2009 |
53 | EE | Luca Abeni,
Csaba Király,
Renato Lo Cigno:
On the Optimal Scheduling of Streaming Applications in Unstructured Meshes.
Networking 2009: 117-130 |
2008 |
52 | EE | Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh,
Enrique Alba,
Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini,
Renato Lo Cigno:
Guest Editorial.
Computer Networks 52(1): 1-3 (2008) |
51 | EE | Damiano Carra,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Ernst W. Biersack:
Stochastic Graph Processes for Performance Evaluation of Content Delivery Applications in Overlay Networks.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(2): 247-261 (2008) |
50 | EE | Viet Thang Nguyen,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Yoram Ofek:
Tunable laser-based design and analysis for fractional lambda switches.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(6): 957-967 (2008) |
2007 |
49 | EE | Renato Lo Cigno,
Luigi Palopoli,
Alessio Colombo:
Analysis of Different Scheduling Strategies in 802.11e Networks with Multi-Class Traffic.
LCN 2007: 455-462 |
48 | EE | Damiano Carra,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Ernst W. Biersack:
Graph Based Modeling of P2P Streaming Systems.
Networking 2007: 594-605 |
47 | EE | Ernst W. Biersack,
Damiano Carra,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Pablo Rodriguez,
Pascal Felber:
Overlay architectures for file distribution: Fundamental performance analysis for homogeneous and heterogeneous cases.
Computer Networks 51(3): 901-917 (2007) |
46 | EE | Damiano Carra,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Ernst W. Biersack:
Graph Based Analysis of Mesh Overlay Streaming Systems.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(9): 1667-1677 (2007) |
2006 |
45 | | Enrique Alba,
Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini,
Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh,
Renato Lo Cigno:
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, MSWiM 2006, Terromolinos, Spain, October 2-6, 2006
ACM 2006 |
44 | EE | Damiano Carra,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Ernst W. Biersack:
Content Delivery in Overlay Networks: a Stochastic Graph Processes Perspective.
43 | EE | Damiano Carra,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Ernst W. Biersack:
Fast Stochastic Analysis of P2P File Distribution Architectures.
42 | EE | Viet Thang Nguyen,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Yoram Ofek:
Design and Analysis of Tunable Laser-Based Fractional l Switching (FlS).
INFOCOM 2006 |
41 | EE | Roberto Battiti,
Marco Conti,
Renato Lo Cigno:
Internet Wireless Access: 802.11 and Beyond.
MONET 11(2): 213-214 (2006) |
40 | EE | E. Salvadori,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Zoltán Zsóka:
Dynamic grooming in IP over optical networks based on the overlay architecture.
Optical Switching and Networking 3(2): 118-133 (2006) |
2005 |
39 | | Sunghyun Choi,
Milind M. Buddhikot,
Renato Lo Cigno:
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots, WMASH 2005, Cologne, Germany, September 2, 2005
ACM 2005 |
38 | EE | Paola Laface,
Damiano Carra,
Renato Lo Cigno:
A Performance Model for Multimedia Services Provisioning on Network Interfaces.
QoS-IP 2005: 286-299 |
37 | EE | Renato Lo Cigno,
Gregorio Procissi,
Mario Gerla:
Sender-Side TCP Modifications: Performance Analysis and Design Guidelines.
Cluster Computing 8(1): 35-45 (2005) |
36 | EE | Luca Muscariello,
Marco Mellia,
Michela Meo,
Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Renato Lo Cigno:
Markov models of internet traffic and a new hierarchical MMPP model.
Computer Communications 28(16): 1835-1851 (2005) |
35 | EE | Marco Mellia,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Fabio Neri:
Measuring IP and TCP behavior on edge nodes with Tstat.
Computer Networks 47(1): 1-21 (2005) |
34 | EE | Roberto Battiti,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Mikalai Sabel,
Fredrik Orava,
Björn Pehrson:
Wireless LANs: From WarChalking to Open Access Networks.
MONET 10(3): 275-287 (2005) |
33 | EE | Csaba Király,
Michele Garetto,
Michela Meo,
Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Renato Lo Cigno:
Analytical computation of completion time distributions of short-lived TCP connections.
Perform. Eval. 59: 179-197 (2005) |
2004 |
32 | | Roberto Battiti,
Marco Conti,
Renato Lo Cigno:
Wireless On-Demand Network Systems, First IFIP TC6 Working Conference, WONS 2004, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, January 21-23, 2004, Proceedings
Springer 2004 |
31 | EE | Michele Garetto,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo,
Marco Ajmone Marsan:
Modeling short-lived TCP connections with open multiclass queuing networks.
Computer Networks 44(2): 153-176 (2004) |
30 | EE | Michele Garetto,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo,
Marco Ajmone Marsan:
Closed queueing network models of interacting long-lived TCP flows.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(2): 300-311 (2004) |
2003 |
29 | EE | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Michele Garetto,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo:
Colored GSPN Models for the QoS Design of Internet Subnets.
ICATPN 2003: 36 |
28 | EE | Roberto Battiti,
Mauro Brunato,
Renato Lo Cigno,
A. Villani,
R. Flor,
G. Lazzari:
WILMA: An Open Lab for 802.11 HotSpots: Extended abstract.
PWC 2003: 163-168 |
27 | EE | Marco Mellia,
Andrea Carpani,
Renato Lo Cigno:
TStat: TCP STatistic and Analysis Tool.
QoS-IP 2003: 145-157 |
26 | EE | Roberta Fracchia,
Michele Garetto,
Renato Lo Cigno:
A Queueing Network Model of Short-Lived TCP Flows with Mixed Wired and Wireless Access Links.
QoS-IP 2003: 392-404 |
25 | EE | Marco Bagnus,
Renato Lo Cigno:
TCP-SACK Analysis and Improvement through OMQN Models.
QoS-IP 2003: 405-418 |
24 | EE | Roberto Battiti,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Fredrik Orava,
Björn Pehrson:
Global growth of open access networks: from warchalking and connection sharing to sustainable business.
WMASH 2003: 19-28 |
23 | EE | Claudio Casetti,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Marco Mellia,
Maurizio M. Munafò,
Zoltán Zsóka:
A new class of QoS routing strategies based on network graph reduction.
Computer Networks 41(4): 475-487 (2003) |
2002 |
22 | EE | Claudio Casetti,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Marco Mellia,
Maurizio M. Munafò,
Zoltán Zsóka:
A New Class of QoS Routing Strategies Based on Network Graph Reduction.
INFOCOM 2002 |
21 | EE | Renato Lo Cigno,
Gregorio Procissi,
Mario Gerla:
Sender-Side TCP Modifications: An Analytical Study.
NETWORKING 2002: 600-611 |
20 | EE | Michele Garetto,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo,
E. Alessio,
Marco Ajmone Marsan:
Modeling Short-Lived TCP Connections with Open Multiclass Queuing Networks.
Protocols for High-Speed Networks 2002: 100-116 |
19 | EE | Franco Blanchini,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Roberto Tempo:
Robust rate control for integrated services packet networks.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(5): 644-652 (2002) |
2001 |
18 | EE | Michele Garetto,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo,
Marco Ajmone Marsan:
A Detailed and Accurate Closed Queueing Network Model of Many Interacting TCP Flows.
INFOCOM 2001: 1706-1715 |
17 | EE | Michele Garetto,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo,
Marco Ajmone Marsan:
On the Use of Queueing Network Models to Predict the Performance of TCP Connections.
IWDC 2001: 536-555 |
16 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
G. de Carolis,
Emilio Leonardi,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo:
Efficient estimation of call blocking probabilities in cellular mobile telephony networks with customer retrials.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19(2): 332-346 (2001) |
15 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini,
Andrea Fumagalli,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Maurizio M. Munafò:
Local and Global Handovers Based on In-Band Signaling in Wireless ATM Networks.
Wireless Networks 7(4): 425-436 (2001) |
2000 |
14 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
G. de Carolis,
Emilio Leonardi,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo:
Approximate Markovian Models of Cellular Mobile Telephone Networks with Customer Retrials.
ICC (1) 2000: 356-361 |
13 | EE | Claudio Casetti,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Marco Mellia:
Load-balancing solutions for static routing schemes in ATM networks.
Computer Networks 34(1): 169-180 (2000) |
12 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
G. de Carolis,
Emilio Leonardi,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo:
An approximate model for the computation of blocking probabilities in cellular networks with repeated calls.
Telecommunication Systems 15(1-2): 53-62 (2000) |
1999 |
11 | | Renato Lo Cigno,
Mario Gerla:
Modeling Window Based Congestion Control Protocols with Many Flows.
Perform. Eval. 36-37(1-4): 289-306 (1999) |
10 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Edmundo de Souza e Silva,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Michela Meo:
A Markovian model for TCP over ATM.
Telecommunication Systems 12(4): 341-368 (1999) |
1998 |
9 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
K. Begain,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Maurizio M. Munafò:
Stop & go ABR: a simple algorithm for the implementation of best effort services in ATM Lans.
Broadband Communications 1998: 511-522 |
1997 |
8 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Andrea Bianco,
Claudio Casetti,
P. Castelli,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Marco Mellia,
Maurizio M. Munafò:
A CAC Algoriothm for ATM Networks Supporting Different QoS Classes.
Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1997: 286-305 |
1996 |
7 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Andrea Bianco,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Maurizio M. Munafò:
Four standard control theory approaches for the implementation of RRM ABR services.
Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1996: 259-279 |
6 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Mario Baldi,
Andrea Bianco,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Maurizio M. Munafò:
Simulation analysis of TCP and XTP file transfers in ATM networks.
Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1996: 29-46 |
1995 |
5 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Andrea Bianco,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Maurizio M. Munafò:
Some simulation results about TCP connections in ATM networks.
Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1995: 175-194 |
4 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Andrea Bianco,
Tien Van Do,
László Jereb,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Maurizio M. Munafò:
ATM Simulation with CLASS.
Perform. Eval. 24(1-2): 137-159 (1995) |
1994 |
3 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Maurizio M. Munafò,
Alberto Tonietti:
Simulation Of ATM Computer Networks with Class.
Computer Performance Evaluation 1994: 159-179 |
2 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Renato Lo Cigno,
Maurizio M. Munafò,
Alberto Tonietti:
A Source Model for Connectionless Traffic in B-ISDN.
HPN 1994: 297-313 |
1 | | Marco Ajmone Marsan,
Tien Van Do,
László Jereb,
Renato Lo Cigno,
R. Pasquali,
Alberto Tonietti:
Simulation of traffic shaping algorithms in ATM networks.
Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1994: 105-132 |