2009 |
42 | EE | Eric C. Rouchka,
Xiangping Wang,
James H. Graham,
Nigel G. F. Cooper:
Computational Prediction of Genes Translationally Regulated by Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Elements.
BICoB 2009: 353-361 |
2008 |
41 | | Douglas R. Wampler,
James H. Graham:
A Method for Detecting Windows Rootkits.
Computers and Their Applications 2008: 239-243 |
40 | | Jian Guan,
James H. Graham,
Thomas A. Harris,
Patricia A. S. Ralston:
An Ontological Model for Assessing Security Risk Impact in SCADA Systems.
Computers and Their Applications 2008: 264-269 |
2007 |
39 | | Jeffrey L. Hieb,
James H. Graham,
Patricia A. S. Ralston:
Testing Security Enhanced SCADA Communication Protocols.
CAINE 2007: 103-108 |
38 | | Joseph F. Francom,
James H. Graham:
Identity Management for Advanced Health Care Systems.
CAINE 2007: 307-313 |
37 | | James H. Graham,
Mostafa S. Mostafa,
Benjamin Arazi,
Ashraf Tantawy,
Jeffrey L. Hieb,
Patricia A. S. Ralston,
Sandip C. Patel:
Improvements in SCADA and DCS Systems Security.
Computers and Their Applications 2007: 194-200 |
36 | EE | Jeffrey L. Hieb,
James H. Graham,
Sandip C. Patel:
Security Enhancements for Distributed Control Systems.
Critical Infrastructure Protection 2007: 133-146 |
35 | | Wen-Bin Yu,
James H. Graham:
Demand Forecasting Using Intelligent Agents with Application to a Call Processing Center.
I. J. Comput. Appl. 14(4): 201-210 (2007) |
2006 |
34 | | Sandip C. Patel,
James H. Graham,
Patricia A. S. Ralston:
Security enhancement for SCADA communication protocols using augmented vulnerability trees.
CAINE 2006: 244-251 |
33 | | Jeffrey L. Hieb,
James H. Graham:
Security-enhanced remote terminal units for SCADA networks.
CAINE 2006: 271-276 |
32 | | Jeffrey L. Hieb,
James H. Graham:
Dynamic Authentication Using Keystroke Biometrics.
Computers and Their Applications 2006: 337-342 |
31 | | Nathan P. Johnson,
James H. Graham:
An Application of Grid Computing to Pharmacophore Discovery Using Inductive Logic Programming.
Computers and Their Applications 2006: 418-423 |
2005 |
30 | | Sandip C. Patel,
James H. Graham,
Patricia A. S. Ralston,
Roberto Tantalean-Carrasco:
Secure SCADA Communications, Monitoring and Control over the Internet.
CAINE 2005: 169-174 |
29 | | James H. Graham,
Jason Walton:
Event Processing Software for Intelligent Security Monitoring and Alarm System.
CAINE 2005: 55-60 |
28 | EE | James H. Graham:
FMECA Control for Software Development.
COMPSAC (2) 2005: 93-96 |
27 | | Jeffrey L. Hieb,
James H. Graham:
Anomaly-Based Intrusion Monitoring Using a Dynamic Honeypot.
Computers and Their Applications 2005: 184-189 |
26 | | James H. Graham,
Eric Kuhl,
Jonathan Nida:
Agent-Based Architecture for Intelligent Semi-Autonomous Robots.
Computers and Their Applications 2005: 484-487 |
2004 |
25 | | Yingbing Yu,
James H. Graham:
Computer Immunology and Neural Network Models for Masquerader Detection.
CAINE 2004: 1-6 |
24 | | Sandip C. Patel,
James H. Graham:
Security Considerations in DNP3 SCADA Systems.
CAINE 2004: 73-78 |
2003 |
23 | EE | James H. Graham,
C. David Page Jr.,
Ahmed H. Kamal:
Accelerating the Drug Design Process through Parallel Inductive Logic Programming Data Mining.
CSB 2003: 400-402 |
22 | | James H. Graham,
Jonathan Nida:
Advanced Simulation Architecture for Intelligent Autonomous Robots.
IASSE 2003: 59-62 |
21 | | Wen-Bin Yu,
James H. Graham:
Call Center Demand Forecasting using Intelligent Agents.
IASSE 2003: 63-66 |
20 | | Ahmed H. Kamal,
James H. Graham,
C. David Page Jr.:
A Parallel Inductive Logic Programming Data Mining System for Drug Discovery.
I. J. Comput. Appl. 10(3): 161-170 (2003) |
2002 |
19 | | Essam M. Hamed,
James H. Graham:
Fuzzy Threat Evaluation in Computer Security.
Computers and Their Applications 2002: 389-393 |
18 | | Wen-Bin Yu,
James H. Graham:
A Multiple Agent Architecture for Demand Forecasting in Electronic Commerce Supply Chain Systems.
Computers and Their Applications 2002: 462-466 |
17 | | James H. Graham,
Christopher Short,
Kamalesh Gandham,
Sandra McPherson,
Mark Baker:
Multi-level Biometric-Based Authentication System.
ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2002: 149-154 |
16 | | Patricia A. S. Ralston,
James H. Graham,
Gail W. DePuy,
Chris Arnold,
Sean Uhl:
Intelligent Chemometrics-Based Approach for Chemical Process Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis.
ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2002: 91-96 |
15 | | James H. Graham,
Patricia A. S. Ralston:
Intelligent Computer-Based Monitoring and Fault Isolation for Industrial Processes.
I. J. Comput. Appl. 9(3): 147-157 (2002) |
2001 |
14 | | Ahmed H. Kamal,
James H. Graham,
C. David Page Jr.:
An Approach to Parallel Data Mining for Pharmacophore Discovery.
ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2001: 100-103 |
13 | | Essam M. Hamed,
James H. Graham,
Adel Said Elmaghraby:
Computer Systems Threat Evaluation: An Agent-based and Fuzzy Logic Intrusion Detection Architecture.
ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2001: 23-26 |
12 | | Sherif A. Elfayoumy,
James H. Graham:
An Agent-based Architecture for Performance Tuning: Parallel Discrete-event Simulations Case Study.
ISCA PDCS 2001: 401-406 |
11 | | David Page,
James H. Graham:
Guest Editor's Introduction.
I. J. Comput. Appl. 8(2): (2001) |
2000 |
10 | | James H. Graham,
Patricia A. S. Ralston:
Computer-based monitoring and fault diagnosis for chemical processes.
Computers and Their Applications 2000: 309-312 |
9 | EE | Terrence P. Fries,
James H. Graham:
An Agent-Based Approach to Robust Switching Between Abstraction Levels for Fault Diagnosis.
SARA 2000: 303-308 |
1999 |
8 | EE | Adel Said Elmaghraby,
Sherif A. Elfayoumy,
Irfan S. Karachiwala,
James H. Graham,
Ahmed Z. Emam,
AlaaEldin Sleem:
Web-based performance visualization of distributed discrete event simulation.
Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 1618-1623 |
1998 |
7 | EE | James H. Graham,
Irfan S. Karachiwala,
Adel Said Elmaghraby:
Evaluation of a Prototype Visualization for Distributed Simulations.
Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 1469-1478 |
1995 |
6 | | James H. Graham:
Book Review.
Artif. Intell. Rev. 9(6): 423 (1995) |
1993 |
5 | EE | Porter Eugene Smith,
James H. Graham:
A Simple Balanced Search Tree.
ACM Conference on Computer Science 1993: 461-465 |
4 | | James H. Graham,
Jian Guan:
Intelligent Diagnostics in Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing Systems.
ICRA (2) 1993: 174-179 |
1992 |
3 | EE | Carol S. Russell,
Adel Said Elmaghraby,
James H. Graham:
An Investigation of a Standard Simulation-Knowledge Interface.
Winter Simulation Conference 1992: 807-815 |
1985 |
2 | | James H. Graham,
Thaddeus F. Kadela:
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for Optimal State Estimation.
IEEE Trans. Computers 34(11): 1061-1068 (1985) |
1971 |
1 | EE | James H. Graham,
R. N. Horton:
A note on determining the measure of coincidence of segments of a given conic.
Computer-Aided Design 3(3): 16-17 (1971) |