
Malrey Lee

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50 Eungyeong Kim, Yupeng Zhang, Malrey Lee: A Model of Active Agent design to cope Hypertension's Emergencies situation rapidly Home healthcare. IC-AI 2008: 225-231
49 Yupeng Zhang, Malrey Lee, Eungyeong Kim, Thomas M. Gatton: A Study of Combination Genetic Algorithm and MMAS for VRP problem. IC-AI 2008: 438-442
48 Thomas M. Gatton, Malrey Lee, Alton Hacigums, Yupeng Zhang: A prototype automated knowledge acquisition system. IKE 2008: 170-175
47EEEungyeong Kim, Hyogun Yoon, Malrey Lee, Thomas M. Gatton: The User Preference Learning for Multi-agent Based on Neural Network in Ubiquitous Computing Environment. KES-AMSTA 2008: 547-556
46 Taeho Jo, Malrey Lee, Hyogun Yoon, Chulgyu Song: Modifying a Simplified EM Algorithm for Text Clustering using a SM based Operation on String Vectors. DMIN 2007: 409-413
45 Taeho Jo, Malrey Lee: SM based Operation for Specializing a Fast Clustering Algorithm for Text Clustering. IC-AI 2007: 777-780
44 Malrey Lee, Yupeng Zhang, ThaeEun Kim, Thomas M. Gatton: A Reactive Multi-Agent Based Ant Colony Algorithm. IC-AI 2007: 791-795
43 Taeho Jo, Malrey Lee, Thomas M. Gatton: Modifying a Kernel based Learning in Text Categorization using an Inverted Index based Operation. IKE 2007: 387-391
42EETaeho Jo, Malrey Lee: Mistaken Driven and Unconditional Learning of NTC. ISNN (1) 2007: 1201-1210
41EETaeho Jo, Malrey Lee: The Evaluation Measure of Text Clustering for the Variable Number of Clusters. ISNN (2) 2007: 871-879
40 Taeho Jo, Malrey Lee, Eungyeong Kim: Using Inverted Index based Operation for Modifying Example based Learning Algorithm. International Conference on Internet Computing 2007: 399-403
39 Youngchul Bae, Malrey Lee, Sang Doo Shin, Thomas M. Gatton, Yigon Kim: Knowledge Engineering for a Fuzzy Power Plant Process Controller. JIISIC 2007: 87-92
38EEThomas M. Gatton, Malrey Lee, Tae-eun Kim, Young Keun Lee: Diagnostic Knowledge Acquisition for Agent-Based Medical Applications. KES-AMSTA 2007: 626-635
37EEBobby D. Gerardo, Jaewan Lee, Malrey Lee: Framework for Data Aggregation and Insurance Service in Vehicle Telematics Using Multi-agents. KES-AMSTA 2007: 815-824
36EEKrzysztof Slot, Piotr Korbel, Hyongsuk Kim, Malrey Lee, Suhong Ko: Parallel Implementation of Elastic Grid Matching Using Cellular Neural Networks. MIRAGE 2007: 472-481
35 Taeho Jo, Malrey Lee, Thomas M. Gatton: Inverted Index based Operation on String Vector for K Means Algorithm in Text Clustering. MLMTA 2007: 267-271
34EETaeho Jo, Malrey Lee: Kernel based Learning Suitable for Text Categorization. SERA 2007: 289-292
33EEHyogun Yoon, Eungyeong Kim, Malrey Lee: A User context awareness Model for mobile environment processing. SERA 2007: 293-296
32 Keun-Sang Yi, Taeho Jo, Malrey Lee, Young-Keun Choi: Modifying Online Text Clustering Algorithm using Inverted Index based Operation. SWWS 2007: 150-153
31EETaeho Jo, Malrey Lee, Yigon Kim: String Vectors as a Representation of Documents with Numerical Vectors in Text Categorization. JCIT 2(1): 66-73 (2007)
30EERomeo Mark A. Mateo, Malrey Lee, Su-Chong Joo, Jaewan Lee: Location-Aware Data Mining for Mobile Users Based on Neuro-fuzzy System. FSKD 2006: 1269-1278
29EEYoungchul Bae, Malrey Lee, Thomas M. Gatton: An Obstacle Avoidence Method for Chaotic Robots Using Angular Degree Limitions. ICCSA (3) 2006: 244-250
28EEMalrey Lee, Eun-Kwan Kang, Thomas M. Gatton: Web-Document Filtering Using Concept Graph. ICCSA (4) 2006: 947-954
27EESeong-Man Choi, Malrey Lee, Cheol-Jung Yoo, Ok-Bae Chang: Process Development Methodology for U-Integrated Management System. ICCSA (5) 2006: 644-654
26EEYunjeong Kang, Malrey Lee, Yongseok Lee, Thomas M. Gatton: Optimization of Fuzzy Rules: Integrated Approach for Classification Problems. ICCSA (5) 2006: 665-674
25EEMalrey Lee, Jae-deuk Lee, Hye-Jin Jeong, YoungSoon Lee, Seong-Man Choi, Thomas M. Gatton: A Cooperation Model Using Reinforcement Learning for Multi-agent. ICCSA (5) 2006: 675-681
24EERomeo Mark A. Mateo, Malrey Lee, Jaewan Lee: Load Balancing Using Dynamic Replication Scheme for the Distributed Object Group. ICHIT 2006: 458-468
23EEMalrey Lee, Kang Yun Jeong: A Component for Management System and Ubiquitous Environment. ICIC (1) 2006: 1072-1077
22EEMalrey Lee, Hye-Jin Jeong: Mobile Phone Number Management System Using an X-internet Approach. ICIC (1) 2006: 1145-1150
21EEMalrey Lee, Hye-Jin Jeong, Young Joon Choi, Thomas M. Gatton: A Nuclear Power Plant Expert System Using Artificial Neural Networks. ISNN (2) 2006: 1239-1245
20EEMalrey Lee: A study of evolution strategy based cooperative behavior in collective agents. Artif. Intell. Rev. 25(3): 195-209 (2006)
19 Taeho Jo, Malrey Lee: The Comparison of Two Representations of Documents in Text Clustering. JCIT 1(1): 105-115 (2006)
18EEEun-ser Lee, Malrey Lee: Development System Security Process of ISO/IEC TR 15504 and Security Considerations for Software Process Improvement. ICCSA (2) 2005: 363-372
17EEMalrey Lee, Dong-Ju Im, Young Keun Lee, Jae-deuk Lee, Suwon Lee, Keun Kwang Lee, HeeJo Kang: Algorithm for ABR Traffic Control and Formation Feedback Information. ICCSA (2) 2005: 420-428
16EEDong-Ju Im, Malrey Lee, Young Keun Lee, Tae-eun Kim, Suwon Lee, Jaewan Lee, Keun Kwang Lee, Kyung Dal Cho: Similarity Retrieval Based on Self-organizing Maps. ICCSA (2) 2005: 474-482
15EEMalrey Lee, Eun-ser Lee, HeeJo Kang, HeeSook Kim: An Expert System Development for Operating Procedure Monitoring of PWR Plants. ICCSA (2) 2005: 483-490
14EEBobby D. Gerardo, Jaewan Lee, Yeon-Sung Choi, Malrey Lee: The K-Means Clustering Architecture in the Multi-stage Data Mining Process. ICCSA (2) 2005: 71-81
13EEYangSun Lee, Heau-jo Kang, Malrey Lee, Tai-Hoon Kim: A Study on the Effect of Interference on Time Hopping Binary PPM Impulse Radio System. ICIC (2) 2005: 665-674
12EESang-Hoon Kim, Tae-eun Kim, Malrey Lee, Jong-Soo Choi: 3D-Based Synthesis and 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Images. KES (3) 2005: 213-218
11EEMalrey Lee, Tae-eun Kim: The construction of a fuzzy inference network by extension of the rule inference network. Neural Computing and Applications 14(3): 223-228 (2005)
10EEBobby D. Gerardo, Jaewan Lee, Jung-sik Lee, Mingi Park, Malrey Lee: The Association Rule Algorithm with Missing Data in Data Mining. ICCSA (1) 2004: 97-105
9EEMalrey Lee, Heai-Jo Kang, Tae-eun Kim: Multimedia Expert System for a Nuclear Power Plant Accident Diagnosis Using a Fuzzy Inference Method. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 13(3): 691-704 (2004)
8EEMalrey Lee, Ok-Bae Chang, Cheol-Jung Yoo, Yong-Sung Kim, Ou Bong Gwun: Behavior Evolution of Multiple Mobile Agents under Solving a Continuous Pursuit Problem Using Artificial Life Concept. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 39(4): 433-445 (2004)
7EEMalrey Lee, Su-Chong Joo, HeeSook Kim: Realization of emergent behavior in collective autonomous mobile agents using an artificial neural network and a genetic algorithm. Neural Computing and Applications 13(3): 237-247 (2004)
6EEMalrey Lee, Dong-Ju Im, Sung Su Park, Jung-sik Lee, Jaewan Lee: A Predictive Feedback Control Model Using NN and NLMS. KES 2003: 822-827
5EEMalrey Lee, Dong-Ju Im, Sung Su Park, Jung-sik Lee, Jaewan Lee, Bumjun Cho: Representing of Dependence Model and Class Testing Using Program Dependence Model. KES 2003: 828-833
4EEJeong Hyun-Cheol, Malrey Lee, Bumjun Cho: Secure Transaction Processing in Multi-expert Systems with Replicated Data. KES 2003: 834-840
3EEMalrey Lee: Evolution of behaviors in autonomous robot using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm. Inf. Sci. 155(1-2): 43-60 (2003)
2EEMalrey Lee: A study of an automatic learning model of adaptation knowledge for case base reasoning. Inf. Sci. 155(1-2): 61-78 (2003)
1 Malrey Lee, Tae-eun Kim: Estimation of Hybrid Reflectance Properties and Shape Reconstruction Using the LMS Method. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 8(1): 1-17 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Youngchul Bae [29] [39]
2Ok-Bae Chang [8] [27]
3Bumjun Cho [4] [5]
4Kyung Dal Cho [16]
5Jong-Soo Choi [12]
6Seong-Man Choi [25] [27]
7Yeon-Sung Choi [14]
8Young Joon Choi [21]
9Young-Keun Choi [32]
10Thomas M. Gatton [21] [25] [26] [28] [29] [35] [38] [39] [43] [44] [47] [48] [49]
11Bobby D. Gerardo [10] [14] [37]
12Ou Bong Gwun [8]
13Alton Hacigums [48]
14Jeong Hyun-Cheol [4]
15Dong-Ju Im [5] [6] [16] [17]
16Hye-Jin Jeong [21] [22] [25]
17Kang Yun Jeong [23]
18Taeho Jo (Taeho C. Jo) [19] [31] [32] [34] [35] [40] [41] [42] [43] [45] [46]
19Su-Chong Joo [7] [30]
20Eun-Kwan Kang [28]
21Heai-Jo Kang [9]
22Heau-jo Kang [13]
23HeeJo Kang [15] [17]
24Yunjeong Kang [26]
25Eungyeong Kim [33] [40] [47] [49] [50]
26HeeSook Kim [7] [15]
27Hyongsuk Kim [36]
28Sang-Hoon Kim [12]
29Tae-eun Kim [1] [9] [11] [12] [16] [38]
30Tai-Hoon Kim [13]
31ThaeEun Kim [44]
32Yigon Kim [31] [39]
33Yong-Sung Kim [8]
34Suhong Ko [36]
35Piotr Korbel [36]
36Eun-ser Lee [15] [18]
37Jae-deuk Lee [17] [25]
38Jaewan Lee [5] [6] [10] [14] [16] [24] [30] [37]
39Jung-sik Lee [5] [6] [10]
40Keun Kwang Lee [16] [17]
41Suwon Lee [16] [17]
42YangSun Lee [13]
43Yongseok Lee [26]
44Young Keun Lee [16] [17] [38]
45YoungSoon Lee [25]
46Romeo Mark A. Mateo [24] [30]
47Mingi Park [10]
48Sung Su Park [5] [6]
49Sang Doo Shin [39]
50Krzysztof Slot [36]
51Chulgyu Song [46]
52Keun-Sang Yi [32]
53Cheol-Jung Yoo [8] [27]
54Hyogun Yoon [33] [46] [47]
55Yupeng Zhang [44] [48] [49] [50]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)