
Juan Carlos Rosete Fonseca

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4 Berenice Cruz Flores, Juan Carlos Rosete Fonseca, Leonardo Bernal Haro: Manufacturing Cells Design by Applying Genetic Algorithms and a Local Search. IC-AI 2007: 441-447
3 Juan Carlos Rosete Fonseca, Efren Gorrostieta Hurtado, Joaquin Perez Meneses: Obstacles Avoidance in a Self Path Planning of a Polar Robot. IC-AI 2006: 420-425
2 Carlos Venturino De Coss Perez, Juan Carlos Rosete Fonseca: Genetic Algorithms to Solve Layout Problems Under Quadratic Models. IC-AI 2005: 365-370
1 Juan Carlos Rosete Fonseca, Alejandro Vega Salinas: Training Robots in Virtual Environments Using Genetic Algorithms. IC-AI 2004: 562-568

Coauthor Index

1Berenice Cruz Flores [4]
2Leonardo Bernal Haro [4]
3Efren Gorrostieta Hurtado [3]
4Joaquin Perez Meneses [3]
5Carlos Venturino De Coss Perez [2]
6Alejandro Vega Salinas [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)