
Jonathan M. Pitts

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8EEQiang Yang, Jonathan M. Pitts: Guaranteeing Enterprise VoIP QoS with Novel Approach to DiffServ AF Configuration. ICC 2007: 640-645
7EEDavid K. Arrowsmith, Raul J. Mondragón, Jonathan M. Pitts, Matthew Woolf: Internet packet traffic congestion. ISCAS (3) 2003: 746-749
6EELester T. W. Ho, Louis G. Samuel, Jonathan M. Pitts: Applying emergent self-organizing behavior for the coordination of 4G networks using complexity metrics. Bell Labs Technical Journal 8(1): 5-25 (2003)
5EEJohn A. Schormans, Enjie Liu, Laurie G. Cuthbert, Jonathan M. Pitts: A hybrid technique for accelerated simulation of ATM networks and network elements. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 11(2): 182-205 (2001)
4 Raul J. Mondragón, David K. Arrowsmith, Jonathan M. Pitts: Chaotic maps for traffic modelling and queueing performance analysis. Perform. Eval. 43(4): 223-240 (2001)
3 Louis G. Samuel, Jonathan M. Pitts, Raul J. Mondragón, David K. Arrowsmith: The MAPS control paradigm: using chaotic maps to control telecoms networks. Broadband Communications 1998: 371-382
2 J. M. Griffiths, Jonathan M. Pitts: Markov chain animation technique applied to ATM bandwidth derivation and tandem switches. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1995: 327-341
1 Miltiades E. Anagnostou, Laurie G. Cuthbert, Tassos D. Lyratzis, Jonathan M. Pitts: Economic Evaluation of a Mature ATM Network. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 10(9): 1503-1509 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Miltiades E. Anagnostou [1]
2David K. Arrowsmith [3] [4] [7]
3Laurie G. Cuthbert [1] [5]
4J. M. Griffiths [2]
5Lester T. W. Ho [6]
6Enjie Liu [5]
7Tassos D. Lyratzis [1]
8Raul J. Mondragón [3] [4] [7]
9Louis G. Samuel [3] [6]
10John A. Schormans [5]
11Matthew Woolf [7]
12Qiang Yang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)