2007 |
36 | EE | Maury Mitchell,
Matthew Hudnall,
David Brown,
David Cordes,
Randy K. Smith,
Allen S. Parrish:
A Host Architecture for Automobile License Plate Recognition.
ISI 2007: 87-94 |
2005 |
35 | | Susan V. Vrbsky,
Randy K. Smith,
Allen S. Parrish,
Huanjing Wang:
Strategies to Improve Variable Selection Performance.
IKE 2005: 209-214 |
34 | EE | Huanjing Wang,
Allen S. Parrish,
Randy K. Smith,
Susan V. Vrbsky:
Variable selection and ranking for analyzing automobile traffic accident data.
SAC 2005: 32-37 |
33 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Susan V. Vrbsky,
Brandon Dixon,
Weigang Ni:
Optimizing disk storage to support statistical analysis operations.
Decision Support Systems 38(4): 621-628 (2005) |
32 | EE | Huanjing Wang,
Allen S. Parrish,
Randy K. Smith,
Susan V. Vrbsky:
Improved variable and value ranking techniques for mining categorical traffic accident data.
Expert Syst. Appl. 29(4): 795-806 (2005) |
31 | EE | Nenad Jukic,
Svetlozar Nestorov,
Susan V. Vrbsky,
Allen S. Parrish:
Enhancing Database Access Control by Facilitating Non-Key Related Cover Stories.
J. Database Manag. 16(3): 1-20 (2005) |
30 | EE | Michael Davis,
Randy K. Smith,
Brandon Dixon,
Allen S. Parrish,
David Cordes:
Utilizing commodity hardware and software to distribute a real-world application: maximizing reuse while improving performance.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(7): 621-641 (2005) |
2004 |
29 | EE | Huanjing Wang,
Hui-Chuan Chen,
Allen S. Parrish:
Automated selection of auto crash causes.
ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2004: 375-378 |
28 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Randy K. Smith,
David P. Hale,
Joanne E. Hale:
A Field Study of Developer Pairs: Productivity Impacts and Implications.
IEEE Software 21(5): 76-79 (2004) |
2003 |
27 | EE | Stephen B. Seidman,
James Mason,
Donald J. Bagert,
J. Fernando Naveda,
Ann E. Kelley Sobel,
Dennis J. Frailey,
Allen S. Parrish:
Certification for Software Professionals: The IEEE Computer Society?s CSDP Program.
CSEE&T 2003: 323- |
26 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Brandon Dixon,
David Cordes,
Susan V. Vrbsky,
David Brown:
CARE: An Automobile Crash Data Analysis Tool.
IEEE Computer 36(6): 22-32 (2003) |
2001 |
25 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Brandon Dixon,
David Cordes:
Binary software components in the undergraduate computer science curriculum.
SIGCSE 2001: 332-336 |
24 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Joe Hollingsworth,
Peter M. Maurer,
Benjamin Shults,
Bruce W. Weide:
Identifying an appropriate view of software components for undergraduate education.
SIGCSE 2001: 394-395 |
23 | EE | Randy K. Smith,
Joanne E. Hale,
Allen S. Parrish:
An Empirical Study Using Task Assignment Patterns to Improve the Accuracy of Software Effort Estimation.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 27(3): 264-271 (2001) |
22 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Brandon Dixon,
David Cordes:
A conceptual foundation for component-based software deployment.
Journal of Systems and Software 57(3): 193-200 (2001) |
2000 |
21 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
David W. Cordes,
Brandon Dixon,
John McGregor:
Class development and testing in the small.
ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2000: 139-145 |
20 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Brandon Dixon,
David P. Hale,
Joanne E. Hale:
A Case Study Approach to Teaching Component Based Software Engineering.
CSEE&T 2000: 140- |
19 | | D. J. Jackson,
Russell L. Pimmel,
Allen S. Parrish,
Brandon Dixon,
David Cordes,
Richard B. Borie:
Logic design programming assignments in a first-year course.
Computers and Their Applications 2000: 412-414 |
18 | EE | Andy Bond,
David Cordes,
Brandon Dixon,
Allen S. Parrish:
Software Component Engineering: Meta-Framework and Technologies - Introduction.
HICSS 2000 |
17 | EE | Joanne E. Hale,
Allen S. Parrish,
Randy K. Smith,
Brandon Dixon:
Enhancing the Cocomo Estimation Models.
IEEE Software 17(6): (2000) |
1999 |
16 | EE | Nenad Jukic,
Susan V. Vrbsky,
Allen S. Parrish,
Brandon Dixon,
Boris Jukic:
A Belief-Consistent Multilevel Secure Relational Data Model.
Inf. Syst. 24(5): 377-400 (1999) |
1998 |
15 | EE | Randy K. Smith,
Allen S. Parrish,
Joanne E. Hale:
Cost estimation for component based software development.
ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1998: 323-325 |
1997 |
14 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
David Cordes,
Cynthia Lester,
Deanne Moore:
Assessing computer usage patterns in a software development course.
SIGCSE 1997: 58-62 |
1996 |
13 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
David Cordes,
Cynthia Lester,
Deanne Moore:
Active Learning and Process Assessment: Two Experiments in an Ada-Based Software Engineering Course.
TRI-Ada 1996: 157-161 |
12 | | Allen S. Parrish,
David Cordes,
Dennis Brown:
An Environment to Support Micro-Incremental Class Development.
Ann. Software Eng. 2: 213-236 (1996) |
11 | | Allen S. Parrish,
David Cordes,
Richard B. Borie,
S. Edara:
Illustrating Client and Implementation Readability Tradeoffs in Ada and C++.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 26(7): 799-814 (1996) |
1995 |
10 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
David W. Cordes,
James Cross,
Brian Malloy:
Ada in the undergraduate curriculum.
ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1995: 261 |
9 | | Allen S. Parrish,
David Brown,
David Cordes:
Experience in Teaching a Management-Oriented Capstone Software Engineering Course.
CSEE 1995: 279-293 |
8 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Stuart H. Zweben:
On the Relationships Among the All-Uses, All-DU-Paths, and All-Edges Testing Criteria.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(12): 1006-1009 (1995) |
1994 |
7 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
David Cordes:
Applying Conventional Unit Testing Techniques to Abstract Data Type Operations.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 4(1): 103-122 (1994) |
1993 |
6 | EE | David Cordes,
Allen S. Parrish:
An Incremental Approach to Software Engineering in a Science-Based Computing Curriculum.
ACM Conference on Computer Science 1993: 182-188 |
5 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Stuart H. Zweben:
Clarifying Some Fundamental Concepts in Software Testing.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(7): 742-746 (1993) |
4 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Richard B. Borie,
David W. Cordes:
Automated flow graph-based testing of object-oriented software modules.
Journal of Systems and Software 23(2): 95-109 (1993) |
3 | | Richard B. Borie,
Allen S. Parrish,
Srinivas Mandyam:
Lock-and-key Strategies for Handling Undefined Variables.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 23(7): 693-710 (1993) |
1992 |
2 | EE | Richard B. Borie,
Allen S. Parrish:
Improving strategies for handling undefined variables.
ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1992: 182-187 |
1991 |
1 | EE | Allen S. Parrish,
Stuart H. Zweben:
Analysis and Refinement of Software Test Data Adequacy Properties.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(6): 656-581 (1991) |