
Toru Hasegawa

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30 Kenji Suzuki, Teruo Higashino, Andreas Ulrich, Toru Hasegawa: Testing of Software and Communicating Systems, 20th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1 International Conference, TestCom 2008, 8th International Workshop, FATES 2008, Tokyo, Japan, June 10-13, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
29EEYuichiro Hei, Tomohiko Ogishi, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa: IP Network Failure Identification Based on the Detailed Analysis of OSPF LSA Flooding. IEICE Transactions 91-B(5): 1320-1330 (2008)
28EETsutomu Kojima, Toru Hasegawa, Munechika Misumi, Tsuyoshi Nakamura: Risk analysis of software process measurements. Software Quality Journal 16(3): 361-376 (2008)
27EETomohiko Ogishi, Yuichiro Hei, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa: Empirical Study on Inferring BGP Routing Instability and its Location Based on Single Point Observation. ICC 2007: 131-138
26EEAtsuo Tachibana, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa, Masato Tsuru, Yuji Oie: Locating Congested Segments on the Internet by Clustering the Delay Performance of Multiple Paths. ICC 2007: 293-300
25EEYuichiro Hei, Tomohiko Ogishi, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa: OSPF Failure Identification based on LSA Flooding Analysis. Integrated Network Management 2007: 717-720
24EEAtsushi Tagami, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa: Evaluation of P2P-Based Internet Measurement System on Loss Tolerance to Measurement Results. SAINT Workshops 2007: 78
23EEAtsuo Tachibana, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa, Masato Tsuru, Yuji Oie: Locating Congested Segments over the Internet Based on Multiple End-to-End Path Measurements. IEICE Transactions 89-B(4): 1099-1109 (2006)
22EEKazuhiro Kamimura, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Haruo Hoshino, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa: A Practical Multicast Transmission Control Method for Multi-channel HDTV IP Broadcasting System. PCM (2) 2005: 429-440
21EEAtsuo Tachibana, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa, Masato Tsuru, Yuji Oie: Empirical Study on Locating Congested Segments over the Internet Based on Multiple End-to-End Path Measurements. SAINT 2005: 342-351
20EEAtsushi Tagami, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Toru Hasegawa: Analysis and Application of Passive Peer Influence on Peer-to-Peer Inter-Domain Traffic. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2004: 142-150
19 Lin Wang, W. Melody Moh, Toru Hasegawa, Shigehiro Ano: A Two Layer Differentiated Service-Based Protocol for Inter- and Intra-Domain Multicast Routing. Communications in Computing 2003: 65-71
18EETeruyuki Hasegawa, Toru Hasegawa, Mathieu Lagreze: A Mechanism for TCP Performance Enhancement over Asymmetrical Environment. ISCC 2003: 1135-1140
17 Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa, Fumito Kubota: DDoS Attack and Source Detection System for ISP Network. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2002: 118-123
16EEAtsushi Tagami, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Toru Hasegawa, Koji Nakao: OC-48c traffic tester for generating and analyzing long-range dependence traffic. ISCC 2002: 975-982
15EEHidetoshi Yokota, Akira Idoue, Toru Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato: Link layer assisted mobile IP fast handoff method over wireless LAN networks. MOBICOM 2002: 131-139
14 Tomohiko Ogishi, Toru Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato, Kenji Suzuki: A TCP Test System Specifying only Exceptional Packet Sequences. TestCom 2002: 21-38
13 Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa, Nicolas Decre: Experimental TCP Performance Evaluation on Diffserv AF PHBs over ATM SBR Service. Telecommunication Systems 19(3-4): 425-441 (2002)
12EEShigehiro Ano, Nicolas Decre, Toru Hasegawa: Experimental TCP Performance Evaluation on Diffserv Assured Forwarding over ATM SBR Service. ICN (2) 2001: 825-835
11EEFumito Kubota, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato, Takashi Egawa, Koji Hino: Implementation and Evaluation of Active Internetwork System Using Stream Code Based Active Network. ICOIN 2001: 232-239
10EEToru Hasegawa, Shigehiro Ano, Koji Nakao, Fumito Kubota: Programmable Remote Traffic Monitoring Method Using Active Network Approach. IWAN 2001: 49-64
9EEYutaka Miyake, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Toru Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato: Acceleration of TCP Throughput over Satellite-Based Internet Access Using TCP Gateway. ISCC 2000: 245-253
8EETeruyuki Hasegawa, Toru Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato: Implementation and Evaluation of Video Transfer System over Internet with Congestion Control Based on Two Level Rate Control . RTCSA 1999: 141-
7 Toru Hasegawa, M. Yamada, K. Hokamura, K. Yoshiizumi, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato, Linda Galasso, Hiroyuki Fujii: High speed TCP/IP experiment over international ATM test bed. Broadband Communications 1998: 300-311
6 Toru Hasegawa, Akira Idoue, Toshihiko Kato, Kenji Suzuki: Full-Automatic Implementation of Protocol Programs for OSI Application Protocols over ROSE. FORTE 1998: 309-324
5EETeruyuki Hasegawa, Toru Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato: Design and Implementation of Reliable Protocol for Video Data Produced in Real-Time Manner. RTCSA 1998: 200-206
4EETeruyuki Hasegawa, Toru Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato, Kenji Suzuki: A Video Retrieval Protocol with Video Data Prefetch and Packet Retransmission Considering Play-out Dead Line. ICNP 1996: 32-39
3 Hironori Saito, Toru Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Kakuda: Protocol Verification System for SDL Specifications Based on Acyclic Expansion Algorithm and Temporal Logic. FORTE 1991: 511-526
2 Shingo Nomura, Toru Hasegawa, Takashi Takizuka: A LOTOS compiler and process synchronization manager. PSTV 1990: 169-182
1 Toru Hasegawa, Hiroki Horiuchi, Toshihiko Kato, Kenji Suzuki, Yoshiyori Urano: Automatic ADA program generation from protocol specifications based on ESTELLE and ASN.1. ICCC 1988: 181-185

Coauthor Index

1Shigehiro Ano [10] [11] [12] [13] [17] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [29]
2Nicolas Decre [12] [13]
3Takashi Egawa [11]
4Hiroyuki Fujii [7]
5Linda Galasso [7]
6Teruyuki Hasegawa [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [16] [18] [20] [22] [24]
7Yuichiro Hei [25] [27] [29]
8Teruo Higashino [30]
9Koji Hino [11]
10K. Hokamura [7]
11Hiroki Horiuchi [1]
12Haruo Hoshino [22]
13Akira Idoue [6] [15]
14Yoshiaki Kakuda [3]
15Kazuhiro Kamimura [22]
16Toshihiko Kato [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [14] [15]
17Tsutomu Kojima [28]
18Fumito Kubota [10] [11] [17]
19Mathieu Lagreze [18]
20Munechika Misumi [28]
21Yutaka Miyake [9]
22W. Melody Moh [19]
23Tsuyoshi Nakamura [28]
24Koji Nakao [10] [16]
25Shingo Nomura [2]
26Tomohiko Ogishi [14] [25] [27] [29]
27Yuji Oie [21] [23] [26]
28Hironori Saito [3]
29Kenji Suzuki [1] [4] [6] [14] [30]
30Atsuo Tachibana [21] [23] [26]
31Atsushi Tagami [16] [20] [24]
32Takashi Takizuka [2]
33Masato Tsuru [21] [23] [26]
34Andreas Ulrich [30]
35Yoshiyori Urano [1]
36Lin Wang [19]
37M. Yamada [7]
38Hidetoshi Yokota [15]
39K. Yoshiizumi [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)