
Nodari Vakhania

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15EEEvgeny V. Shchepin, Nodari Vakhania: On the geometry, preemptions and complexity of multiprocessor and shop scheduling. Annals OR 159(1): 183-213 (2008)
14EEEvgeny V. Shchepin, Nodari Vakhania: An optimal rounding gives a better approximation for scheduling unrelated machines. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(2): 127-133 (2005)
13EENodari Vakhania: Single-Machine Scheduling with Release Times and Tails. Annals OR 129(1-4): 253-271 (2004)
12EEPhilippe Baptiste, Marek Chrobak, Christoph Dürr, Wojciech Jawor, Nodari Vakhania: Preemptive scheduling of equal-length jobs to maximize weighted throughput. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(3): 258-264 (2004)
11EENodari Vakhania: A better algorithm for sequencing with release and delivery times on identical machines. J. Algorithms 48(2): 273-293 (2003)
10EEMarek Chrobak, Leah Epstein, John Noga, Jiri Sgall, Rob van Stee, Tomás Tichý, Nodari Vakhania: Preemptive scheduling in overloaded systems. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 67(1): 183-197 (2003)
9EEMarek Chrobak, Leah Epstein, John Noga, Jiri Sgall, Rob van Stee, Tomás Tichý, Nodari Vakhania: Preemptive Scheduling in Overloaded Systems. ICALP 2002: 800-811
8EEPhilippe Baptiste, Marek Chrobak, Christoph Dürr, Wojciech Jawor, Nodari Vakhania: Preemptive Scheduling of Equal-Length Jobs to Maximize Weighted Throughput CoRR cs.DS/0209033: (2002)
7EENodari Vakhania: Scheduling Equal-Length Jobs with Delivery times on Identical Processors. Int. J. Comput. Math. 79(6): 715-728 (2002)
6 Evgeny V. Shchepin, Nodari Vakhania: Little-Preemptive Scheduling on Unrelated Processors. J. Math. Model. Algorithms 1(1): 43-56 (2002)
5 Nodari Vakhania: Tight Performance Bounds of CP-Scheduling on Out-Trees. J. Comb. Optim. 5(4): 445-464 (2001)
4 Marjan van den Akker, Han Hoogeveen, Nodari Vakhania: Restarts Can Help in the On-Line Minimization of the Maximum Delivery Time on a Single Machine. ESA 2000: 427-436
3EENodari Vakhania: Global and Local Search for Scheduling Job Shop with Parallel Machines. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2000: 63-75
2EEEvgeny V. Shchepin, Nodari Vakhania: Task Distributions on Multiprocessor Systems. IFIP TCS 2000: 112-125
1EENodari Vakhania: Sequencing jobs with readiness times and tails on parallel machines. SAC 1997: 438-446

Coauthor Index

1J. M. van den Akker (Marjan van den Akker) [4]
2Philippe Baptiste [8] [12]
3Marek Chrobak [8] [9] [10] [12]
4Christoph Dürr [8] [12]
5Leah Epstein [9] [10]
6Han Hoogeveen (J. A. Hoogeveen) [4]
7Wojciech Jawor [8] [12]
8John Noga [9] [10]
9Jiri Sgall [9] [10]
10Evgeny V. Shchepin [2] [6] [14] [15]
11Rob van Stee [9] [10]
12Tomás Tichý [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)