
Maurizio M. Munafò

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15EESupranamaya Ranjan, Shaleen Shah, Antonio Nucci, Maurizio M. Munafò, Rene L. Cruz, S. Muthu Muthukrishnan: DoWitcher: Effective Worm Detection and Containment in the Internet Core. INFOCOM 2007: 2541-2545
14EEGiuseppe Bianchi, Marco Listanti, Michela Meo, Maurizio M. Munafò: Selected papers from the 3rd international workshop on QoS in multiservice IP networks (QoS-IP 2005). Computer Networks 50(8): 1023-1025 (2006)
13EEMarco Ajmone Marsan, Michela Meo, Maurizio M. Munafò: Selected papers from the Second International Workshop on QoS in Multiservice IP Networks (QoS-IP 2003). Computer Networks 44(4): 411-413 (2004)
12EEClaudio Casetti, Renato Lo Cigno, Marco Mellia, Maurizio M. Munafò, Zoltán Zsóka: A new class of QoS routing strategies based on network graph reduction. Computer Networks 41(4): 475-487 (2003)
11EEClaudio Casetti, Renato Lo Cigno, Marco Mellia, Maurizio M. Munafò, Zoltán Zsóka: A New Class of QoS Routing Strategies Based on Network Graph Reduction. INFOCOM 2002
10 Andrea Bianco, Emilio Leonardi, Maurizio M. Munafò, Fabio Neri: Supporting TCP connections in wormhole routing and ATM networks. Computer Communications 24(9): 833-849 (2001)
9 Marco Ajmone Marsan, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Andrea Fumagalli, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio M. Munafò: Local and Global Handovers Based on In-Band Signaling in Wireless ATM Networks. Wireless Networks 7(4): 425-436 (2001)
8 Marco Ajmone Marsan, K. Begain, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio M. Munafò: Stop & go ABR: a simple algorithm for the implementation of best effort services in ATM Lans. Broadband Communications 1998: 511-522
7 Marco Ajmone Marsan, Andrea Bianco, Claudio Casetti, P. Castelli, Renato Lo Cigno, Marco Mellia, Maurizio M. Munafò: A CAC Algoriothm for ATM Networks Supporting Different QoS Classes. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1997: 286-305
6 Marco Ajmone Marsan, Andrea Bianco, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio M. Munafò: Four standard control theory approaches for the implementation of RRM ABR services. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1996: 259-279
5 Marco Ajmone Marsan, Mario Baldi, Andrea Bianco, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio M. Munafò: Simulation analysis of TCP and XTP file transfers in ATM networks. Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1996: 29-46
4 Marco Ajmone Marsan, Andrea Bianco, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio M. Munafò: Some simulation results about TCP connections in ATM networks. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1995: 175-194
3 Marco Ajmone Marsan, Andrea Bianco, Tien Van Do, László Jereb, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio M. Munafò: ATM Simulation with CLASS. Perform. Eval. 24(1-2): 137-159 (1995)
2 Marco Ajmone Marsan, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio M. Munafò, Alberto Tonietti: Simulation Of ATM Computer Networks with Class. Computer Performance Evaluation 1994: 159-179
1 Marco Ajmone Marsan, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio M. Munafò, Alberto Tonietti: A Source Model for Connectionless Traffic in B-ISDN. HPN 1994: 297-313

Coauthor Index

1Mario Baldi [5]
2K. Begain [8]
3Giuseppe Bianchi [14]
4Andrea Bianco [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10]
5Claudio Casetti [7] [11] [12]
6P. Castelli [7]
7Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini [9]
8Renato Lo Cigno [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
9Rene L. Cruz [15]
10Tien Van Do [3]
11Andrea Fumagalli [9]
12László Jereb [3]
13Emilio Leonardi [10]
14Marco Listanti [14]
15Marco Ajmone Marsan [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13]
16Marco Mellia [7] [11] [12]
17Michela Meo [13] [14]
18S. Muthukrishnan (S. Muthu Muthukrishnan) [15]
19Fabio Neri [10]
20Antonio Nucci [15]
21Supranamaya Ranjan [15]
22Shaleen Shah [15]
23Alberto Tonietti [1] [2]
24Zoltán Zsóka [11] [12]

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