
Maurice Gagnaire

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27EECésar Cárdenas, Maurice Gagnaire, Víctor López, Javier Aracil: Admission control in Flow-Aware Networking (FAN) architectures under GridFTP traffic. Optical Switching and Networking 6(1): 20-28 (2009)
26EECésar Cárdenas, Maurice Gagnaire, Víctor López, Javier Aracil: Performance evaluation of the Flow-Aware Networking (FAN) architecture under Grid environment. NOMS 2008: 481-487
25EECésar Cárdenas, Maurice Gagnaire: Performance comparison of Flow Aware Networking (FAN) architectures under GridFTP traffic. SAC 2008: 2079-2084
24EEMehrdad Dianati, Romain Alleaume, Maurice Gagnaire, Xuemin Shen: Architecture and protocols of the future European quantum key distribution network. Security and Communication Networks 1(1): 57-74 (2008)
23EEBart Lannoo, Lieven Verslegers, Didier Colle, Mario Pickavet, Piet Demeester, Maurice Gagnaire: Thorough analysis of the IPACT dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for EPONs. BROADNETS 2007: 486-494
22EEElias A. Doumith, Maurice Gagnaire: Impact of Traffic Predictability on WDM EXC/OXC Network Performance. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(5): 895-904 (2007)
21EEMaurice Gagnaire, Mohamed Koubàa, Nicolas Puech: Network Dimensioning under Scheduled and Random Lightpath Demands in All-Optical WDM Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(S-9): 58-67 (2007)
20EEElias A. Doumith, Maurice Gagnaire: Traffic Routing in a Multi-Layer Optical Network Considering Rerouting and Grooming Strategies. GLOBECOM 2006
19EEElias A. Doumith, Maurice Gagnaire, Olivier Audouin, Richard Douville: From Network Planning to Traffic Engineering for Optical VPN and Multi-Granular Random Demands. IPCCC 2006: 127-134
18EENicolas Puech, Josué Kuri, Maurice Gagnaire: Assessing the economic benefit of introducing multi-granularity switching cross-connects in optical transport networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(S-8): 82-96 (2006)
17 Josué Kuri, Maurice Gagnaire, Nicolas Puech, Richard Douville, Olivier Audouin: On the resource efficiency of virtual concatenation in next-generation SDH networks. BROADNETS 2005: 85-93
16EEMohamed Koubàa, Nicolas Puech, Maurice Gagnaire: Strategies for the Routing and Wavelength Assignment of Scheduled and Random Lightpath Demands. ECUMN 2004: 91-103
15EEMohamed Koubàa, Nicolas Puech, Maurice Gagnaire: Routing and Wavelength Assignment for Scheduled and Random Lightpath Demands: Bifurcated Routing versus Non-Bifurcated Routing. OpNeTec 2004: 137-144
14EENicolas Puech, Josué Kuri, Maurice Gagnaire: Models for the Logical Topology Design Problem. NETWORKING 2002: 301-313
13 Josué Kuri, Maurice Gagnaire: IP Differentiated Services over a WDM Passive Optical Star. ONDM 2001: 327-350
12 Esmael Dinan, Maurice Gagnaire: An efficient media access protocol for packet-switched wavelength-division multiplexed photonic networks. Telecommunication Systems 16(1-2): 135-146 (2001)
11EESaso Stojanovski, Maurice Gagnaire, Rudy Hoebeke: Probiding GFR Guarantees for TCP/IP Traffic over APON Access Systems. NETWORKING 2000: 49-60
10EEMaurice Gagnaire, Roberto Sabella: Optical networks for new generation Internet and data communication systems. Computer Networks 32(5): 515-517 (2000)
9EEMaurice Gagnaire, Saso Stojanovski: Stream traffic management over an ATM passive optical network. Computer Networks 32(5): 571-586 (2000)
8 Saso Stojanovski, Maurice Gagnaire: Impact of time division duplexing on delay variation in slotted access systems. Broadband Communications 1998: 57-68
7 Maurice Gagnaire: Lightweight Signaling and Efficient Coupling Heuristic for Optical Star Networks MAC Protocols. ONDM 1997: 107-128
6 Maurice Gagnaire, T. Uso: Performance Evaluation of Frame Relay based on the Packet Trains model. Broadband Communications 1994: 137-151
5 Maurice Gagnaire: Behaviour of the Metaring Gigabit/s Network under Multipriority Traffic. HPN 1994: 31-45
4 Maurice Gagnaire, Giles Macario: Bandwidth Allocation on the Metaring Gigabit/s Network. INDC 1994: 165-179
3 Maurice Gagnaire, Nicolas Cartier: Source Policing at the Output of a DQDB/B-ISDN Interconnection Gateway. INFOCOM 1994: 876-883
2 Maurice Gagnaire, Anke Thelen: Comparison of UPC Mechanisms in a DQDB/B-ISDN Gateway. LCN 1994: 108-117
1 Maurice Gagnaire, Daniel Kofman, Hayri Korezlioglu: An analytical description of the packet trains model for LAN traffic characterization. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1994: 3-13

Coauthor Index

1Romain Alleaume [24]
2Javier Aracil [26] [27]
3Olivier Audouin [17] [19]
4César Cárdenas [25] [26] [27]
5Nicolas Cartier [3]
6Didier Colle [23]
7Piet Demeester [23]
8Mehrdad Dianati [24]
9Esmael Dinan [12]
10Elias A. Doumith [19] [20] [22]
11Richard Douville [17] [19]
12Rudy Hoebeke [11]
13Daniel Kofman [1]
14Hayri Korezlioglu [1]
15Mohamed Koubàa [15] [16] [21]
16Josué Kuri [13] [14] [17] [18]
17Bart Lannoo [23]
18Víctor López [26] [27]
19Giles Macario [4]
20Mario Pickavet [23]
21Nicolas Puech [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [21]
22Roberto Sabella [10]
23Xuemin Shen (Sherman X. Shen) [24]
24Saso Stojanovski [8] [9] [11]
25Anke Thelen [2]
26T. Uso [6]
27Lieven Verslegers [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)