
Bertram Raphael

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7EEBertram Raphael: Innovative applications of computer science. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1975: 771
6 Daniel G. Bobrow, Bertram Raphael: New Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence Research. ACM Comput. Surv. 6(3): 153-174 (1974)
5 Robert A. Yates, Bertram Raphael, Timothy P. Hart: Resolution Graphs. Artif. Intell. 1(4): 257-289 (1970)
4 Bertram Raphael: Programming a robot. IFIP Congress (2) 1968: 1575-1581
3EEBertram Raphael: The structure of programming languages. Commun. ACM 9(2): 67-71 (1966)
2EEBertram Raphael: The structure of programming languages. Commun. ACM 9(3): 155-156 (1966)
1EEDaniel G. Bobrow, Bertram Raphael: A comparison of list-processing computer languages: including a detailed comparison of COMIT, IPL-V, LISP 1.5, and SLIP. Commun. ACM 7(4): 231-240 (1964)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel G. Bobrow [1] [6]
2Timothy P. Hart [5]
3Robert A. Yates [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)