
Jie Shen

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38EEHanlin Deng, Jie Shen, Baoxian Zhang, Jun Zheng, Jian Ma, Haitao Liu: Performance Analysis for Optimal Hybrid Medium Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 203-207
37EEJie Shen, Kun He, Liu-hua Wei, Lei Bi, Rong-shuang Sun, Fa-yan Xu: State Information-based Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm. ICNSC 2008: 630-635
36 Xin Chen, Jianli Zhang, Jie Shen: Tetrahedral Mesh Generation of Human Caridiac Model from Imaging Dataset. MSV 2008: 26-31
35EEBen-yu Guo, Jie Shen: Irrational approximations and their applications to partial differential equations in exterior domains, . Adv. Comput. Math. 28(3): 237-267 (2008)
34EEJuan-Ming Yuan, Jie Shen, Jiahong Wu: A Dual-Petrov-Galerkin Method for the Kawahara-Type Equations. J. Sci. Comput. 34(1): 48-63 (2008)
33EEJie Shen, Xianlong Jin: Structural improvement for solder joint failure in ultrasonic plastic assembly. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(7): 848-857 (2008)
32 Jie Shen, David Yoon: Surface Remeshing by an Optimal Vonoroi Sphere Marching and Local Constrained Delaunay Triangulation. CGVR 2007: 121-127
31 Jie Shen, Devis Shehu: Viewpoint Selection for Detecting Surface Distortion. CGVR 2007: 128-132
30 Huahao Shou, Jie Shen, David Yoon: Numerical Computation of Singular and Inflection Points on Planar Algebraic Curves. CGVR 2007: 133-140
29EELi-Ping Pang, Jie Shen, Wei Wang: Two parallel distribution algorithms for convex constrained minimization problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 186(2): 1762-1771 (2007)
28EEZhen-Jun Shi, Jie Shen: Convergence of Liu-Storey conjugate gradient method. European Journal of Operational Research 182(2): 552-560 (2007)
27EEJie Shen, Ying Lin, Gui-Rong Xue, Fan-De Zhu, Ai-Guo Yao: IRFCF: Iterative Rating Filling Collaborative Filtering Algorithm. APWeb 2006: 862-867
26 Yuqing Song, Jie Shen, David Yoon: A Bipolar Model for Region Simplification. CGVR 2006: 147-160
25 Jie Shen, Yuqing Song, David Yoon, ShengDong Liu: Hybrid Surface Partitioning of Finite Element Meshes. CGVR 2006: 182-188
24 Jie Shen, David Yoon, Yuqing Song, Huahao Shou, ShengDong Liu: Repairing Polygonal Meshes for Volume Meshing. CGVR 2006: 189-195
23 Huahao Shou, Wenhao Song, Jie Shen, Ralph Martin, Guojin Wang: A Recursive Taylor Method for Ray Casting Algebraic Surfaces. CGVR 2006: 196-204
22EEXiaoyun Zhang, Xianlong Jin, Jie Shen: Virtual Reconstruction of Two Types of Traffic Accident by the Tire Marks. ICAT 2006: 1128-1135
21EEZhen-Jun Shi, Jie Shen: On step-size estimation of line search methods. Applied Mathematics and Computation 173(1): 360-371 (2006)
20EEZhen-Jun Shi, Jie Shen: A new class of supermemory gradient methods. Applied Mathematics and Computation 183(2): 748-760 (2006)
19EECajetan M. Akujuobi, Jie Shen, M. N. O. Sadiku: A new parallel greedy bit-loading algorithm with fairness for multiple users in a DMT system. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(8): 1374-1380 (2006)
18EEBen-yu Guo, Jie Shen, Li-lian Wang: Optimal Spectral-Galerkin Methods Using Generalized Jacobi Polynomials. J. Sci. Comput. 27(1-3): 305-322 (2006)
17EEHuahao Shou, Jie Shen, David Yoon: Robust Plotting of Polar Algebraic Curves, Space Algebraic Curves, and Offsets of Planar Algebraic Curves. Reliable Computing 12(4): 323-335 (2006)
16EEDavid P. Nicholls, Jie Shen: A Stable High-Order Method for Two-Dimensional Bounded-Obstacle Scattering. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 28(4): 1398-1419 (2006)
15EECui-hua Xie, Yun Li, Jie Shen, Jun-jie Cai, Jianli Luo: A Constructing Algorithm of Concept Lattice with Attribute Generalization Based on Cloud Models. CIT 2005: 110-115
14EEZhen-Jun Shi, Jie Shen: A new descent algorithm with curve search rule. Applied Mathematics and Computation 161(3): 753-768 (2005)
13EEZhen-Jun Shi, Jie Shen: Convergence of descent method without line search. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1): 94-107 (2005)
12EEZhen-Jun Shi, Jie Shen: A new super-memory gradient method with curve search rule. Applied Mathematics and Computation 170(1): 1-16 (2005)
11EELi-lian Wang, Jie Shen: Error Analysis for Mapped Jacobi Spectral Methods. J. Sci. Comput. 24(2): 183-218 (2005)
10EELing Chen, Jie Shen, Ling Qin, Jin Fan: A Method for Solving Optimization Problem in Continuous Space Using Improved Ant Colony Algorithm. CASDMKM 2004: 61-70
9EEYuegin Hang, Jie Shen, Yin Lin, Zhao Minya: Context Information Extraction of the Query Based on Single Document. IEEE SCC 2004: 431-434
8EEYouzhi Xu, Jie Shen, Zhimin Chen: Ontology-based Information Retrieval of Web Services in Virtual Enterprise. IEEE SCC 2004: 441-444
7EEJianli Luo, Jie Shen, Cui-hua Xie: Segmenting the Web Document with Document Object Model. IEEE SCC 2004: 449-452
6 J. L. Guermond, Jie Shen: On the error estimates for the rotational pressure-correction projection methods. Math. Comput. 73(248): 1719-1737 (2004)
5EEJie Shen: A Parametrically-Optimized Morphing Scheme of Polygonal Meshes. ICCSA (3) 2003: 931-940
4EEBen-yu Guo, Jie Shen, Cheng-long Xu: Spectral and Pseudospectral Approximations Using Hermite Functions: Application to the Dirac Equation. Adv. Comput. Math. 19(1-3): 35-55 (2003)
3EEJie Shen: Feature-Based Optimization of Beam Structures Represented by Polygonal Meshes. J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. 3(3): 243-249 (2003)
2 Jie Shen, Yee-Hong Yang: Deformable Object Modeling Using the Time-Dependent Finite Element Method. Graphical Models and Image Processing 60(6): 461-487 (1998)
1 Jie Shen: On error estimates of the projection methods for the Navier-Stokes equations: Second-order schemes. Math. Comput. 65(215): 1039-1065 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Cajetan M. Akujuobi [19]
2Lei Bi [37]
3Jun-jie Cai [15]
4Ling Chen [10]
5Xin Chen [36]
6Zhimin Chen [8]
7Hanlin Deng [38]
8Jin Fan [10]
9J. L. Guermond [6]
10Ben-yu Guo [4] [18] [35]
11Yuegin Hang [9]
12Kun He [37]
13Xianlong Jin [22] [33]
14Yun Li [15]
15Yin Lin [9]
16Ying Lin [27]
17Haitao Liu [38]
18ShengDong Liu [24] [25]
19Jianli Luo [7] [15]
20Jian Ma [38]
21Ralph R. Martin (Ralph Martin) [23]
22Zhao Minya [9]
23David P. Nicholls [16]
24Li-Ping Pang [29]
25Ling Qin [10]
26M. N. O. Sadiku [19]
27Devis Shehu [31]
28Zhen-Jun Shi [12] [13] [14] [20] [21] [28]
29Huahao Shou [17] [23] [24] [30]
30Wenhao Song [23]
31Yuqing Song [24] [25] [26]
32Rong-shuang Sun [37]
33Guojin Wang [23]
34Li-lian Wang [11] [18]
35Wei Wang [29]
36Liu-hua Wei [37]
37Jiahong Wu [34]
38Cui-hua Xie [7] [15]
39Cheng-long Xu [4]
40Fa-yan Xu [37]
41Youzhi Xu [8]
42Gui-Rong Xue [27]
43Yee-Hong Yang [2]
44Ai-Guo Yao [27]
45David Yoon [17] [24] [25] [26] [30] [32]
46Juan-Ming Yuan [34]
47Baoxian Zhang [38]
48Jianli Zhang [36]
49Xiaoyun Zhang [22]
50Jun Zheng [38]
51Fan-De Zhu [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)