Paul J. Kühn, Roya Ulrich (Eds.):
Broadband Communications: The future of telecommunications, IFIP TC6/WG6.2 Fourth International Conference on Broadband Communications (BC '98), April 1-3, 1998, Stuttgart, Germany.
IFIP Conference Proceedings 121 Chapman & Hall 1998, ISBN 0-412-84410-9 BibTeX
editor = {Paul J. K{\"u}hn and
Roya Ulrich},
title = {Broadband Communications: The future of telecommunications, IFIP
TC6/WG6.2 Fourth International Conference on Broadband Communications
(BC '98), April 1-3, 1998, Stuttgart, Germany},
booktitle = {Broadband Communications},
publisher = {Chapman {\&} Hall},
series = {IFIP Conference Proceedings},
volume = {121},
year = {1998},
isbn = {0-412-84410-9},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Plenary sessions:
new applications and internet technologies
Broadband technologies,
architectures and network design
Access networks
- Saso Stojanovski, Maurice Gagnaire:
Impact of time division duplexing on delay variation in slotted access systems.
57-68 BibTeX
- Jan Vandewege, Xing-Zhi Qiu, Brecht Stubbe, Chris Coene, Peter Vaes, Wei Li, Jan Codenie, Claire Martin, B. Hans Slabbinck, Ingrid Van de Voorde, Paolo Solina, Pietro Obino:
A lab demonstration of a SuperPON optical access network.
69-80 BibTeX
- Joachim Charzinski:
Request contention and request polling for the upstream media access control in ATM networks.
81-92 BibTeX
Mobile access
ATM mobile
Service control
QoS and charging schemes
Network planning and management
ATM interworking
- Dae Young Kim, J.-S. Kim:
Design and implementation of an ATM cell controller for FR/ATM interworking system.
289-299 BibTeX
- Toru Hasegawa, M. Yamada, K. Hokamura, K. Yoshiizumi, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato, Linda Galasso, Hiroyuki Fujii:
High speed TCP/IP experiment over international ATM test bed.
300-311 BibTeX
- Reinhold Eberhardt, Christian Rueß, Rolf Sigle:
Performance measurement in local and wide area ATM networks.
312-324 BibTeX
Traffic control,
modelling and analysis
ATM connection admission control
Congestion control
Traffic control
Routing and Multicasting
Traffic flow control
Source and traffic modelling
Performance modelling and dimensioning
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:59:51 2009
by Michael Ley (