
Lorraine McGinty

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36EEJames Reilly, Jiyong Zhang, Lorraine McGinty, Pearl Pu, Barry Smyth: Evaluating compound critiquing recommenders: a real-user study. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2007: 114-123
35 Edwin Costello, Lorraine McGinty, Matt Burland, Barry Smyth: The Role of Recommendation for Flavor Innovation and Discovery. IC-AI 2007: 463-469
34EEKevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Case-Based Group Recommendation: Compromising for Success. ICCBR 2007: 299-313
33EEJames Reilly, Jiyong Zhang, Lorraine McGinty, Pearl Pu, Barry Smyth: A comparison of two compound critiquing systems. IUI 2007: 317-320
32EEKevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth, Maria Salamó: The Needs of the Many: A Case-Based Group Recommender System. ECCBR 2006: 196-210
31 John Doody, Edwin Costello, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Combining Visualization and Feedback for Eyewear Recommendation. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 135-140
30 Kevin McCarthy, Maria Salamó, Lorcan Coyle, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth, Paddy Nixon: CATS: A Synchronous Approach to Collaborative Group Recommendation. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 86-91
29EEKevin McCarthy, Maria Salamó, Lorcan Coyle, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth, Paddy Nixon: Group recommender systems: a critiquing based approach. IUI 2006: 267-269
28EEEdwin Costello, John Doody, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: iCARE: intelligent customer assistance for recommending eyewear. IUI 2006: 282-284
27 Kevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth, James Reilly: On the Evaluation of Dynamic Critiquing: A Large-Scale User Study. AAAI 2005: 535-540
26 Kevin McCarthy, James Reilly, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: An Analysis of Critique Diversity in Case-Based Recommendation. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 123-128
25 Lorraine McGinty, Denise Shanley, Barry Smyth: Using Recommendation Summaries for Retrieval in Conversational Recommenders. IC-AI 2005: 802-808
24 Barry Smyth, Kevin McCarthy, James Reilly, Derry O'Sullivan, Lorraine McGinty, David C. Wilson: Case Studies in Association Rule Mining for Recommender Systems. IC-AI 2005: 809-815
23EEKevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth, James Reilly: A Live-User Evaluation of Incremental Dynamic Critiquing. ICCBR 2005: 339-352
22EEJames Reilly, Barry Smyth, Lorraine McGinty, Kevin McCarthy: Critiquing with Confidence. ICCBR 2005: 436-450
21EEKevin McCarthy, James Reilly, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Experiments in dynamic critiquing. IUI 2005: 175-182
20EEMaria Salamó, James Reilly, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Knowledge Discovery from User Preferences in Conversational Recommendation. PKDD 2005: 228-239
19EEJames Reilly, Kevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Explaining Compound Critiques. Artif. Intell. Rev. 24(2): 199-220 (2005)
18EELorraine McGinty, Brian P. Crean: Editorial - The 15th Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference (AICS-04). Artif. Intell. Rev. 24(3-4): 229-231 (2005)
17EEKevin McCarthy, James Reilly, Barry Smyth, Lorraine McGinty: Generating Diverse Compound Critiques. Artif. Intell. Rev. 24(3-4): 339-357 (2005)
16EEJames Reilly, Kevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Incremental critiquing. Knowl.-Based Syst. 18(4-5): 143-151 (2005)
15EEEnric Plaza, Lorraine McGinty: Distributed case-based reasoning. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(3): 261-265 (2005)
14EEDerek G. Bridge, Mehmet H. Göker, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Case-based recommender systems. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(3): 315-320 (2005)
13EEKevin McCarthy, James Reilly, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: On the Dynamic Generation of Compound Critiques in Conversational Recommender Systems. AH 2004: 176-184
12EEJames Reilly, Kevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Dynamic Critiquing. ECCBR 2004: 763-777
11EEBarry Smyth, Lorraine McGinty, James Reilly, Kevin McCarthy: Compound Critiques for Conversational Recommender Systems. Web Intelligence 2004: 145-151
10EELorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: On the Role of Diversity in Conversational Recommender Systems. ICCBR 2003: 276-290
9 Barry Smyth, Lorraine McGinty: The Power of Suggestion. IJCAI 2003: 127-132
8EELorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Improving the Performance of Recommender Systems That Use Critiquing. ITWP 2003: 114-132
7EELorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Evaluating Preference-Based Feedback in Recommender Systems. AICS 2002: 209-214
6EELorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Comparison-Based Recommendation. ECCBR 2002: 575-589
5 Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Preference-Based Feedback for Recommendation. ECCBR Workshops 2002: 24-25
4 Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Shared Experiences in Personalized Route Planning. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 111-115
3EELorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Collaborative Case-Based Reasoning: Applications in Personalised Route Planning. ICCBR 2001: 362-376
2EELorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: Personalized Route Planning: A Case-Based Approach. EWCBR 2000: 431-442
1 Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth: TURAS: A Personalised Route Planning System. PRICAI 2000: 791

Coauthor Index

1Derek G. Bridge [14]
2Matt Burland [35]
3Edwin Costello [28] [31] [35]
4Lorcan Coyle [29] [30]
5Brian P. Crean [18]
6John Doody [28] [31]
7Mehmet H. Göker [14]
8Kevin McCarthy [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [29] [30] [32] [34]
9Paddy Nixon (Patrick Nixon) [29] [30]
10Derry O'Sullivan [24]
11Enric Plaza [15]
12Pearl Pu [33] [36]
13James Reilly [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [33] [36]
14Maria Salamó [20] [29] [30] [32]
15Denise Shanley [25]
16Barry Smyth [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36]
17David C. Wilson [24]
18Jiyong Zhang [33] [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)