
James B. Rothnie Jr.

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14EEPhilip A. Bernstein, Nathan Goodman, Eugene Wong, Christopher L. Reeve, James B. Rothnie Jr.: Query Processing in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1). ACM Trans. Database Syst. 6(4): 602-625 (1981)
13EEGeorges Gardarin, Nathan Goodman, Bruce G. Lindsay, Rudolf Munz, James B. Rothnie Jr.: Distributed Database Systems. VLDB 1980: 201-202
12EEJames B. Rothnie Jr., Philip A. Bernstein, Stephen Fox, Nathan Goodman, Michael Hammer, Terry A. Landers, Christopher L. Reeve, David W. Shipman, Eugene Wong: Introduction to a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1). ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(1): 1-17 (1980)
11EEPhilip A. Bernstein, David W. Shipman, James B. Rothnie Jr.: Concurrency Control in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1). ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(1): 18-51 (1980)
10EEJames B. Rothnie Jr.: Distributed Database Management. VLDB 1978: 88
9 James B. Rothnie Jr.: Issues in Distributed Database Management Systems: A Technical Overview. VLDB Surveys 1978: 167-170
8 Philip A. Bernstein, James B. Rothnie Jr., Nathan Goodman, Christos H. Papadimitriou: The Concurrency Control Mechanism of SDD-1: A System for Distributed Databases (The Fully Redundant Case). IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 4(3): 154-168 (1978)
7 James B. Rothnie Jr., Nathan Goodman: An Overview of the Preliminary Design of SDD-1: A System for Distributed Databases. Berkeley Workshop 1977: 39-57
6EEJames B. Rothnie Jr., Nathan Goodman: A Survey of Research and Development in Distributed Database Management. VLDB 1977: 48-62
5 James B. Rothnie Jr.: Proceedings of the 1976 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Washington, D.C., June 2-4, 1976. ACM 1976
4EEJames B. Rothnie Jr.: Evaluating inter-entry retrieval expressions in a relational data base management system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1975: 417-423
3EEJames B. Rothnie Jr.: An Approach to Implementing a Relational Data Management System. SIGMOD Workshop, Vol. 1 1974: 277-294
2 James B. Rothnie Jr., Tomas Lozano: Attribute Based File Organization in a Paged Memory Environment. Commun. ACM 17(2): 63-69 (1974)
1EEJames B. Rothnie Jr.: Review: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Computer Related Information System Symposium, 1974. FDT - Bulletin of ACM SIGMOD 6(3): 43-44 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Philip A. Bernstein [8] [11] [12] [14]
2Stephen Fox [12]
3Georges Gardarin [13]
4Nathan Goodman [6] [7] [8] [12] [13] [14]
5Michael Hammer [12]
6Terry A. Landers [12]
7Bruce G. Lindsay [13]
8Tomas Lozano [2]
9Rudolf Munz [13]
10Christos H. Papadimitriou [8]
11Christopher L. Reeve [12] [14]
12David W. Shipman [11] [12]
13Eugene Wong [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)