
Nigel R. Seel

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4 Nigel R. Seel, Julia Galliers, George Kiss, Stephen A. R. Scrivener: Multi-agent interaction. INTERACT 1990: 1059-1061
3 Nigel R. Seel, G. Nigel Gilbert, M. E. Morris: A project-orientated view of CSCW. INTERACT 1990: 903-908
2 Nigel R. Seel: Modelling Iterated Strategies: A Case Study. ECAI 1988: 433-438
1 Nigel R. Seel: An Analysis of a Simple Learning System. ECAI 1984: 209-218

Coauthor Index

1Julia Galliers [4]
2G. Nigel Gilbert (Nigel Gilbert) [3]
3George Kiss [4]
4M. E. Morris [3]
5Stephen A. R. Scrivener [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)