
30EEAntonio Garrido Tejero, Eva Onaindia, Ma. de Guadalupe García-Hernández: An Integrated and Flexible Architecture for Planning and Scheduling. IEA/AIE 2006: 1179-1188
29EEOscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia: An On-Line Approach for Planning in Time-Limited Situations. IEA/AIE 2006: 383-392
28EELaura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia, Eliseo Marzal: Decomposition of planning problems. AI Commun. 19(1): 49-81 (2006)
27EEAntonio Garrido Tejero, Eva Onaindia: Domain-independent temporal planning in a planning-graph-based approach. AI Commun. 19(4): 341-367 (2006)
26EEEliseo Marzal, Eva Onaindia, Laura Sebastia, Jose A. Alvarez: Scheduling a Plan with Delays in Time: A CSP Approach. CAEPIA 2005: 399-408
25 Oscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia: An anytime approach for on-line planning. CCIA 2005: 323-330
24 Antonio Garrido, Eva Onaindia, Donato Hernández: A Preliminary Study on the Relaxation of Numeric Features in Planning. CCIA 2005: 355-362
23 Laura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia, Eliseo Marzal: Concurrent Planning by Decomposition. ECAI 2004: 1087-1088
22EEOscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia: Handling Numeric Criteria in Relaxed Planning Graphs. IBERAMIA 2004: 114-123
21EEOscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia, Martín Mellado, Carlos Correcher, Eduardo Vendrell: Reactive Planning Simulation in Dynamic Environments with VirtualRobot. IEA/AIE 2004: 699-707
20EEMiguel Rebollo, Vicente J. Botti, Eva Onaindia: Formal Modeling of Dynamic Environments for Real-Time Agents. CEEMAS 2003: 475-484
19 Antonio Garrido Tejero, Eva Onaindia: On the application of least-commitment and heuristic search in temporal planning. IJCAI 2003: 942-947
18EELaura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia, Eliseo Marzal: On the Decomposition and Concurrent Resolution of a Planning Problem. PuK 2003
17 Eliseo Marzal, Eva Onaindia, Laura Sebastia: An Incremental Temporal Partial-Order Planner. AIPS Workshop on Planning for Temporal Domains 2002: 26-32
16EELaura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia, Eliseo Marzal: STeLLa v2.0: Planning with Intermediate Goals. IBERAMIA 2002: 805-814
15EEOscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia: Domain-Independent Online Planning for STRIPS Domains. IBERAMIA 2002: 825-834
14EEMaite Urretavizcaya, Eva Onaindia: Docencia Universitaria de Inteligencia Artificial. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 17: 23-32 (2002)
13EEOscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia: A planning and monitoring system for dynamic environments. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 12(3-4): 151-161 (2002)
12EEAntonio Garrido Tejero, Eva Onaindia, Federico Barber: A Temporal Planning System for Time-Optimal Planning. EPIA 2001: 379-392
11EEEva Onaindia, Oscar Sapena, Laura Sebastia, Eliseo Marzal: SimPlanner: An Execution-Monitoring System for Replanning in Dynamic Worlds. EPIA 2001: 393-400
10EELaura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia, Eliseo Marzal: STeLLa: An Optimal Sequential and Parallel Planner. EPIA 2001: 409-416
9 Laura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia, Eliseo Marzal: A Graph-based Approach for POCL Planning. ECAI 2000: 531-535
8EEEva Onaindia, Laura Sebastia, Eliseo Marzal: Incremental Local Search for Planning Problems. Local Search for Planning and Scheduling 2000: 139-157
7EEEva Onaindia, Laura Sebastia, Eliseo Marzal: 4SP: A four stage incremental planning approach. PuK 2000
6EEEva Onaindia, Miguel Rebollo: Temporal Representation and Reasoning for Dynamic Environments. IBERAMIA 1998: 207-218
5 Eva Onaindia, Federico Barber, Vicente J. Botti, Carlos Carrascosa, Miguel A. Hernandez, Miguel Rebollo: A Progressive Heuristic Search Algorithm for the Cutting Stock Problem. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1998: 25-35
4EEVicente J. Botti, Federico Barber, Alfons Crespo, Eva Onaindia, Ana García-Fornes, Ismael Ripoll, D. Gallardo, L. Hernández: A Temporal Blackboard for a Multi-Agent Environment. Data Knowl. Eng. 15(3): 189-211 (1995)
3 Federico Barber, Vicente J. Botti, Eva Onaindia, Alfons Crespo: Temporal Reasoning in REAKT: An Environment for Real-Time Knowledge-Based Systems. AI Commun. 7(3/4): 175-202 (1994)
2 Vicente J. Botti, Federico Barber, Alfons Crespo, D. Gallardo, Ismael Ripoll, Eva Onaindia, L. Hernández: Sharing Temporal Knowledge by Multiple Agents. DEXA 1993: 470-473
1 Thomas Chehire, Eva Onaindia: Applying a Time Map Manager in a Real-Time Expert System for Alarm Filtering. ICTAI 1992: 14-21

Coauthor Index

1Jose A. Alvarez [26] [31]
2Marlene Arangú [37]
3Juan D. Arias [34]
4Eva Armengol [34]
5Federico Barber [2] [3] [4] [5] [12]
6Daniel Borrajo [34]
7Jesus Boticario (Jesús González-Boticario) [34]
8Vicente J. Botti [2] [3] [4] [5] [20]
9Alberto Bugarín [32]
10Carlos Carrascosa [5]
11Luis A. Castillo [34]
12Thomas Chehire [1]
13Carlos Correcher [21]
14Alfons Crespo [2] [3] [4]
15Susana Fernández [34]
16D. Gallardo [2] [4]
17Inma Garcia [36]
18Ana García-Fornes [4]
19Ma. de Guadalupe García-Hernández [30]
20Antonio Garrido [24] [37] [38]
21Cesar Guzman [36]
22Donato Hernández [24]
23L. Hernández [2] [4]
24Miguel A. Hernandez [5]
25Roque Marín [32]
26Eliseo Marzal [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [16] [17] [18] [23] [26] [28] [33] [39]
27Martín Mellado [21]
28Miguel Rebollo [5] [6] [20]
29Ismael Ripoll [2] [4]
30Antonio Rodríguez [34]
31José Santos [32]
32Oscar Sapena [11] [13] [15] [21] [22] [25] [29] [35] [38]
33Laura Sebastia [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [16] [17] [18] [23] [26] [28] [31] [33] [34] [36] [39]
34Antonio Garrido Tejero [12] [19] [27] [30]
35Maite Urretavizcaya [14]
36Eduardo Vendrell [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)