
Stewart A. Schuster

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15 Stewart A. Schuster: Experience with the Relational Database Model (Panel). IFIP Congress 1986: 405-406
14EEStanley Y. W. Su, Hsu Chang, George P. Copeland, Paul Fisher, Eugene I. Lowenthal, Stewart A. Schuster: Database machines and some issues on DBMS standards. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1980: 191-208
13 Stewart A. Schuster, H. B. Nguyen, Esen A. Ozkarahan, Kenneth C. Smith: RAP.2 - An Associative Processor for Databases and Its Applications. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(6): 446-458 (1979)
12EEPaul J. Sadowski, Stewart A. Schuster: Exploiting Parallelism in a Relational Associative Processor. Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing 1978: 99-109
11 Stewart A. Schuster, H. B. Nguyen, Esen A. Ozkarahan, Kenneth C. Smith: RAP.2 - An Associative Processor for Data Bases. ISCA 1978: 52-59
10EEEsen A. Ozkarahan, Stewart A. Schuster, Kenneth C. Sevcik: Performance Evaluation of a Relational Associative Processor. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(2): 175-195 (1977)
9EEStewart A. Schuster, Esen A. Ozkarahan, Kenneth C. Smith: A virtual memory system for a relational associative processor. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1976: 855-862
8 Stewart A. Schuster: The Case for a Parallel-Associative Approach to Data Base Machine Architectures. Berkeley Workshop 1976: 365-
7EEEsen A. Ozkarahan, Stewart A. Schuster, Kenneth C. Sevcik: Performance Evaluation of a Relational Associative Processor - Abstract. SIGIR Forum 10(4): 24 (1976)
6EEStewart A. Schuster, Kenneth C. Sevcik, Kenneth C. Smith: A Virtual Memory System for a Relational Associative Processor - Abstract. SIGIR Forum 10(4): 25-26 (1976)
5 B. Czarnik, Stewart A. Schuster, Dennis Tsichritzis: ZETA: A Relational Data Base Management System. ACM Pacific 1975: 21-25
4EEEsen A. Ozkarahan, Stewart A. Schuster, Kenneth C. Smith: RAP - An Associative Processor for Database Management. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1975: 379-387
3EEJohn Mylopoulos, Stewart A. Schuster, Dennis Tsichritzis: A multi-level relational system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1975: 403-408
2EEGilles Farley, Stewart A. Schuster: Query Execution and Index Selection for Relational Data Bases. VLDB 1975: 519
1EEStewart A. Schuster: Optimal contiguous area location in geographical parcel configurations. Computers & OR 2(2): 101-108 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Hsu Chang [14]
2George P. Copeland [14]
3B. Czarnik [5]
4Gilles Farley [2]
5Paul Fisher [14]
6Eugene I. Lowenthal [14]
7John Mylopoulos [3]
8H. B. Nguyen [11] [13]
9Esen A. Ozkarahan [4] [7] [9] [10] [11] [13]
10Paul J. Sadowski [12]
11Kenneth C. Sevcik [6] [7] [10]
12Kenneth C. Smith [4] [6] [9] [11] [13]
13Stanley Y. W. Su [14]
14Dennis Tsichritzis [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)