
Kathleen Neumann

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11 Martin Maskarinec, Kathleen Neumann: Optimized Sorting Functions for a Distributed Deductive Database. IC-AI 2008: 182-184
10 Martin Maskarinec, Kathleen Neumann: Cost Functions for a Distributed Deductive Database within a Cluster Computing Environment. IC-AI 2007: 404-407
9 Martin Maskarinec, Kathleen Neumann: Using a Distributed Deductive Database for Mining Association Rules. IC-AI 2006: 356-362
8 Kathleen Neumann, Martin Maskarinec: Using Aggregate Functions within a Distributed Deductive Database. IC-AI 2005: 273-278
7 Martin Maskarinec, Kathleen Neumann: Heterogeneous Cost Functions and a Partitioning Algorithm for a Distributed Deductive Database. IC-AI 2003: 97-100
6 Martin Maskarinec, Kathleen Neumann: Using Java to Implement a Distributed Deductive Database. IC-AI 2002: 263-266
5 Martin Maskarinec, Kathleen Neumann: Data Mining with a Distributed Deductive Database. IC-AI 1999: 115-121
4EEKathleen Neumann, Martin Maskarinec: Mobile computing within a distributed deductive database. SAC 1997: 318-322
3 Kathleen Neumann, Martin Maskarinec: Expanding a Distributed Deductive Database with Mobile Computing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 1(3): (1997)
2EEKathleen Neumann, Lawrence J. Henschen: Partitioning Algorithms for a Distributed Deductive Databases. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1994: 288-295
1EEKathleen Neumann, Darleen V. Pigford: The design of a programmer's interface for an interactive microcomputer animation tool. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 699

Coauthor Index

1Lawrence J. Henschen [2]
2Martin Maskarinec [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Darleen V. Pigford [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)