
Deepinder P. Sidhu

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42EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Hello again: Stabilization of the Hello protocol in OSPF. J. High Speed Networks 14(1): 39-57 (2005)
41 Ying Zhang, Deepinder P. Sidhu: A Multicast Protection Algorithm for Optical WDM Networks. ICCCN 2004: 315-320
40EEGargi Banerjee, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Comparative analysis of path computation techniques for MPLS traffic engineering. Computer Networks 40(1): 149-165 (2002)
39EEAli Aydin Selçuk, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Probabilistic optimization techniques for multicast key management. Computer Networks 40(2): 219-234 (2002)
38EEGargi Banerjee, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Path Computation for Traffic Engineering in MPLS Networks. ICN (2) 2001: 302-308
37EEYing Zhang, Deepinder P. Sidhu: An Analysis Comparing Light-Tree and Lightpath in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks. LCN 2001: 486-487
36EEUmang Choudhary, Edward Perl, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Using T.38 and SIP for Real-Time Fax Transmission over IP Networks. LCN 2001: 74-81
35 Anthony Chung, Howard E. Motteler, Deepinder P. Sidhu: On undetected faults in homogeneous methods for protocol testing. Computers and Their Applications 2000: 158-164
34EEAli Aydin Selçuk, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Probabilistic Methods in Multicast Key Management. ISW 2000: 179-193
33EESashi Lazar, Sethuram Balaji Kodeswaran, Rekuram Varadharaj, Deepinder P. Sidhu: ATM Network Connection Management Using Mobile Agents. LCN 2000: 620-
32EEGargi Banerjee, Rob Rosenberry, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Performance Analysis of IP Switching and Tag Switching. NETWORKING 2000: 752-762
31EEChristopher B. McCubbin, Ali Aydin Selçuk, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Initialization Vector Attacks on the IPsec Protocol Suite. WETICE 2000: 171-175
30 Alexander L. Wijesinha, Srikanta P. Kumar, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Handover and new call blocking performance with dynamic single-channel assignment in linear cellular arrays. Wireless Networks 6(2): 121-129 (2000)
29 Ishan P. Weerakoon, Alexander L. Wijesinha, Deepinder P. Sidhu: On properties of read and write sets in the Awerbuch-Peleg scheme for tracking mobile users. Wireless Networks 6(3): 235-247 (2000)
28 Anthony Chung, Deepinder P. Sidhu: A tool for simulating telecommunications networks and its application in networking courses. Computers and Their Applications 1999: 338-341
27EESashi Lazar, Deepinder P. Sidhu, Sethuram Balaji Kodeswaran, Rekuram Varadharaj: ATM Network Discovery Using Mobile Agents. LCN 1999: 98-105
26 Anthony Chung, Deepinder P. Sidhu: A formal description technique and an environment for protocol engineering. Computers and Their Applications 1998: 131-135
25EESashi Lazar, Ishan P. Weerakoon, Deepinder P. Sidhu: A Scalable Location Tracking and Message Delivery Scheme for Mobile Agents. WETICE 1998: 243-249
24EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Alexander L. Wijesinha: Performance analysis of a constrained resource sharing system. Queueing Syst. 29(2-4): 293-311 (1998)
23 Howard E. Motteler, Anthony Chung, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Fault Coverage of UIO-based Methods for Protocol Testing. Protocol Test Systems 1993: 21-34
22EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Tayang Fu, Shukri Abdallah, Raj Nair, Rob Coltun: Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Routing Protocol Simulation. SIGCOMM 1993: 53-62
21EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Howard E. Motteler, Raghu Vallurupalli: On testing hierarchies for protocols. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 1(5): 590-599 (1993)
20 Anthony Chung, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Applications of Sufficient Conditions for Efficient Protocol Test Generation. Protocol Test Systems 1992: 219-228
19EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Raj Nair, Shukri Abdallah: Finding Disjoint Paths in Networks. SIGCOMM 1991: 43-51
18 Deepinder P. Sidhu: The first ten years, the next ten years. PSTV 1990: 47-68
17 Deepinder P. Sidhu, Anthony Chung: Experience with Formal Methods in Protocol Development. FORTE 1989: 437-453
16EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, C.-S. Chang: Probabilistic Testing of Protocols. SIGCOMM 1989: 295-302
15 Deepinder P. Sidhu, Thomas P. Blumer: Semi-Automatic Implementation of OSI Protocols. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 18(3): 221-238 (1989)
14EEAnthony Chung, Deepinder P. Sidhu: On Conditions for Defining a Closed Cover to Verify Progress for Communicating Finite State Machines. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(11): 1491-1494 (1989)
13EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Ting-Kau Leung: Formal Methods for Protocol Testing: A Detailed Study. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(4): 413-426 (1989)
12EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Ting-Kau Leung: Experience with test generation for real protocols. SIGCOMM 1988: 257-261
11EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Carole S. Crall: Executable Logic Specifications for Protocol Service Interfaces. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(1): 98-121 (1988)
10EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Juan Aristizabal: Constructing Submodule Specifications and Network Protocols. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(11): 1565-1577 (1988)
9 Deepinder P. Sidhu: Authentication Protocols for Computer Networks: I. Computer Networks 11: 297-310 (1986)
8 Thomas P. Blumer, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Mechanical Verification and Automatic Implementation of Communication Protocols. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 12(8): 827-843 (1986)
7EEDeepinder P. Sidhu, Robert H. Pollack: A Robust Distributed Solution to the Generalized Dining Philosophers' Problem. ICDE 1984: 483-489
6 Deepinder P. Sidhu: Executable Logic Specifications: A New Approach to Computer Security. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1984: 142-153
5 Deepinder P. Sidhu, Thomas P. Blumer: Some Problems with the Specification of the Military Standard Transmission Control Protocol. PSTV 1984: 375-381
4 Deepinder P. Sidhu: Protocol Verification via Executable Logic Specifications. Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification 1983: 237-248
3 Thomas P. Blumer, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Experience with an Automated Protocol Development System. Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification 1983: 369-380
2 Steven M. Kramer, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Security Information Flow in Multidimensional Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(12): 1188-1191 (1983)
1 Deepinder P. Sidhu: Protocol Design Rules. PSTV 1982: 283-300

Coauthor Index

1Shukri Abdallah [19] [22]
2Juan Aristizabal [10]
3Gargi Banerjee [32] [38] [40]
4Thomas P. Blumer [3] [5] [8] [15]
5C.-S. Chang [16]
6Umang Choudhary [36]
7Anthony Chung [14] [17] [20] [23] [26] [28] [35]
8Jorge Arturo Cobb [42]
9Rob Coltun [22]
10Carole S. Crall [11]
11Tayang Fu [22]
12Mohamed G. Gouda [42]
13Sethuram Balaji Kodeswaran [27] [33]
14Steven M. Kramer [2]
15Srikanta P. Kumar [30]
16Sashi Lazar [25] [27] [33]
17Ting-Kau Leung [12] [13]
18Christopher B. McCubbin [31]
19Howard E. Motteler [21] [23] [35]
20Raj Nair [19] [22]
21Edward Perl [36]
22Robert H. Pollack [7]
23Rob Rosenberry [32]
24Ali Aydin Selçuk [31] [34] [39]
25Raghu Vallurupalli [21]
26Rekuram Varadharaj [27] [33]
27Ishan P. Weerakoon [25] [29]
28Alexander L. Wijesinha [24] [29] [30]
29Ying Zhang [37] [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)