2006 |
39 | EE | András Gyárfás,
Michael S. Jacobson,
André E. Kézdy,
Jenö Lehel:
Odd cycles and Theta-cycles in hypergraphs.
Discrete Mathematics 306(19-20): 2481-2491 (2006) |
38 | EE | Arthur H. Busch,
Michael S. Jacobson,
K. B. Reid:
On arc-traceable tournaments.
Journal of Graph Theory 53(2): 157-166 (2006) |
37 | EE | Guantao Chen,
Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson:
Cycle Extendability of Hamiltonian Interval Graphs.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(3): 682-689 (2006) |
2005 |
36 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Linda M. Lesniak,
Akira Saito:
A note on 2-factors with two components.
Discrete Mathematics 300(1-3): 218-224 (2005) |
35 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Linda M. Lesniak:
Minimal Degree and (k, m)-Pancyclic Ordered Graphs.
Graphs and Combinatorics 21(2): 197-211 (2005) |
2004 |
34 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Linda M. Lesniak,
Akira Saito:
Toughness, degrees and 2-factors.
Discrete Mathematics 286(3): 245-249 (2004) |
33 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Linda M. Lesniak:
Generalizing Pancyclic and k-Ordered Graphs.
Graphs and Combinatorics 20(3): 291-309 (2004) |
32 | EE | Yi-Wu Chang,
Joan P. Hutchinson,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Jenö Lehel,
Douglas B. West:
The Bar Visibility Number of a Graph.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 18(3): 462-471 (2004) |
2002 |
31 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Linda M. Lesniak:
Characterizing forbidden clawless triples implying hamiltonian graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 249(1-3): 71-81 (2002) |
2001 |
30 | EE | Kenneth P. Bogart,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Larry J. Langley,
Fred R. McMorris:
Tolerance orders and bipartite unit tolerance graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 226(1-3): 35-50 (2001) |
29 | EE | Paul Erdös,
Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Jenö Lehel:
Edge disjoint monochromatic triangles in 2-colored graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3): 135-141 (2001) |
28 | EE | Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson:
Two-factors with few cycles in claw-free graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3): 191-197 (2001) |
2000 |
27 | | Kamal Ali,
Isam Taha,
Michael S. Jacobson:
PC based system for heart rate variability analysis.
Computers and Their Applications 2000: 29-32 |
26 | EE | Guantao Chen,
Michael S. Jacobson,
André E. Kézdy,
Jenö Lehel,
Edward R. Scheinerman,
Chi Wang:
Clique covering the edges of a locally cobipartite graph.
Discrete Mathematics 219(1-3): 17-26 (2000) |
1999 |
25 | EE | Guantao Chen,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson:
On 2-factors containing 1-factors in bipartite graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 197-198: 185-194 (1999) |
1998 |
24 | | Michael S. Jacobson,
André E. Kézdy,
Jenö Lehel:
Scenic Graphs I: Traceable Graphs.
Ars Comb. 49: (1998) |
23 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson,
André E. Kézdy,
Jenö Lehel:
Recognizing triangle-free graphs with induced path-cycle double covers is NP-complete.
Networks 31(1): 1-10 (1998) |
22 | EE | Guantao Chen,
Michael S. Jacobson,
André E. Kézdy,
Jenö Lehel:
Tough enough chordal graphs are Hamiltonian.
Networks 31(1): 29-38 (1998) |
1997 |
21 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson,
Gregory M. Levin,
Edward R. Scheinerman:
On fractional Ramsey numbers.
Discrete Mathematics 176(1-3): 159-175 (1997) |
1996 |
20 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Jenö Lehel,
Linda M. Lesniak:
Graph spectra.
Discrete Mathematics 150(1-3): 103-113 (1996) |
1995 |
19 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Linda M. Lesniak:
Degree conditions and cycle extendability.
Discrete Mathematics 141(1-3): 109-122 (1995) |
18 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson,
Jenö Lehel:
Irregular embeddings of hypergraphs with fixed chromatic number.
Discrete Mathematics 145(1-3): 145-150 (1995) |
17 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson,
Jenö Lehel:
Irregular embeddings of multigraphs with fixed chromatic number.
Discrete Mathematics 145(1-3): 295-299 (1995) |
1993 |
16 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson,
Jenö Lehel,
Linda M. Lesniak:
Ø-Threshold and Ø-Tolerance Chain Graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 44(1-3): 191-203 (1993) |
15 | EE | Yi-Wu Chang,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Clyde L. Monma,
Douglas B. West:
Subtree and Substar Intersection Numbers.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 44(1-3): 205-220 (1993) |
14 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson,
Kenneth Peters:
A Note on Graphs Which Have Upper Irredundance Equal to Independence.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 44(1-3): 91-97 (1993) |
1992 |
13 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Linda M. Lesniak,
Terri Lindquester:
On independent generalized degrees and independence numbers in K(1, m)-free graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 103(1): 17-24 (1992) |
12 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Linda M. Lesniak:
Neighborhood unions and a generalization of Dirac's theorem.
Discrete Mathematics 105(1-3): 61-71 (1992) |
11 | | Michael S. Jacobson:
On the p-Edge Clique Cover Number of Complete Bipartite Graphs.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(4): 539-544 (1992) |
1991 |
10 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson,
Miroslaw Truszczynski,
Zsolt Tuza:
Decompositions of regular bipartite graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 89(1): 17-27 (1991) |
9 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Lael F. Kinch,
Jenö Lehel:
Irregularity strength of dense graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 91(1): 45-59 (1991) |
1990 |
8 | EE | John Frederick Fink,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Lael F. Kinch,
John Roberts:
The bondage number of a graph.
Discrete Mathematics 86(1-3): 47-57 (1990) |
7 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson,
Kenneth Peters:
Chordal graphs and upper irredundance, upper domination and independence.
Discrete Mathematics 86(1-3): 59-69 (1990) |
1989 |
6 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Richard H. Schelp,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Jenö Lehel:
Irregular networks, regular graphs and integer matrices with distinct row and column sums.
Discrete Mathematics 76(3): 223-240 (1989) |
5 | EE | Ralph J. Faudree,
Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Richard H. Schelp:
Neighborhood unions and hamiltonian properties in graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 47(1): 1-9 (1989) |
1988 |
4 | EE | András Gyárfás,
Michael S. Jacobson,
Lael F. Kinch:
On a generalization of transitivity for digraphs.
Discrete Mathematics 69(1): 35-41 (1988) |
1982 |
3 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson:
On a generalization of Ramsey theory.
Discrete Mathematics 38(2-3): 191-195 (1982) |
2 | EE | Michael S. Jacobson:
On the Ramsey multiplicity for stars.
Discrete Mathematics 42(1): 63-66 (1982) |
1 | EE | Ronald J. Gould,
Michael S. Jacobson:
Forbidden subgraphs and Hamiltonian properties of graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 42(2-3): 189-196 (1982) |