
Sonia Vázquez

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16EEZornitsa Kozareva, Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo: Domain Information for Fine-Grained Person Name Categorization. CICLing 2008: 311-321
15EEZornitsa Kozareva, Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo: The Usefulness of Conceptual Representation for the Identification of Semantic Variability Expressions. CICLing 2007: 325-336
14 Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo, Zornitsa Kozareva: Word Sense Disambiguation Using Extended Relevant Domains Resource. IC-AI 2007: 823-828
13EESonia Vázquez, Zornitsa Kozareva, Andrés Montoyo: How Context and Semantic Information Can Help a Machine Learning System? MICAI 2007: 996-1003
12EEZornitsa Kozareva, Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo: Multilingual Name Disambiguation with Semantic Information. TSD 2007: 23-30
11EEZornitsa Kozareva, Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo: University of Alicante at QA@CLEF2006: Answer Validation Exercise. CLEF 2006: 522-525
10EESonia Vázquez, Zornitsa Kozareva, Andrés Montoyo: Textual Entailment Beyond Semantic Similarity Information. MICAI 2006: 900-910
9EEZornitsa Kozareva, Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo: The Effect of Semantic Knowledge Expansion to Textual Entailment Recognition. TSD 2006: 143-150
8EEBorja Navarro, Lorenza Moreno-Monteagudo, Elisa Noguera, Sonia Vázquez, Fernando Llopis, Andrés Montoyo: "How Much Context Do You Need?": An Experiment About the Context Size in Interactive Cross-Language Question Answering. CLEF 2005: 273-282
7EEIulia Nica, Maria Antònia Martí, Andrés Montoyo, Sonia Vázquez: Combining EWN and Sense-Untagged Corpus for WSD. CICLing 2004: 188-200
6EESonia Vázquez, Estela Saquete, Andrés Montoyo, Patricio Martínez-Barco, Rafael Muñoz: The Role of Temporal Expressions in Word Sense Disambiguation. CICLing 2004: 209-212
5EEBorja Navarro, Lorenza Moreno, Sonia Vázquez, Fernando Llopis, Andrés Montoyo, Miguel Angel Varó: Improving Interaction with the User in Cross-Language Question Answering Through Relevant Domains and Syntactic Semantic Patterns. CLEF 2004: 334-342
4 Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo, German Rigau: Using Relevant Domains Resource for Word Sense Disambiguation. IC-AI 2004: 784-789
3EEIulia Nica, Andrés Montoyo, Sonia Vázquez, Maria Antònia Martí: An Unsupervised WSD Algorithm for a NLP System. NLDB 2004: 288-298
2EESonia Vázquez, Ma Carmen Calle, Susana Soler, Andrés Montoyo: Specification Marks Method: Design and Implementation. CICLing 2002: 439-442
1EEAndrés Montoyo, Rafael Romero, Sonia Vázquez, Ma Carmen Calle, Susana Soler: The Role of WSD for Multilingual Natural Language Applications. TSD 2002: 41-48

Coauthor Index

1Estela Saquete Boró (Estela Saquete) [6]
2Ma Carmen Calle [1] [2]
3Zornitsa Kozareva [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
4Fernando Llopis [5] [8]
5Maria Antònia Martí [3] [7]
6Patricio Martínez-Barco [6]
7Andrés Montoyo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
8Lorenza Moreno [5]
9Lorenza Moreno-Monteagudo [8]
10Rafael Muñoz (Rafael Muñoz Guillena) [6]
11Borja Navarro [5] [8]
12Iulia Nica [3] [7]
13Elisa Noguera [8]
14German Rigau [4]
15Rafael Romero [1]
16Susana Soler [1] [2]
17Miguel Angel Varó [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)