
Erika Matsak

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4 Erika Matsak: Improved Version of the Natural Language Dialog System DST and Its Application for Discovery of Logical Constructions in Children's Speech. IC-AI 2008: 332-338
3 Erika Matsak: The Prototype of System For Discovering of Inference Rules. IC-AI 2007: 489-494
2 Erika Matsak: Using Natural Language Dialog System DST for Discovery of Logical Constructions of Children's Speech. IC-AI 2006: 325-331
1 Erika Matsak: Dialogue System for Extracting Logic Constructions in Natural Language Texts. IC-AI 2005: 791-797

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)