15. CATA 2000:
New Orleans,
Sung Y. Shin (Ed.):
Proceedings of the ISCA 15th International Conference Computers and Their Applications, March 29-31, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
ISCA 2000, ISBN 1-880843-32-3 BibTeX
Session 1a:
Computer networks I
Session 1b:
Session 2a:
Computer networks II
Session 2b:
Database I
Session 3a:
Computer network III
Session 3b:
Database II
Session 4a:
Management information systems
Session 4b:
Database III
- Junping Sun:
Goal-driven data partitioning for quantitative rule derivation.
128-133 BibTeX
- Naphtali Rishe, Alexander Vaschillo, Dmitry Vasilevsky, Artyom Shaposhnikov, Shu-Ching Chen:
The architecture for semantic data access to heterogeneous information sources.
134-139 BibTeX
- Zina Ben-Miled, Alexander Zaitsev, Omar Bukhres, Michael Bem, Robert Jones, Robert J. Oppelt:
Efficient data representation for a very large pharmaceutical data repository.
140-145 BibTeX
- S. R. Subramanya, Jui-Che Teng, Yongjian Fu:
Indexing and retrieval of images using multiple features.
146-149 BibTeX
- Ramzi A. Haraty, Roula C. Fany:
A PERF solution for distributed query optimization.
150-153 BibTeX
Session 5a:
Software engineering
Session 5b:
Parallel processing and computer architecture I
Session 6a:
Image processing
Session 6b:
Parallel processing and computer architecture II
Session 7a:
Software development
- Kuitae Byun, Soon-Ok Park, Jaehyoun Kim, C. Robert Carlson:
Toward an extension of interaction diagrams.
232-236 BibTeX
- Jaehyoun Kim, Youngchul Kim, C. Robert Carlson:
A design unit based code generation technique for object-oriented software development.
237-240 BibTeX
- Narayan C. Debnath, Tamer Swidan, Roger Y. Lee, Hamid R. Abachi:
Design and implementation of a testing tool.
241-244 BibTeX
- Nouredine Melab, Laurent Deruelle, Mourad Bouneffa:
Instrumentation-based profiling techniques.
245-248 BibTeX
Session 7b:
Data communications
- Manuel Penaloza, Ronald Welch, Rand Feind:
Feature set reduction using a fuzzy expert system.
249-252 BibTeX
- A. Sehad, Abdenour Hadid, H. Hocini, M. Djeddi, S. Ameur:
Face recognition using neural networks and eigenfaces.
253-257 BibTeX
- A. Sehad, H. Hocini, Abdenour Hadid, M. Djeddi, S. Ameur:
Face recognition under varying views.
258-263 BibTeX
- Donna L. Hudson, Maurice E. Cohen:
Use of meta knowledge in neural networks.
264-267 BibTeX
- Carl G. Looney:
A new approach to fuzzy clustering.
268-273 BibTeX
Session 8a:
Algorithms and programming languages
Session 8b:
Fault tolerance / computer security
Session 9a:
Algorothm development II
Session 9b:
Artificial intelligence / knowledge base
- Hasan Abbas, Martha Evens:
Domain knowledge base for an intelligent tutoring system: CIRCSIM-tutor.
338-343 BibTeX
- Longxiang Zhang, Lijue Liu, Rong Cheng:
An intelligent engineering network planner system.
344-348 BibTeX
- V. Shankararaman, Dimitrios Goulis, V. Ambrosiadou, B. Robinson, G. Shamtan:
Modelling a medical knowledge base for decision support.
349-353 BibTeX
- Nong Ye, Vuong Nguyen, George C. Runger:
Plan performance assessment under uncertainty for command and control.
354-357 BibTeX
- Venkata Atluri, Chih-Cheng Hung, Tommy Coleman:
Artificial Immune Systems for Soil Data Classification.
358-360 BibTeX
Session 10a:
Algorithm development III
Session 10b:
Computer network IV and internet / www
Session 11a:
Computer applications / GIS
- Dong Chun Lee, Sung Y. Shin:
Radiance simulation of multispectral remote sensor data for water resource applications.
400-403 BibTeX
- Dong Chun Lee, Jay H. Kwon, Keehwan Hong, Sung Y. Shin:
A conceptual framework for GIS-based vehicle monitoring system.
404-407 BibTeX
- Mehmed M. Kantardzic, Hazem M. Hamdan, Benjamin Djulbegovic, Adel Said Elmaghraby:
New diagnostic criteria for polycythemia rubra vera: Artificial neural network approach.
408-411 BibTeX
- D. J. Jackson, Russell L. Pimmel, Allen S. Parrish, Brandon Dixon, David Cordes, Richard B. Borie:
Logic design programming assignments in a first-year course.
412-414 BibTeX
- Naeem Al-Shamary, Francesco Crusca, Hamid Abachi:
Mixed-sensitivity H8 controller design for the lateral dynamics of a civil aircraft.
415-417 BibTeX
- Sayed Hassen, Francesco Crusca, Hamid Abachi:
Modelling systems for control studies - an overview.
418-421 BibTeX
Session 11b:
Programming languages
- Rania A/Hamid El-Sayed, Ahmed Sameh:
Visual constraint programming environment for configuration problems.
422-426 BibTeX
- Jacob Furst, Karen Alkoby, André Berthiaume, Pattaraporn Chomwong, Mary Jo Davidson, Brian Konie, Glenn Lancaster, Steven L. Lytinen, John McDonald, Lopa Roychoudhuri, Jorge Toro, Noriko Tomuro, Rosalee Wolfe:
Database design and population for american sign language.
427-430 BibTeX
- Kaninda Musumbu:
Failure diagnosis of declarative programs based on abstract interpretation (extended abstract).
431-434 BibTeX
- Kiumi Akingbehin:
Two applications of an hierarchical computer animation model.
435-438 BibTeX
- Tony Lindgren:
Anytime inductive logic programming.
439-442 BibTeX
- Walter Dosch, Sönke Magnussen:
Transformational derivation of a bytecode verifier.
443-447 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:00:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)