
John H. Boose

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22EELawrence S. Baum, John H. Boose, Molly L. Boose, Carey Chaplin, Ron Provine: Extracting System-Level Understanding from Wiring Diagram Manuals. GREC 2003: 100-108
21EEJohn H. Boose, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw: Expertise transfer and complex problems: using AQUINAS as a knowledge-acquisition workbench for knowledge-based systems. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 51(2): 453-478 (1999)
20 Larry S. Baum, John H. Boose, Randy J. Kelley: Graphics Recognition for a Large-Scale Airplane Information System. GREC 1997: 291-301
19 Thomas Wetter, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, John H. Boose, Brian R. Gaines, Marc Linster: Current Developments in Knowledge Acquisition - EKAW'92, 6th European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, Heidelberg and Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 18-22, 1992 Springer 1992
18 Thomas R. Gruber, Catherine Baudin, John H. Boose, Jay Webber: Design Rationale Capture as Knowledge Acquisition. ML 1991: 3-12
17EEHiroshi Motoda, Riichiro Mizoguchi, John H. Boose, Brian R. Gaines: Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems. IEEE Expert 6(4): 53-64 (1991)
16 Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, John H. Boose: Decision Analysis Techniques for Knowledge Acquisition: Combining Information and Preferences Using Aquinas and Axotl. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 32(2): 121-186 (1990)
15 Douglas Schuler, Peter Russo, John H. Boose, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw: Using Personal Construct Techniques for Collaborative Evaluation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 33(5): 521-536 (1990)
14EEJeffrey M. Bradshaw, Stanley P. Covington, Peter Russo, John H. Boose: Knowledge Acquisition Techniques for Intelligent Decision Systems: Integrating Axotl and Aquinas in DDUCKS. UAI 1989: 255-270
13 Catherine M. Kitto, John H. Boose: Selecting Knowledge Acquisition Tools and Strategies Based on Application Characteristics. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 31(2): 149-160 (1989)
12 John H. Boose, Brian R. Gaines: Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems: Notes on the State-of-the-Art. Machine Learning 4: 377-394 (1989)
11 John H. Boose: Knowledge Acquisition Techniques and Tools: Current Research Strategies and Approaches. FGCS 1988: 1221-1235
10 John H. Boose: Uses of Repertory Grid-Centred Knowledge Acquisition Tools for Knowledge-Based Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(3): 287-310 (1988)
9 David B. Shema, John H. Boose: Refining Problem-Solving Knowledge in Repertory Grids Using a Consultation Mechanism. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(4): 447-460 (1988)
8 John H. Boose, Arthur T. Nagal: Knowledge Acquisition Research: A Summary of the AAAI Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop. HCI (2) 1987: 491-498
7 John H. Boose, Brian R. Gaines: Editorial: Knowledge Acquisition. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 26(1): 1-2 (1987)
6 John H. Boose, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw: Expertise Transfer and Complex Problems: Using AQUINAS as a Knowledge-Acquisition Workbench for Knowledge-Based Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 26(1): 3-28 (1987)
5 Catherine M. Kitto, John H. Boose: Heuristics for Expertise Transfer: An Implementation of a Dialog Manager for Knowledge Acquisition. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 26(2): 183-202 (1987)
4 John H. Boose: Rapid Acquisition and Combination of Knowledge from Multiple Experts in the Same Domain. CAIA 1985: 461-466
3 John H. Boose: A Knowledge Acquisition Program for Expert Systems Based on Personal Construct Psychology. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 23(5): 495-525 (1985)
2 John H. Boose: Personal Construct Theory and the Transfer of Human Expertise. AAAI 1984: 27-33
1 John H. Boose: Personal Construct Theory and the Transfer of Human Expertise. ECAI 1984: 51-60

Coauthor Index

1Klaus-Dieter Althoff [19]
2Catherine Baudin [18]
3Lawrence S. Baum (Larry S. Baum) [20] [22]
4Molly L. Boose [22]
5Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (Jeffrey Bradshaw) [6] [14] [15] [16] [21]
6Carey Chaplin [22]
7Stanley P. Covington [14]
8Brian R. Gaines [7] [12] [17] [19]
9Thomas R. Gruber (Tom Gruber) [18]
10Randy J. Kelley [20]
11Catherine M. Kitto [5] [13]
12Marc Linster [19]
13Riichiro Mizoguchi [17]
14Hiroshi Motoda [17]
15Arthur T. Nagal [8]
16Ron Provine [22]
17Peter Russo [14] [15]
18Doug Schuler (Douglas Schuler) [15]
19David B. Shema [9]
20Jay Webber [18]
21Thomas Wetter [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)