
Ibrahim Zeid

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12 Srikanth Krishnamurthy, Ibrahim Zeid: Using Mobile Agents to Facilitate Mobile Information Access: An XML-based Approach. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 495-498
11 Keith Banda, Ibrahim Zeid: Robust Data Representation for Product Disassembly. ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2002: 97-102
10 Srikanth Krishnamurthy, Ibrahim Zeid: A framework to facilitate mobile data access in a manufacturing environment. Computers and Their Applications 2001: 157-160
9 Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Ibrahim Zeid: A Mobile Agent Architecture to enable Enterprise Information Access for Mobile Devices. ISCA PDCS 2001: 266-271
8 Neeraj Apt, Ibrahim Zeid: An architecture for a Java-based controller of a CIM cell. Computers and Their Applications 2000: 330-333
7EETalal Al-Shihabi, Ibrahim Zeid: A design-plan-oriented methodology for applying case-based adaptation to engineering design. AI EDAM 12(5): 463-478 (1998)
6EEYongsheng Gao, Ibrahim Zeid, Theodore Bardasz: Characteristics of an effective design plan system to support reuse in case-based mechanical design. Knowl.-Based Syst. 10(6): 337-350 (1998)
5EEA. Zafer Gurbuz, Ibrahim Zeid: Offsetting operations via closed ball approximation. Computer-Aided Design 27(11): 805-810 (1995)
4EETheodore Bardasz, Ibrahim Zeid: Cognitive model of memory for mechanical-design problems. Computer-Aided Design 24(6): 327-342 (1992)
3EEPrem Pradhan, Ibrahim Zeid: NC turning tool path generation from CSG representations using the slab method. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1991: 535
2EETheodore Bardasz, Ibrahim Zeid: Applying analogical problem solving to mechanical design. Computer-Aided Design 23(3): 202-212 (1991)
1EES. R. Maripuri, Ibrahim Zeid: Generating aspect graphs for nonconvex polyhedra. Computer-Aided Design 22(5): 258-264 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Talal Al-Shihabi [7]
2Neeraj Apt [8]
3Keith Banda [11]
4Theodore Bardasz [2] [4] [6]
5Yongsheng Gao [6]
6A. Zafer Gurbuz [5]
7Srikanth Krishnamurthy [10] [12]
8Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy [9]
9S. R. Maripuri [1]
10Prem Pradhan [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)