
Manas Saksena

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19EEManas Saksena, Panagiota Karvelas: Designing for schedulability: integrating schedulability analysis with object-oriented design. ECRTS 2000: 101-108
18EEManas Saksena, Panagiota Karvelas, Yun Wang: Automatic Synthesis of Multi-Tasking Implementations from Real-Time Object-Oriented Models. ISORC 2000: 360-367
17EEDong-In Kang, Richard Gerber, Manas Saksena: Parametric Design Synthesis of Distributed Embedded Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(11): 1155-1169 (2000)
16EEYun Wang, Manas Saksena: Scheduling Fixed-Priority Tasks with Preemption Threshold. RTCSA 1999: 328-
15EEDong-In Kang, Richard Gerber, Leana Golubchik, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Manas Saksena: A Software Synthesis Tool for Distributed Embedded System Design. Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems 1999: 87-95
14 Sarit Mukherjee, Debanjan Saha, Manas Saksena, Satish K. Tripathi: A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Communication on Slotted Shared Medium. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 58(1): 1-25 (1999)
13EEManas Saksena, Alan Ptak, Paul Freedman, Pawel Rodziewicz: Schedulability Analysis for Automated Implementations of Real-Time Object-Oriented Models. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1998: 92-
12EEDong-In Kang, Richard Gerber, Manas Saksena: Performance-Based Design Of Distributed Real-Time System. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1997: 2-13
11EEMinsoo Ryu, Seongsoo Hong, Manas Saksena: Streamlining real-time controller design: From performance specifications to end-to-end timing constraints. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1997: 91-
10EEManas Saksena, Paul Freedman, Pawel Rodziewicz: Guidelines for automated implementation of executable object oriented models for real-time embedded control systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1997: 240-
9EEManas Saksena, Seongsoo Hong: Resource Conscious Design of Distributed Real-Time Systems: An End-to-End Approach. ICECCS 1996: 306-313
8EENamyun Kim, Minsoo Ryu, Seongsoo Hong, Manas Saksena, Chong-Ho Choi, Heonshik Shin: Visual assessment of a real-time system design: a case study on a CNC controller. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1996: 300-310
7 Ashok K. Agrawala, Manas Saksena: Multiple Times in Systems: A Perspective. MASCOTS 1995: 83
6 Richard Gerber, William Pugh, Manas Saksena: Parametric Dispatching of Hard Real-Time Tasks. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(3): 471-479 (1995)
5EERichard Gerber, Seongsoo Hong, Manas Saksena: Guaranteeing Real-Time Requirements With Resource-Based Calibration of Periodic Processes. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(7): 579-592 (1995)
4 Richard Gerber, Seongsoo Hong, Manas Saksena: Guaranteeing End-to-End Timing Constraints by Calibrating Intermediate Processes. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1994: 192-203
3 Debanjan Saha, Manas Saksena, Sarit Mukherjee, Satish K. Tripathi: On Guaranteed Delivery of Time-Critical Messages in DQDB. INFOCOM 1994: 272-279
2 Xiaoping Yuan, Manas Saksena, Ashok K. Agrawala: A Decomposition Approach to Non-Preemptive Real-Time Scheduling. Real-Time Systems 6(1): 7-35 (1994)
1 Sarit Mukherjee, Debanjan Saha, Manas Saksena, Satish K. Tripathi: A Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Time Constrained Message Transmission on a Slotted Ring LAN. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1993: 44-55

Coauthor Index

1Ashok K. Agrawala [2] [7]
2Chong-Ho Choi [8]
3Paul Freedman [10] [13]
4Richard Gerber [4] [5] [6] [12] [15] [17]
5Leana Golubchik [15]
6Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth [15]
7Seongsoo Hong [4] [5] [8] [9] [11]
8Dong-In Kang [12] [15] [17]
9Panagiota Karvelas [18] [19]
10Namyun Kim [8]
11Sarit Mukherjee [1] [3] [14]
12Alan Ptak [13]
13William Pugh [6]
14Pawel Rodziewicz [10] [13]
15Minsoo Ryu [8] [11]
16Debanjan Saha [1] [3] [14]
17Heonshik Shin [8]
18Satish K. Tripathi [1] [3] [14]
19Yun Wang [16] [18]
20Xiaoping Yuan [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)