2009 | ||
60 | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Pierre Gançarski: Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2009), Actes, Strasbourg, 27 au 30 janvier 2009 Cépaduès-Éditions 2009 | |
59 | Claire Laudy, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Fusion symbolique pour la recommandation de programmes télévisés. EGC 2009: 445-446 | |
2008 | ||
58 | EE | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: The Plaited Structure of Time in Information Technology. AISB Convention 2008: 59-64 |
57 | EE | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Charles Madeira, Karan Fouladi: An Adaptive Cartography of DTV Programs. EuroITV 2008: 253-262 |
56 | Bassel Habib, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Using AI to Reconstruct Claude Bernard's Empirical Investigations. IC-AI 2008: 496-501 | |
2007 | ||
55 | EE | Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Topic Extraction with AGAPE. ADMA 2007: 377-388 |
54 | EE | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Bassel Habib: An Attempt to Rebuild C. Bernard's Scientific Steps. Discovery Science 2007: 248-252 |
53 | Julien Velcin, William Vacher, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Logiciel d'aide à l'évaluation des catégorisations. EGC 2007: 175-176 | |
52 | Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: A Tabu-based Approach for Topic Extraction. MLDM Posters 2007: 41-54 | |
51 | EE | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Claude Debru: CYBERNARD: A Computational Reconstruction of Claude Bernard's Scientific Discoveries. Model-Based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and Medicine 2007: 497-510 |
50 | EE | Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Default Clustering with Conceptual Structures. J. Data Semantics 8: 1-25 (2007) |
2006 | ||
49 | EE | Julien Bourdaillet, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: MEDITE: A Unilingual Textual Aligner. FinTAL 2006: 458-469 |
48 | EE | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: AC3 - Automatic Cartography of Cultural Contents. VIEW 2006: 253-263 |
2005 | ||
47 | EE | Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Default Clustering from Sparse Data Sets. ECSQARU 2005: 968-979 |
46 | EE | Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Stereotype Extraction with Default Clustering. IJCAI 2005: 883-888 |
2004 | ||
45 | EE | Charles-David Wajnberg, Vincent Corruble, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, C. Ulises Moulines: A Structuralist Approach Towards Computational Scientific Discovery. Discovery Science 2004: 412-419 |
44 | EE | Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Modeling Default Induction with Conceptual Structures. ER 2004: 83-95 |
43 | EE | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Julien Velcin: Clustering of Conceptual Graphs with Sparse Data. ICCS 2004: 156-169 |
2002 | ||
42 | EE | Pierre-Yves Rolland, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Pattern Detection and Discovery: The Case of Music Data Mining. Pattern Detection and Discovery 2002: 190-198 |
2001 | ||
41 | EE | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Extraction of Recurrent Patterns from Stratified Ordered Trees. ECML 2001: 167-178 |
2000 | ||
40 | EE | Jean-Christophe Baillie, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Qualitative Descriptors and Action Perception. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 316-325 |
39 | Jean-Christophe Baillie, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Action Categorization from Video Sequences. ECAI 2000: 643-647 | |
38 | Pierre-Yves Rolland, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Musical Pattern Extraction and Similarity Assessment. Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence 2000: 115-144 | |
1999 | ||
37 | EE | Pierre-Yves Rolland, Gailius Raskinis, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Musical content-based retrieval: an overview of the Melodiscov approach and system. ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 81-84 |
1998 | ||
36 | Jean-Daniel Zucker, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Learning Structurally Indeterminate Clauses. ILP 1998: 235-244 | |
35 | EE | Jean-Daniel Zucker, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Isabelle Bournaud: Relational Knowledge Discovery in a Chinese Character Database. Applied Artificial Intelligence 12(5): 455-488 (1998) |
1997 | ||
34 | Catherine Faron, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Representation of Defaults and Exceptions in Conceptual Graphs Formalism. ICCS 1997: 153-167 | |
33 | Isabelle Bournaud, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Accounting for Domain Knowledge in the Construction of a Generalization Space. ICCS 1997: 446-459 | |
32 | EE | Christophe Meyer, Irina Akoulchina, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Two Approaches of Human Behavior Anticipation. ICTAI 1997: 19-22 |
31 | Christophe Meyer, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Jean-Daniel Zucker: Learning Strategies in Games by Anticipation. IJCAI (1) 1997: 698-707 | |
30 | EE | Vincent Corruble, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Induction and the Discovery of the Causes of Scurvy: A Computational Reconstruction. Artif. Intell. 91(2): 205-223 (1997) |
1996 | ||
29 | Vincent Corruble, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: The Discovery of the Causes of Leprosy: A Computational Analysis. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 731-736 | |
28 | Mourad Sefrioui, Jacques Périaux, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Fast Convergence Thanks to Diversity. Evolutionary Programming 1996: 313-321 | |
27 | Stephan Grolimund, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Speeding-up Nearest Neighbour Memories: The Template Tree Case Memory Organisation. ICML 1996: 225-233 | |
26 | Jean-Daniel Zucker, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Representation Changes for Efficient Learning in Structural Domains. ICML 1996: 543-551 | |
25 | Isabelle Bournaud, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Construction de hiérarchies conceptuelles pour l'organisation de connaissances. LMO 1996: 120-133 | |
1995 | ||
24 | Stephan Grolimund, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Integrating Case Based Reasoning and Tabu Search for Solving Optimisation Problems. ICCBR 1995: 451-460 | |
23 | Isabelle Bournaud, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Conceptual Clustering of Complex Objects: A Generalization Space based Approach. ICCS 1995: 173-187 | |
22 | Isabelle Moulinier, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Applying an existing machine learning algorithm to text categorization. Learning for Natural Language Processing 1995: 343-354 | |
1994 | ||
21 | Geber Ramalho, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Simulating Creativity in Jazz Performance. AAAI 1994: 108-113 | |
20 | Irina Tchoumatchenko, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: A Baysian Framework to Integrate Symbolic and Neural Learning. ICML 1994: 302-308 | |
19 | Jean-Daniel Zucker, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Selective Reformulation of Examples in Concept Learning. ICML 1994: 352-360 | |
1993 | ||
18 | Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Guy A. Boy, Brian R. Gaines, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Yves Kodratoff, Marc Linster: Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems, 7th European Workshop, EKAW'93, Toulouse and Caylus, France, September 6-10, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993 | |
17 | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Algebraic Structure of Some Learning Systems. ALT 1993: 398-409 | |
16 | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Jérôme Thomas, Philippe Laublet: Integrating Models of Knowledge and Machine Learning. ECML 1993: 396-401 | |
15 | Jérôme Thomas, Philippe Laublet, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: A Machine Learning Tool Designed for a Model-Based Knowledge Acquisition Approach. EKAW 1993: 123-138 | |
14 | Catherine Vicat, Alain Busac, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: CERISE: A Cyclic Approach for Knowledge Acquisition. EKAW 1993: 237-255 | |
13 | Esma Aïmeur, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Elicitation of Taxonomies Based on the Use of Conceptual Graph Operators. ICCS 1993: 361-380 | |
12 | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: TDIS : an Algebraic Formalization. IJCAI 1993: 1008-1015 | |
11 | Geber Ramalho, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: The Role of Musical Memory in Creativity and Learning: A Study of Jazz Performance. Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Approach 1993: 143-156 | |
1992 | ||
10 | Frédéric Mesnard, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: CLP(X) for proving prgram properties. JFPL 1992: 328- | |
9 | Frédéric Mesnard, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: CLP(Q) for Proving Interargument Relations. META 1992: 308-320 | |
1991 | ||
8 | F. Zerr, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Integrating an Explanation-Based Learning Mechanism into a General Problem-Solver. EWSL 1991: 62-80 | |
7 | Frédéric Mesnard, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: A propos du contrôle de la résolution. JTASPEFT/WSA 1991: 125-131 | |
1988 | ||
6 | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Improvement and Refinement of the Learning Bias Semantic. ECAI 1988: 384-389 | |
1987 | ||
5 | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Learning with Hilbert Cubes. EWSL 1987: 158-171 | |
4 | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: CHARADE: A Rule System Learning System. IJCAI 1987: 345-347 | |
1984 | ||
3 | Yves Kodratoff, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, B. Clavieras, Toni Bollinger, Gheorghe Tecuci: Careful Generalization for Concept Learning. ECAI 1984: 229-238 | |
2 | Yves Kodratoff, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Toni Bollinger: Using Structural Matching for Generalizing Examples. GWAI 1984: 199-208 | |
1 | Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Using an Expert System in Merging Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 20(3): 319-330 (1984) |