
Jorge García

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21EERafael Paoliello-Guimarães, Llorenç Cerdà, José M. Barceló, Jorge García, Michael Voorhaen, Chris Blondia: Quality of service through bandwidth reservation on multirate ad hoc wireless networks. Ad Hoc Networks 7(2): 388-400 (2009)
20EEIsabel A. Nepomuceno-Chamorro, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz, Norberto Díaz-Díaz, Domingo S. Rodríguez-Baena, Jorge García: A Deterministic Model to Infer Gene Networks from Microarray Data. IDEAL 2007: 850-859
19EEJavier Verdú, Jorge García, Mario Nemirovsky, Mateo Valero: The impact of traffic aggregation on the memory performance of networking applications. J. Embedded Computing 2(1): 77-82 (2006)
18EEJavier Verdú, Jorge García, Mario Nemirovsky, Mateo Valero: Architectural impact of stateful networking applications. ANCS 2005: 11-18
17EERaimir Holanda, Javier Verdú, Jorge García, Mateo Valero: Performance Analysis of a New Packet Trace Compressor based on TCP Flow Clustering. ISPASS 2005: 219-225
16EEJavier Verdú, Jorge García, Mario Nemirovsky, Mateo Valero: The impact of traffic aggregation on the memory performance of networking applications. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 33(3): 57-62 (2005)
15EELlorenç Cerdà, Michael Voorhaen, Rafael Paoliello-Guimarães, José M. Barceló, Jorge García, Chris Blondia: A Reservation Scheme Satisfying Bandwidth QoS Constraints for Ad-Hoc Networks. EuroNGI Workshop 2004: 176-188
14 Raimir Holanda, Jorge García, Virgilio Almeida: Flow Clustering: A New Approach to Semantic Traffic Characterization. MMB 2004: 315-324
13EEJorge García, Jesús Corbal, Llorenç Cerdà, Mateo Valero: Design and Implementation of High-Performance Memory Systems for Future Packet Buffers. MICRO 2003: 373-386
12 Benny Van Houdt, Chris Blondia, Olga Casals, Jorge García: Performance Analysis of a MAC Protocol for Broadband Wireless ATM Networks with Quality of Service Provisioning. Journal of Interconnection Networks 2(1): 103-130 (2001)
11EEBenny Van Houdt, Chris Blondia, Olga Casals, Jorge García: Packet Level Performance Characteristics of a MAC Protocol for Wireless ATM LANs. LCN 1999: 14-23
10EEBenny Van Houdt, Chris Blondia, Olga Casals, Jorge García, D. Vazquez: Performance Evaluation of a MAC Protocol for Wireless ATM Networks Supporting the ATM Service Categories. WOWMOM 1999: 10-17
9 David Vázquez-Cortizo, Jorge García, Chris Blondia, Benny Van Houdt: FIFO by Sets ALOHA (FS-ALOHA): A Collision Resolution Algorithm for the Contention Channel in Wireless ATM Systems. Perform. Eval. 36-37(1-4): 401-427 (1999)
8 David Vázquez-Cortizo, Jorge García: A collision resolution algorithm for ad-hoc wireless LANs. Broadband Communications 1998: 119-130
7 José M. Barceló, Jorge García: Multiplexing periodic sources in a tree network of ATM multiplexers. Broadband Communications 1998: 577-588
6 Jorge García, José M. Barceló, Olga Casals: An exact model for the multiplexing of worst case traffic sources. Data Communications and their Performance 1995: 3-17
5 Llorenç Cerdà, Jorge García, Olga Casals: A study of the fairness of the fast reservation protocol. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1995: 400-413
4 Jorge García, Olga Casals: A Discrete Time Queueing Model to Study the Cell Delay Variation in an ATM Network. Perform. Eval. 21(1-2): 3-22 (1994)
3 Olga Casals, Jorge García, Chris Blondia: A Medium Access Control Protocol for an ATM Access Network. Data Communication Networks and their Performance 1993: 289-308
2 Jorge García, Olga Casals: Approximate Analysis of Statistical Multiplexing of Variable Bit Rate and Constant Bit Rate Sources. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1993: 137-155
1 Jorge García, Olga Casals: Space priority mechanisms with bursty traffic. Performance of Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication Networks 1991: 393-412

Coauthor Index

1Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz [20]
2Virgílio A. F. Almeida (Virgilio Almeida) [14]
3José M. Barceló [6] [7] [15] [21]
4Chris Blondia [3] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [21]
5Olga Casals [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [10] [11] [12]
6Llorenç Cerdà [5] [13] [15] [21]
7Jesús Corbal [13]
8Norberto Díaz-Díaz [20]
9Raimir Holanda [14] [17]
10Benny Van Houdt [9] [10] [11] [12]
11Mario Nemirovsky [16] [18] [19]
12Isabel A. Nepomuceno-Chamorro [20]
13Rafael Paoliello-Guimarães [15] [21]
14Domingo S. Rodríguez-Baena [20]
15Mateo Valero [13] [16] [17] [18] [19]
16D. Vazquez [10]
17David Vázquez-Cortizo [8] [9]
18Javier Verdú [16] [17] [18] [19]
19Michael Voorhaen [15] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)