
Jaehyoun Kim

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11EEHoseong Jeon, Min Young Chung, Jaehyoun Kim, Hyunseung Choo: Verifier-Based Home Network Security Mechanism. ICCSA (2) 2006: 934-944
10 Younghun Ko, Hyunseung Choo, Jaehyoun Kim: Pre-fetching and Pre-releasing Based LRU for Efficient/Reliable Cache Management. Computers and Their Applications 2004: 220-223
9 Jaesun Jin, Hyunseung Choo, Jaehyoun Kim: Dynamic Cache Partition Strategy for Reliable Buffer Cache Management. Computers and Their Applications 2004: 224-228
8EEYounghun Ko, Jaehyoun Kim, Hyunseung Choo: Efficient Pre-fetch and Pre-release Based Buffer Cache Management for Web Applications. ICCSA (1) 2004: 360-369
7EEJaehyoun Kim, C. Robert Carlson: A Design Methodology for Workflow System Development. DNIS 2002: 15-28
6 Jaehyoun Kim, Sargon Hasso, C. Robert Carlson: A design oriented approach to software maintenance. Computers and Their Applications 2001: 525-530
5EEJaehyoun Kim, C. Robert Carlson: The Role of Design Components in Test Plan Generation. GCSE 2001: 140-152
4 Jaehyoun Kim, C. Robert Carlson: Design units a layered approach for design driven software development. Information & Software Technology 43(9): 539-549 (2001)
3 Youngchul Kim, Jaehyoun Kim, C. Robert Carlson: An adaptive use case design driven testing. Computers and Their Applications 2000: 165-168
2 Kuitae Byun, Soon-Ok Park, Jaehyoun Kim, C. Robert Carlson: Toward an extension of interaction diagrams. Computers and Their Applications 2000: 232-236
1 Jaehyoun Kim, Youngchul Kim, C. Robert Carlson: A design unit based code generation technique for object-oriented software development. Computers and Their Applications 2000: 237-240

Coauthor Index

1Kuitae Byun [2]
2C. Robert Carlson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Hyunseung Choo [8] [9] [10] [11]
4Min Young Chung [11]
5Sargon Hasso [6]
6Hoseong Jeon [11]
7Jaesun Jin [9]
8Youngchul Kim [1] [3]
9Younghun Ko [8] [10]
10Soon-Ok Park [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)