
Norbert Zeh

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42EEProsenjit Bose, Paz Carmi, Mathieu Couture, Anil Maheshwari, Michiel H. M. Smid, Norbert Zeh: Geometric spanners with small chromatic number. Comput. Geom. 42(2): 134-146 (2009)
41EELars Arge, Thomas Mølhave, Norbert Zeh: Cache-Oblivious Red-Blue Line Segment Intersection. ESA 2008: 88-99
40EEGlenn Hickey, Paz Carmi, Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: NAPX: A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for the Noah's Ark Problem. WABI 2008: 76-86
39EENorbert Zeh: I/O-model. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
38EEGlenn Hickey, Paz Carmi, Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: NAPX: A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for the Noah's Ark Problem CoRR abs/0805.1661: (2008)
37EEAnil Maheshwari, Michiel H. M. Smid, Norbert Zeh: I/O-efficient algorithms for computing planar geometric spanners. Comput. Geom. 40(3): 252-271 (2008)
36EEAnil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Planar Separators. SIAM J. Comput. 38(3): 767-801 (2008)
35 Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Jörg-Rüdiger Sack, Norbert Zeh: Algorithms and Data Structures, 10th International Workshop, WADS 2007, Halifax, Canada, August 15-17, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
34EEJean-Paul Deveaux, Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Norbert Zeh: Adaptive Tuple Differential Coding. DEXA 2007: 109-119
33EEAdan Cosgaya-Lozano, Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Norbert Zeh: Parallel Computation of Skyline Queries. HPCS 2007: 12
32EELuca Allulli, Peter Lichodzijewski, Norbert Zeh: A faster cache-oblivious shortest-path algorithm for undirected graphs with bounded edge lengths. SODA 2007: 910-919
31EEProsenjit Bose, Paz Carmi, Mathieu Couture, Anil Maheshwari, Michiel H. M. Smid, Norbert Zeh: Geometric Spanners with Small Chromatic Number. WAOA 2007: 75-88
30EEProsenjit Bose, Paz Carmi, Mathieu Couture, Anil Maheshwari, Michiel H. M. Smid, Norbert Zeh: Geometric Spanners With Small Chromatic Number CoRR abs/0711.0114: (2007)
29EEUlrich Meyer, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Undirected Shortest Paths with Unbounded Edge Lengths. ESA 2006: 540-551
28EEAllan E. Scott, Ulrike Stege, Norbert Zeh: Politician's Firefighting. ISAAC 2006: 608-617
27EELars Arge, Norbert Zeh: Simple and semi-dynamic structures for cache-oblivious planar orthogonal range searching. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 158-166
26EESathish Govindarajan, Tamás Lukovszki, Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Well-Separated Pair Decomposition and Applications. Algorithmica 45(4): 585-614 (2006)
25EERichard J. Nowakowski, Norbert Zeh: Boundary-optimal Triangulation Flooding. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 16(2-3): 271-290 (2006)
24EEHema Jampala, Norbert Zeh: Cache-Oblivious Planar Shortest Paths. ICALP 2005: 563-575
23EERichard J. Nowakowski, Norbert Zeh: Boundary-Optimal Triangulation Flooding. ISAAC 2004: 717-728
22EENorbert Zeh: Connectivity of Graphs Under Edge Flips. SWAT 2004: 161-173
21EEGerth Stølting Brodal, Rolf Fagerberg, Ulrich Meyer, Norbert Zeh: Cache-Oblivious Data Structures and Algorithms for Undirected Breadth-First Search and Shortest Paths. SWAT 2004: 480-492
20EEProsenjit Bose, Anil Maheshwari, Giri Narasimhan, Michiel H. M. Smid, Norbert Zeh: Approximating geometric bottleneck shortest paths. Comput. Geom. 29(3): 233-249 (2004)
19EEAnil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Optimal Algorithms for Outerplanar Graphs. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 8: 47-87 (2004)
18EEUlrich Meyer, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Undirected Shortest Paths. ESA 2003: 434-445
17EELars Arge, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Strong Connectivity and Depth-First Search for Directed Planar Graphs. FOCS 2003: 261-270
16EELars Arge, Laura Toma, Norbert Zeh: I/O-efficient topological sorting of planar DAGs. SPAA 2003: 85-93
15EEProsenjit Bose, Anil Maheshwari, Giri Narasimhan, Michiel H. M. Smid, Norbert Zeh: Approximating Geometric Bottleneck Shortest Paths. STACS 2003: 38-49
14 David A. Hutchinson, Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: An external memory data structure for shortest path queries. Discrete Applied Mathematics 126(1): 55-82 (2003)
13EELars Arge, Ulrich Meyer, Laura Toma, Norbert Zeh: On External-Memory Planar Depth First Search. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 7(2): 105-129 (2003)
12EEAnil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: A Survey of Techniques for Designing I/O-Efficient Algorithms. Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies 2002: 36-61
11EELaura Toma, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Sparse Graphs. Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies 2002: 85-109
10EEAnil Maheshwari, Jan Vahrenhold, Norbert Zeh: On reverse nearest neighbor queries. CCCG 2002: 128-132
9EEAnil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: I/O-optimal algorithms for planar graphs using separators. SODA 2002: 372-381
8EETamás Lukovszki, Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Batched Range Counting and Its Applications to Proximity Problems. FSTTCS 2001: 244-255
7 Norbert Zeh, Nicola Santoro: On Finding Minimum Deadly Sets for Directed Networks. SIROCCO 2001: 351-366
6EEAnil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: I/O-efficient algorithms for graphs of bounded treewidth. SODA 2001: 89-90
5EEAnil Maheshwari, Michiel H. M. Smid, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Shortest Path Queries in Geometric Spanners. WADS 2001: 287-299
4EELars Arge, Ulrich Meyer, Laura Toma, Norbert Zeh: On External-Memory Planar Depth First Search. WADS 2001: 471-482
3 Sathish Govindarajan, Tamás Lukovszki, Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: I/O-Efficient Well-Separated Pair Decomposition and Its Applications. ESA 2000: 220-231
2EEDavid A. Hutchinson, Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: An External Memory Data Structure for Shortest Path Queries. COCOON 1999: 51-60
1EEAnil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh: External Memory Algorithms for Outerplanar Graphs. ISAAC 1999: 307-316

Coauthor Index

1Luca Allulli [32]
2Lars Arge [4] [13] [16] [17] [27] [41]
3Prosenjit Bose [15] [20] [30] [31] [42]
4Gerth Stølting Brodal [21]
5Paz Carmi [30] [31] [38] [40] [42]
6Adan Cosgaya-Lozano [33]
7Mathieu Couture [30] [31] [42]
8Frank K. H. A. Dehne [35]
9Jean-Paul Deveaux [34]
10Rolf Fagerberg [21]
11Sathish Govindarajan [3] [26]
12Glenn Hickey [38] [40]
13David A. Hutchinson [2] [14]
14Hema Jampala [24]
15Peter Lichodzijewski [32]
16Tamás Lukovszki [3] [8] [26]
17Anil Maheshwari [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [12] [14] [15] [19] [20] [26] [30] [31] [36] [37] [38] [40] [42]
18Ulrich Meyer [4] [13] [18] [21] [29]
19Thomas Mølhave [41]
20Giri Narasimhan [15] [20]
21Richard J. Nowakowski [23] [25]
22Andrew Rau-Chaplin [33] [34]
23Jörg-Rüdiger Sack [35]
24Nicola Santoro [7]
25Allan E. Scott [28]
26Michiel H. M. Smid [5] [15] [20] [30] [31] [37] [42]
27Ulrike Stege [28]
28Laura Toma [4] [11] [13] [16]
29Jan Vahrenhold [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)