
Alexander Schill

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84EEMaximilian Walther, Daniel Schuster, Alexander Schill: Federated Product Search with Information Enrichment Using Heterogeneous Sources. BIS 2009: 73-84
83EEJosef Spillner, Marius Feldmann, Iris Braun, Thomas Springer, Alexander Schill: Ad-Hoc Usage of Web Services with Dynvoker. ServiceWave 2008: 208-219
82EEAndriy Luntovskyy, Stefan Uhlig, Dietbert Gütter, Alexander Schill: Load and capacity simulation for design of combined wired and wireless LAN. SpringSim 2008: 16
81EEMesfin Mulugeta, Alexander Schill: An Approach for QoS Contract Negotiation in Distributed Component-Based Software. CBSE 2007: 90-106
80EEMesfin Mulugeta, Alexander Schill: A Framework for QoS Contract Negotiation in Component-Based Applications. CEE-SET 2007: 238-251
79 Josef Spillner, Iris Braun, Alexander Schill: Flexible Human Service Interfaces. ICEIS (5) 2007: 79-85
78EEKaren Walzer, Alexander Schill, Alexander Löser: Temporal constraints for rule-based event processing. PIKM 2007: 93-100
77EEDaniel Schuster, Alexander Schill: NL sampler: random sampling of web documents based on natural language with query hit estimation. SAC 2007: 812-818
76EEAndriy Luntovskyy, Stefan Uhlig, Dietbert Gütter, Volodymyr Vasyutynskyy, Alexander Schill: Mean value load identification and queuing-theoretical modeling of wired and wireless LAN. SpringSim (1) 2007: 85-92
75EEJosef Spillner, Iris Braun, Alexander Schill: WSInterConnect: Dynamic Composition of Web Services Through Web Services. DAIS 2006: 181-186
74EEAlois Ferscha, Alexander Schill, GianLuigi Ferrari, Valérie Issarny: Topic 14: Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. Euro-Par 2006: 897
73EEMesfin Mulugeta, Alexander Schill: Component QoS Contract Negotiation in Multiple Containers. OTM Conferences (2) 2006: 1650-1667
72 Iris Braun, Alexander Schill: A Service-Oriented Architecture for Teleworking Applications. IMSA 2005: 105-110
71 Christoph Pohl, Boon Chong Tan, Alexander Schill: Semantic Caching of Code Archives. KiVS 2005: 53-64
70 Ralf Lehmann, Alexander Schill: Algorithm partitioning and optimization for network processors. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 311-316
69EEKevin Goslar, Alexander Schill: Modeling Contextual Information Using Active Data Structures. EDBT Workshops 2004: 325-334
68EEChristoph Pohl, Alexander Schill: Client-Side Component Caching: A Flexible Mechanism for Optimized Component Attribute Caching. DAIS 2003: 141-152
67 Sven Buchholz, Alexander Schill: Adaptation-Aware Web Caching: Caching in the Future Pervasive Web. KiVS 2003: 55-66
66EEGerald Hübsch, Thomas Springer, Alexander Schill, Axel Spriestersbach, Thomas Ziegert: Systemlösungen für die Entwicklung adaptiver Anwendungen für mobile und ubiquitäre Infrastrukturen. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 229: (2003)
65EERonald Aigner, Henrike Berthold, Elke Franz, Steffen Göbel, Hermann Härtig, Heinrich Hußmann, Klaus Meißner, Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Marcus Meyerhöfer, Andreas Pfitzmann, Simone Röttger, Alexander Schill, Thomas Springer, Frank Wehner: COMQUAD: Komponentenbasierte Softwaresysteme mit zusagbaren quantitativen Eigenschaften und Adaptionsfähigkeit. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 18(1): 39-40 (2003)
64EESteffen Göbel, Sven Buchholz, Thomas Ziegert, Alexander Schill: Software Architecture for the Adaptation of Dialogs and Contents to Different Devices. ICOIN (2) 2002: 42-51
63 Ulf Zschuckelt, Iris Braun, Alexander Schill: Video-based Customer Consulting via Internet Using Videoconferencing Standard H.323. Information Systems: The e-Business Challenge 2002: 147-155
62EEChristoph Pohl, Alexander Schill: Middleware Support for Transparent Client-Side Caching. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(4): (2002)
61 Alexander Schill, Olaf Neumann, Christoph Pohl, Thomas Müller: Architectural Design and Performance Aspects of Developing Applications Based on Middleware. DAIS 2001: 127-132
60EESven Buchholz, Alexander Schill, Thomas Ziegert: A simulation study of update techniques for cyclic data broadcast. MSWiM 2001: 115-122
59EEAlexander Schill, Thomas Springer, Thomas Ziegert: Unterstützungsmechanismen für Mobile-Computing-Systeme. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 16(4): 200-212 (2001)
58EESven Buchholz, Thomas Ziegert, Alexander Schill, Albert Held: Transaction Processing in a Mobile Computing Environment with Alternating Client Hosts. RIDE 2000: 1-8
57 Thomas Springer, Alexander Schill: Automated Adaption for Mobile Computing Based on Mobile Agents. USM 2000: 284-289
56 Thomas Springer, Thomas Ziegert, Alexander Schill: Mobile Agents as an Enabling Technology for Mobile Computing Applications. KI 14(4): 55-61 (2000)
55 Katrin Borcea, Hannes Federrath, Olaf Neumann, Alexander Schill: Entwicklung und Einsatz multimedialer Werkzeuge für die Internet-unterstützte Lehre. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 23(3): (2000)
54 Alexander Schill, Christian Mittasch: Experiences with business object-based workflow support. DAIS 1999: 317-330
53 Katrin Franze, Olaf Neumann, Alexander Schill: Flexible Werkzeugunterstützung für Teleteaching/Telelearning. GI Jahrestagung 1999: 80-87
52 Alexander Schill, Christian Mittasch: System Support for Intranet-Based Workflow Processing. ICEIS 1999: 711-716
51 Mirko Benz, Robert Hess, Tino Hutschenreuther, Sascha Kümmel, Alexander Schill: A Framework for High Quality/Low Cost Conferencing Systems. IDMS 1999: 305-320
50 Andreas Pfitzmann, Alexander Schill, Andreas Westfeld, Guntram Wicke, Gritta Wolf, Jan Zöllner: Flexible mehrseitige Sicherheit für verteilte Anwendungen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1999: 132-143
49 Katrin Franze, Olaf Neumann, Alexander Schill: Systemumgebung für interaktive Lehr- und Lernumgebungen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1999: 88-101
48EEAlexander Schill, Sascha Kümmel, Thomas Springer, Thomas Ziegert: Two approaches for an adaptive multimedia transfer service for mobile environments. Computers & Graphics 23(6): 849-856 (1999)
47EEThomas Weise, Peter Mandl, Christian Mittasch, Nikolai Bauer, Jens Hauptmann, Alexander Schill: Lightweight Workflows. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 210: 83-100 (1999)
46EEAndreas Pfitzmann, Alexander Schill, Andreas Westfeld, Guntram Wicke, Gritta Wolf, Jan Zöllner: SSONET: Systemunterstützung für mehrseitige Sicherheit in offenen Datennetzen. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 14(2): 95-108 (1999)
45 Alexander Schill, Sabine Kühn, Frank Breiter: Design and evaluation of an advance reservation protocol on top of RSVP. Broadband Communications 1998: 23-40
44 Dietbert Gütter, Olaf Neumann, Alexander Schill, G. Schreiter: Einsatz neuer Medien in der Rechnernetze-Ausbildung an der TU Dresden. Informatik und Ausbildung 1998: 186-197
43EEAlexander Schill, Albert Held, Wito Böhmak, Thomas Springer, Thomas Ziegert: An Agent Based Application for Personalized Vehicular Traffic Management. Mobile Agents 1998: 99-111
42EEAndreas Pfitzmann, Alexander Schill, Andreas Westfeld, Guntram Wicke, Gritta Wolf, Jan Zöllner: A Java-Based Distributed Platform for Multilateral Security. Trends in Distributed Systems for Electronic Commerce 1998: 52-64
41EEFrank Breiter, Sabine Kühn, Esther Robles, Alexander Schill: The Usage of Advance Reservation Mechanisms in Distributed Multimedia Applications. Computer Networks 30(16-18): 1627-1635 (1998)
40EEAlexander Schill, Tino Hutschenreuther: Supporting Distributed Applications on Advanced Communication Networks. ICCCN 1997: 291-297
39 Olaf Neumann, Sandra Rennecke, Alexander Schill: Using Distributed Multimedia Infrastructures for Advanced Teleteaching Applications. IDMS 1997: 376-385
38 Alexander Schill, Sabine Kühn, Frank Breiter: Resource Reservation in Advance in Heterogeneous Networks with Partial ATM Infrastructures. INFOCOM 1997: 611-618
37 Alexander Schill, Frank Breiter, Sabine Kühn, Janko Oeser: Resource Reservation in Advance (ReRA) in heterogenen Netzen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1997: 313-327
36 D. Gollnick, Sascha Kümmel, Alexander Schill, Thomas Ziegert: Off-Line Verteilung multimedialer Daten in mobilen Systemen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1997: 359-372
35EEKatrin Franze, Olaf Neumann, Alexander Schill, Sandra Stocker: An Infrastructure for Collaborative Teleteaching. WETICE 1997: 341-346
34EEAlexander Schill, Tino Hutschenreuther: Architectural support for QoS management and abstraction: SALMON: (Support Architecture for transmission of Live Media streams On networks). Computer Communications 20(6): 411-419 (1997)
33EEOlaf Neumann, Alexander Schill: Internet und Java-Technologien in der Lehre: Systemkonzept und Erfahrungen. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 196: (1997)
32 Michael Berger, Gerd Völksen, Alexander Schill: Supporting Autonomous Work and Reintegration in Collaborative Systems. Coordination Technology for Collaborative Applications 1996: 177-198
31EERobert Hess, Tino Hutschenreuther, Ralf Lehmann, Alexander Schill: Architecture and Implementation for Scalable Transfer of Live Videos in Multimedia Applications. EUROMICRO 1996: 572-580
30 Robert Hess, Tino Hutschenreuther, Alexander Schill: Video Communication and Media Scaling System "Xnetvideo": Design and Implementation. IDMS 1996: 195-210
29 Sascha Kümmel, Alexander Schill, K. Schumann, Thomas Ziegert: An Adaptive Data Distribution System for Mobile Environments. IFIP World Conference on Mobile Communications 1996: 159-166
28EEAlexander Schill, Sabine Kühn, Frank Breiter: Internetworking over ATM: Experiences with IP/IPng and RSVP. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(14): 1915-1927 (1996)
27EEAlexander Schill, Christian Mittasch: Workflow management systems on top of OSF DCE and OMG CORBA. Distributed Systems Engineering 3(4): 250-262 (1996)
26 Wito Böhmak, B. Bellmann, Sascha Kümmel, T. Reigber, Alexander Schill: Systemunterstützung für verteilte Mobilrechner-Anwendungen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1995: 243-257
25EEAlexander Schill, B. Bellmann, Wito Böhmak, Sascha Kümmel: Infrastructure support for cooperative mobile environments. WETICE 1995: 171-179
24EEAlexander Schill, Markus U. Mock: Client/server approach versus distributed object-oriented computing on top of OSF DCE. Computer Communications 18(7): 512-518 (1995)
23EEAlexander Schill, Sascha Kümmel: Design and implementation of a support platform for distributed mobile computing. Distributed Systems Engineering 2(3): 128-141 (1995)
22EEF. Wildenhain, M. Hochmuth, Alexander Schill: ATM-Übertragungstechnik des Breitband-ISDN: Eine Übersicht. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 177: (1994)
21 Alexander Schill, Dietbert Gütter: Extending Group Communication Facilities to Support Complex Distributed Office Procedures. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 3(2): 203- (1994)
20 Alexander Schill: DCE - The OSF Distributed Computing Environment, Client/Server Model and Beyond, International DCE Workshop, Karlsruhr, Germany, October 7-8, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993
19 Martin Bever, Kurt Geihs, Lutz Heuser, Max Mühlhäuser, Alexander Schill: Distributed Systems, OSF DCE, and Beyond. DCE Workshop 1993: 1-20
18 Alexander Schill, Dietmar A. Kottmann, Ludwig Keller: Fehlertoleranz durch dynamische Rekonfiguration verteilter Anwendungen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1993: 340-354
17EEAlexander Schill: In-depth survey of open computer systems: Open systems: Intergration, interoperability and portability. Computer Communications 16(4): 261-262 (1993)
16EEAlexander Schill, Markus U. Mock: DC++: distributed object-oriented system support on top of OSF DCE. Distributed Systems Engineering 1(2): 112- (1993)
15EEAlexander Schill, Martina Zitterbart: A System Framework for Open Distributed Processing. J. Network Syst. Manage. 1(1): 71-93 (1993)
14 Alexander Schill: Migration, Caching and Replication in Distributed Object-Oriented Systems: An Integrated Framework. INDC 1992: 309-329
13 Alexander Schill: Remote Procedure Call: Fortgeschrittene Konzepte und Systeme - ein Überblick, Teil 1: Grundlagen. Informatik Spektrum 15(2): 79-87 (1992)
12 Alexander Schill: Remote Procedure Call: Fortgeschrittene Konzepte und Systeme - ein Überblick, Teil 2: Erweiterte RPC-Ansätze. Informatik Spektrum 15(3): 145-155 (1992)
11 Alexander Schill: Das OSF Distributed Computing Environment - Das aktuelle Schlagwort. Informatik Spektrum 15(6): 333-334 (1992)
10 Alexander Schill: Strukturelle Verwaltung verteilter Programme: Ein Überblick über Konzepte und Systeme. Wirtschaftsinformatik 34(1): 94-106 (1992)
9EEAlexander Schill, Ashok Malhotra: Language and distributed system support for complex organizational services. COOCS 1991: 1-15
8 Alexander Schill: Application Management in Open Distributed Processing Environments. Open Distributed Processing 1991: 281-289
7EEAlexander Schill: Distributed system and execution model for office environments. Computer Communications 14(8): 478-488 (1991)
6 Alexander Schill: Verteilte objektorientierte Systeme: Grundlagen und Erweiterungen. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 6(1): 14-27 (1991)
5 Alexander Schill: Migrationssteuerung und Konfigurationsverwaltung für verteilte objektorientierte Anwendungen Springer 1990
4 Alexander Schill, Lutz Heuser, Max Mühlhäuser: Using the Object Paradigm for Distributed Application Development. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1989: 84-98
3EELutz Heuser, Alexander Schill, Max Mühlhäuser: Extensions to the object paradigm for the development of distributed applications. SIGPLAN Notices 24(4): 111-113 (1989)
2 Lutz Heuser, Alexander Schill, H. Frank, Max Mühlhäuser: How to Support the Development of Distributed Object Oriented Applications. GI Jahrestagung (3) 1988: 166-178
1 Ulf Hollberg, Bruno Mattes, Alexander Schill, Hermann Schmutz, Bernd Schöner, Reinhard Staroste, Willi Stoll: Experiences with the Development of a Portable Network Operation System. Experiences with Distributed Systems 1987: 52-89

Coauthor Index

1Ronald Aigner [65]
2Nikolai Bauer [47]
3B. Bellmann [25] [26]
4Mirko Benz [51]
5Michael Berger [32]
6Henrike Berthold [65]
7Martin Bever [19]
8Wito Böhmak [25] [26] [43]
9Katrin Borcea-Pfitzmann (Katrin Borcea) [55]
10Iris Braun [63] [72] [75] [79] [83]
11Frank Breiter [28] [37] [38] [41] [45]
12Sven Buchholz [58] [60] [64] [67]
13Hannes Federrath [55]
14Marius Feldmann [83]
15Gian Luigi Ferrari (GianLuigi Ferrari) [74]
16Alois Ferscha [74]
17H. Frank [2]
18Elke Franz [65]
19Katrin Franze [35] [49] [53]
20Kurt Geihs [19]
21Steffen Göbel [64] [65]
22D. Gollnick [36]
23Kevin Goslar [69]
24Dietbert Gütter [21] [44] [76] [82]
25Hermann Härtig (Hermann Haertig) [65]
26Jens Hauptmann [47]
27Albert Held [43] [58]
28Robert Hess [30] [31] [51]
29Lutz Heuser [2] [3] [4] [19]
30M. Hochmuth [22]
31Ulf Hollberg [1]
32Gerald Hübsch [66]
33Heinrich Hußmann (Heinrich Hussmann) [65]
34Tino Hutschenreuther [30] [31] [34] [40] [51]
35Valérie Issarny [74]
36Ludwig Keller [18]
37Dietmar A. Kottmann [18]
38Sabine Kühn [28] [37] [38] [41] [45]
39Sascha Kümmel [23] [25] [26] [29] [36] [48] [51]
40Ralf Lehmann [31] [70]
41Alexander Löser [78]
42Andriy Luntovskyy [76] [82]
43Ashok Malhotra [9]
44Peter Mandl [47]
45Bruno Mattes [1]
46Klaus Meißner [65]
47Klaus Meyer-Wegener [65]
48Marcus Meyerhöfer [65]
49Christian Mittasch [27] [47] [52] [54]
50Markus U. Mock [16] [24]
51Max Mühlhäuser [2] [3] [4] [19]
52Thomas Müller [61]
53Mesfin Mulugeta [73] [80] [81]
54Olaf Neumann [33] [35] [39] [44] [49] [53] [55] [61]
55Janko Oeser [37]
56Andreas Pfitzmann [42] [46] [50] [65]
57Christoph Pohl [61] [62] [68] [71]
58T. Reigber [26]
59Sandra Rennecke [39]
60Esther Robles [41]
61Simone Röttger [65]
62Hermann Schmutz [1]
63Bernd Schöner [1]
64G. Schreiter [44]
65K. Schumann [29]
66Daniel Schuster [77] [84]
67Josef Spillner [75] [79] [83]
68Axel Spriestersbach [66]
69Thomas Springer [43] [48] [56] [57] [59] [65] [66] [83]
70Reinhard Staroste [1]
71Sandra Stocker [35]
72Willi Stoll [1]
73Boon Chong Tan [71]
74Stefan Uhlig [76] [82]
75Volodymyr Vasyutynskyy [76]
76Gerd Völksen [32]
77Maximilian Walther [84]
78Karen Walzer [78]
79Frank Wehner [65]
80Thomas Weise [47]
81Andreas Westfeld [42] [46] [50]
82Guntram Wicke [42] [46] [50]
83F. Wildenhain [22]
84Gritta Wolf [42] [46] [50]
85Thomas Ziegert [29] [36] [43] [48] [56] [58] [59] [60] [64] [66]
86Martina Zitterbart [15]
87Jan Zöllner [42] [46] [50]
88Ulf Zschuckelt [63]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)