
Ahmed Sameh

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31EEAmgad Madkour, Ahmed Sameh: Intelligent Open Spaces: Using Neural Networks for Prediction of Requested Resources in Smart Spaces. CSE 2008: 132-138
30 Ahmed Sameh, Ayman Kassem: Modeling and Simulation of Human Lumbar Spine. MSV 2008: 15-21
29EEAisha Mohamed-Salama Elsafty, Sherif Gamal Aly, Ahmed Sameh: The Context Oriented Architecture: An Augmentation of Context Awareness and Reactivity into Web Services. Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization 2008: 199-219
28EEDalia El-Mansy, Ahmed Sameh: A Collaborative Inter-Data Grid Strong Semantic Model with Hybrid Namespace. JSW 3(1): 27-40 (2008)
27EELaura Grigori, Bernard Philippe, Ahmed Sameh, Damien Tromeur-Dervout, Marián Vajtersic: Parallel matrix algorithms and applications. Parallel Computing 34(6-8): 293-295 (2008)
26EEDalia El-Mansy, Ahmed Sameh: A Collaborative Inter Data Grids Strong Semantic Model with Hybrid Namespace. ARES 2007: 878-885
25EEWaseem Raslan, Ahmed Sameh: Mapping SysML to SystemC. FDL 2007: 225-230
24EESherif Akoush, Ahmed Sameh: Bayesian Learning of Neural Networks for Mobile User Position Prediction. ICCCN 2007: 1234-1239
23EERafik A. Salama, Ahmed Sameh: UPC Collective Operations Optimization. ICCSA (1) 2007: 536-549
22EESherif Akoush, Ahmed Sameh: Movement Prediction Using Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks. ICSNC 2007: 6
21 Sherif Akoush, Ahmed Sameh, Awad H. Khalil: Enhancing cellular network performance through mobile user position and service prediction. ISCA PDCS 2007: 103-108
20 K. M. Sobh, Ahmed Sameh, Reda A. Ammar: Performance-based multi-channel clustered web application servers. ISCA PDCS 2007: 91-96
19 Rafik A. Salama, Ahmed Sameh: Improving performance of collective operations: UPC case. ISCA PDCS 2007: 97-102
18EESherif Akoush, Ahmed Sameh: Mobile user movement prediction using bayesian learning for neural networks. IWCMC 2007: 191-196
17 Rafik A. Salama, Ahmed Sameh: Potential Performance Improvement of Collective Operations in UPC. PARCO 2007: 413-422
16 Ahmed Sameh, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Yesha Yacoov: Modeling contention of giga-updates per second (GUPs) in three parallel programming paradigms. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 114-119
15EEAhmed Sameh, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Yaacov Yesha: Modeling contention of sparse-matrix-vector multiplication (SMV) in three parallel programming paradigms. WOSP 2007: 46-49
14 Ahmed Sameh, Abdalla Mahmoud, Amr Ibrahim: Hybrid Ontology-Based Feedback E-Learning System for Mobile Computing. WEBIST (2) 2006: 347-356
13EEAbdalla Mahmoud, Ahmed Sameh, Sherif El-Kassas: Reputed authenticated routing for ad hoc networks protocol (reputed-ARAN). PE-WASUN 2005: 258-259
12EEAhmed Sameh, Mohammed Kamel: Deploying power-aware on-demand (PAOD) schemes over routing protocols of mobile wireless ad hoc networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 18(4): 333-346 (2005)
11EEAhmed Sameh, Rehab El-Kharboutly, Hazem El-Ashmawi: Modeling Wireless Discovery and Deployment of Hybrid Multimedia N/W-Web Services Using Rapide ADL. HSNMC 2004: 718-729
10 Ahmed Sameh: Modeling Hybrid Multimedia N/W-Web Services Using Rapide ADL. ICETE (1) 2004: 79-87
9EEAhmed Sameh, Rehab El-Kharboutly: Modeling Jini-UPnP Bridge using Rapide ADL. ICPS 2004: 237-237
8 Ahmed Sameh, Manal Ezzat: Dimension and Shape Invariant Array Programming. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 13-17
7 Rania Atef, Ahmed Sameh: Three Dimensional Deformable Modeling of the Spinal Lumbar Region. ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2002: 197-201
6 Ayman Kassem, Ahmed Sameh: A Fast Technique for Modeling and Control of Dynamic Systems. ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2002: 83-87
5 Ayman Kassem, Ahmed Sameh, Karim Abdel-Malek: A Spring-Dashpot-String Element for Modeling Spinal Column Dynamics. ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2002: 88-90
4 Ahmed Sameh, Dalia Fakhry: Security in Mobile Agent Systems: A Model to Protect Against Malicious Host Attacks. CAINE 2001: 181-184
3 Ahmed Sameh, Marwa Mansour: Enhancing Partitionable Group Membership Service in Asynchronous Distributed Systems. CAINE 2001: 239-242
2 Ahmed Sameh, Noha Kaptan: Anytime Algorithms for Maximal Constraint Satisfaction. CAINE 2001: 49-52
1 Rania A/Hamid El-Sayed, Ahmed Sameh: Visual constraint programming environment for configuration problems. Computers and Their Applications 2000: 422-426

Coauthor Index

1Karim Abdel-Malek [5]
2Sherif Akoush [18] [21] [22] [24]
3Sherif Gamal Aly [29]
4Reda A. Ammar [20]
5Rania Atef [7]
6Hazem El-Ashmawi [11]
7Tarek A. El-Ghazawi [15] [16]
8Sherif El-Kassas [13]
9Rehab El-Kharboutly [9] [11]
10Dalia El-Mansy [26] [28]
11Rania A/Hamid El-Sayed [1]
12Aisha Mohamed-Salama Elsafty [29]
13Manal Ezzat [8]
14Dalia Fakhry [4]
15Laura Grigori [27]
16Amr Ibrahim [14]
17Mohammed Kamel [12]
18Noha Kaptan [2]
19Ayman Kassem [5] [6] [30]
20Awad H. Khalil [21]
21Amgad Madkour [31]
22Abdalla Mahmoud [13] [14]
23Marwa Mansour [3]
24Bernard Philippe [27]
25Waseem Raslan [25]
26Rafik A. Salama [17] [19] [23]
27K. M. Sobh [20]
28Damien Tromeur-Dervout [27]
29Marián Vajtersic [27]
30Yesha Yacoov [16]
31Yaacov Yesha [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)