
William C. Mann

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16EESumi Helal, William C. Mann, Hicham El-Zabadani, Jeffrey King, Youssef Kaddoura, Erwin Jansen: The Gator Tech Smart House: A Programmable Pervasive Space. IEEE Computer 38(3): 50-60 (2005)
15EEWilliam C. Mann, Sumi Helal: Pervasive Computing Research on Aging, Disability and Independence. SAINT Workshops 2004: 244-248
14EEAbdelsalam Helal, Bryon Winkler, Choonhwa Lee, Youssef Kaddoura, Lisa Ran, Carlos Giraldo, Sree Kuchibhotla, William C. Mann: Enabling Location-Aware Pervasive Computing Applications for the Edlerly. PerCom 2003: 531-
13EEWilliam C. Mann, Sandra A. Thompson: Assertions from Discourse Structure. HLT 1986
12EEWilliam C. Mann: Discourse Structures for Text Generation. COLING 1984: 367-375
11 William C. Mann: An Overview of the Penman Text Generation System. AAAI 1983: 261-265
10EEWilliam C. Mann: Inquiry Semantics: A Functional Semantics of Natural Language Grammar. EACL 1983: 165-174
9EEWilliam C. Mann: The Anatomy of a Systemic Choice. COLING 1982: 195-200
8 William C. Mann: Text Generation. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 8(2): 62-69 (1982)
7 William C. Mann, James A. Moore: Computer Generation of Multiparagraph English Text. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 7(1): 17-29 (1981)
6 David J. Weber, William C. Mann: Prospects for Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 7(3): 165-177 (1981)
5EEJames A. Moore, William C. Mann: A Snapshot of KDS. A Knowledge Delivery System. ACL 1979
4EEWilliam C. Mann: Design for Dialogue Comprehension. ACL 1979
3EEDavid J. Weber, William C. Mann: Prospects for Computer-Assisted Dialect Adaption. ACL 1979
2 William C. Mann, James A. Moore, J. A. Levin: A Comprehension Model for Human Dialogue. IJCAI 1977: 77-87
1EEWilliam C. Mann: Why things are so bad for the computer-naive user. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1975: 785-787

Coauthor Index

1Hicham El-Zabadani [16]
2Carlos Giraldo [14]
3Abdelsalam Helal (Sumi Helal) [14] [15] [16]
4Erwin Jansen [16]
5Youssef Kaddoura [14] [16]
6Jeffrey King [16]
7Sree Kuchibhotla [14]
8Choonhwa Lee [14]
9J. A. Levin [2]
10James A. Moore [2] [5] [7]
11Lisa Ran [14]
12Sandra A. Thompson [13]
13David J. Weber [3] [6]
14Bryon Winkler [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)